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The \er

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About The \er

  • Rank
    New Member
  1. GAMESPY IS THE DUMBEST GAMING SITE EVER! First they took over Mplayer and replaced it with the stupid Gamespy Arcade which is the crappiest gaming program ever. Then they took over File Planet, which now has 80 minute lines. If DW ever falls to the evil wrath of Gamespy, I will be very, very angry!!
  2. The \er

    A scene from DOOM (name the level)

    You enter a empty room with green marble and sky on the roof. You proceed up a small stair case to hit a skull switch. As soon as it is touched, a group of Mancubus are revealed. You become desperate and run into a teleporter to escape. Instead of escaping, you are teleported into a room that looks excactly like the one you were just in, and you are again face to face with more mancubus.
  3. The \er

    A scene from DOOM (name the level)

    level 17.. tenements
  4. The \er

    Mega Wads

    no one has answered my question yet... does anyone think that Hell's Curse is going to be a good mega wad? I saw the announcement in the Doomworld news a while back.
  5. The \er

    Mega Wads

    well, if you don't read your writing then you are going to have more mistakes than a old granny behind the wheel of a truck. Edit: oh yeah, and btw, have any of you heard of Hell's Curse? Does anyone think it's going to be any good?
  6. The \er

    Mega Wads

    I was just wondering, are there any 32 level Doom projects going on right now? If so, which ones do you guys think is going to be good? I would appretiate it if you guys could post links to some big 32 level projects! (ones that are currently being worked on) Thanks!