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About C30N9

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  1. I've been asked to write a method which is public static Object max(Object[] a). It should return the highest Object in an Object array using compareTo method. However, with this method's parameter, since Object doesn't have compareTo method, I'm supposed to put several if statements to determine if the object is an instanceof Account, or Employee, or other classes that use compareTo:

    So I changed the function to this:
    Which works fine, and I think it's similar to java.util.Arrays.max(anArray). But I heard that it's not a very good idea to do that. Is it healthy to do this?

    1. TwinBeast


      Maybe it's slow? I did something like that to find the closest color from a 256 palette as a glsl shader and it made the game run 1 to 5 fps.

    2. AndrewB


      Your solution is better. Tell your friend that he's stupid.

    3. Cacatou


      If your class doesn't have the compareTo function then your method won't work but assuming that all your classes have compareTo then your method will work perfectly.
