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About Psyrus

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  1. I still remember staying well after school ended playing Marathon Infinity with my computer teacher and two other students over a LAN. There were also some obscure what-would-be-called-indie games back then such as Barrack and Stardust which were plenty of fun.
  2. Psyrus

    MIDI Originals [05/19/2024]

    Impeller, Satellites, Chikurin, and Shadow added.

    Yo! Holy... shit. Your MIDI's you posted back in Sept 2023 is one of the best playlists I've come across. I have so many midi's, mods, and music files I lose track of what is where and from who, and so on. But I had downloaded your .zip last year, and it got buried multiple directories down in my folders. Then I randomly came across it today 5 days ago, and almost didn't play them again without a second thought...... but then I decided to unzip to a folder, and listened....WOW. Just, wow. Fricking amazing set of choons here. Talk about POGGIES man. GG's. Thanks a ton!

    This will be in nonstop heavy rotation for literally weeks, I can guaranty you that. It's just how I roll lol.




    (P.S. I didn't reply to that actual thread b/c didn't want to necro bump)

  4. Very well done. Solstice is one of my favorite AD pieces, and Dragonfly's Hourglass is truly unique -- a style no one else has been able to pull off and make it work just right.
  5. Psyrus

    MIDI Originals [05/19/2024]

    Omega.mid added to the zip.
  6. Psyrus

    MIDI Originals [05/19/2024]

    Long overdue update to main post. Updated zip to include Animus, Eclipse, Lunacy... Whatever else I forgot.
  7. Psyrus

    DOOMKID.wad - 6 New Maps

    Looked at the first screenshot, and I immediately thought I was looking at a Xaser map.
  8. Glad you enjoyed it. We all nailed it as a group. Looking forward to getting involved with another project (if time permits).
  9. Psyrus

    MIDI Originals [05/19/2024]

    "Solitude" and "Atrium" have been added. Link of convenience: https://www.dropbox.com/s/af758zabwwyn6zx/Psyrus_MIDI_03-18-2022.zip?dl=0
  10. Is it safe to say that your Arcane will blow my Arcane out of the water? :D
  11. Psyrus

    MIDI Originals [05/19/2024]

    Added "Arcane" and "Emulations" to the zip. Also done some updates to a few others including an extension to "Astray" after a couple of years.
  12. Psyrus

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 1000 Lines 3

    Still... it's a better name than "test31".
  13. MP3 recordings of my MIDI contributions to 1000 Lines Community Project 3 (11 tracks plus 2 bonus tracks that did not make the final cut): [Dropbox Link] (74.6 MB) Alternative listening (Soundcloud):
  14. Psyrus

    The DWmegawad Club plays: 1000 Lines 3

    *Peeks in* The intermission midi is mine. ;)
  15. Since Influx was very Descent-like (which was my intent) and didn't quite work with the episode theme, we've decided that using Pathfinder was a much better choice in the end.