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About doomquake777

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. doomquake777

    [3DGE] Doom Forever REDUX (updated)

    Awesome! I look forward to the release. Any idea when it will be released?
  2. doomquake777

    [3DGE] Doom Forever REDUX (updated)

    Is there anyway you could tone down the red on the screen from the berserk pack? Sometimes the redness makes it impossible to see. Also it would be awesome if there was a way for us to see the player deaths.
  3. doomquake777

    [3DGE] Doom Forever REDUX (updated)

    Sounds good to me. All the other power ups give you their benefits as soon as you touch them. Are you thinking of adding anything else to the mod? Or are you at the finalizing stage of the mod?
  4. doomquake777

    [3DGE] Doom Forever REDUX (updated)

    The berserk pack takes to long to actually give you the health. I've died a couple times waiting for the animation to play out.
  5. doomquake777

    [3DGE] Doom Forever REDUX (updated)

    The door glitch I witnessed twice on Map 5 of DOOM 2. The first time was after opening the door that leads to the blue armor, I killed a shotgun guy before the door opened and he appeared crushed and then the entire doorway turned black and was impassible. Using noclip I went into the room and the ceiling was very low and everything was black except for the items in the room. The next door glitch was in the blue room where the cacodemons are. I killed a cacodemon with the plasma rifle before it could leave the room it comes out of. It's body instantly disappeared upon death and I could enter and exit that area without cheating. The imps however couldn't move at all and Killing them caused their bodies to disappear as well. I hope this information helps. Let me know if you need anything else. I hope that the Cacodemons attack can be fixed soon.
  6. doomquake777

    [3DGE] Doom Forever REDUX (updated)

    This is amazing!!! I downloaded 3DGE specifically to try this mod. Unfortunately I have a few bugs to report. Cacodemon lightning balls do zero damage unless the cacodemon is close to you when he spits it. Medium to long range attacks just hit the player with no effect. Another issue I've witnessed is monsters being killed close to a door while it is opening and the body instantly gets crushed but then it glitches the door and makes it impassible.
  7. doomquake777

    Brutal Doom version 18a

    When you perform the fatality on the Assault Rifle Zombie where you reach inside him and pull out his Intestines he falls forward during that scene but when it goes back to 1st person view he is on his back. I'll keep my eye out for any other issues and report them ASAP. Keep up the good work
  8. doomquake777

    Brutal Doom version 18a

    Another Error I have found is if you have a meatshield and walk across another Berserkpack you throw the meat shield away and Automatically arm yourself with the Fists. Even if you have switch on pickup disabled you still throw the Meatshield away
  9. doomquake777

    Brutal Doom version 18a

    Any Idea when this next version will be released??
  10. doomquake777

    Brutal Doom version 18a

    Why is it that I can't see when I need to reload when playing with any HUD in GZDOOM? The Mancubus Cannon doesn't even show up any type of ammo at all.. The HUD issue is also present in Skulltag. I have also noticed that if an Imp kills a Chaingun guy with a fireball that a chaingun does not get dropped. I tested it multiple times and never got a chaingun. Another thing I have found is if you have a Shotgunguy as your meat shield and you throw him away he takes on the sprite of the Assault rifle zombie. It's a minor issue but just thought I would bring it up. This is by far the best DOOM mod ever!! Keep up the good work.
  11. doomquake777

    scalliano's 667 Shuffle!

    Oh Wow!!!! I will continue to play through and if I find anything else I'll post it here. I have no idea how to even open up a monster for decorate editing I read through that wiki page and the other links on it that you gave me, but I don't know how to open 667 shuffle to edit the Statue the way you suggested. I downloaded Decorate Editor Sharp
  12. doomquake777

    scalliano's 667 Shuffle!

    Thanks I will take a look at it. Another question I have which may also be fixed with the decorate info you just showed me is. I used that marine summon item on map 8 of Doom 2, the marines suprisingly killed all the Baron creatures and a Cyber Prototype and 1 marine survived :O, however in the cacodemon room one of the caco's was replaced by a wicked. I had already killed everything in that room and when the last marine walked near that room he began to continuously fire rockets at the dead wicked's body. I don't recall the wicked being able to resurrect the way the incarnate can. So is this an error with the Wicked?
  13. doomquake777

    scalliano's 667 Shuffle!

    How would I go about editing that statue? I have never really tinkered with any of the enemies in Doom I have only messed with level creation... I know I'm a Noob lol
  14. doomquake777

    scalliano's 667 Shuffle!

    That Statue monster has never worked even when I downloaded it myself a while back, Oh well the rest of this Mod is great I'm lovin it I have been playing it for the past 3 days straight lol. Great job with it Scalliano, Are you gonna be adding more monsters from 667 as they become available?
  15. doomquake777

    scalliano's 667 Shuffle!

    Actually I had a question about the OBSIDIAN STATUE. I have been messing with Doombuilder making my own levels and I download a lot of the monsters off of 667, including the Blood Demon. In any level that I put a Blood Demon in, then 667 Shuffle replaces it with an OBSIDIAN STATUE, This enemy doesn't do anything it just stands there, I even tried doing MDK to it but nothing happens. I have since removed Blood Demons from my levels and put the Demon in its place, I haven't seen a OBSIDIAN STATUE since then, but I was wondering if there is some issue with that enemy?