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About JackBurton

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    New Member
  1. JackBurton

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a Doom 2 wads I used to deathmatch on back in the 90s. This map was a large, grassy courtyard with a complex building in the center (more like a factory than a castle). At each corner of the courtyard was a large box, big enough to enter. The box worked like a two-way mirror. You could see out, but they couldn't see in. So you'd go in there, grab a weapon, then wait for someone else to nervously wander up and get close enough to blast. Here's a stunning recreation: The map was big. I remember the readme recommended at least four players, but we played it with two just fine. The long stretches of courtyard made for awesome rocket launcher fights. I never forgot this map, but I just can't seem to find it.