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Everything posted by 1337CyberdemonxX

  1. 1337CyberdemonxX

    How to use ACS?

    well i just posted it here cause i was using XWE to compile it so yeah. but you're right i should of put it there
  2. 1337CyberdemonxX

    How to use ACS?

    thanks alot but can't you just edit the player DECORATE to execute a script when you die. and the script would be this: #include "zcommon.acs" script int (VOID) NET { Consolecommand("chase"); ] script int RESPAWN { acs_suspend(int); }
  3. 1337CyberdemonxX

    Brutal Doom version 18a

    this pk3 is unbelievable. this is my favourite. absolutely BADASS! YEAHHHHH!!
  4. 1337CyberdemonxX

    Things about Doom you just found out

    did you know that on icon of sin you can use noclip to walk through the boss and find someones head on a stick :D seriously best Easter egg ever and if you don't know what im talking about then Jesus Christ you should be slapped
  5. 1337CyberdemonxX

    New Textures

    No you can't directly make textures on XWE as of what i know. To make textures you need something like photoshop or even paint. What you could do is download a stop sign(example) resize it and import to XWE
  6. 1337CyberdemonxX

    How to make a reload state?

    Hi im making a new WAD with new weapons and i don't know how to make the guns reload(like in the mw2 mod or brutal doom). Realoading like mid clip. Where you take out the magazine and place a new one(which means ill need the sprites for tht too). I need help!!
  7. 1337CyberdemonxX

    Custom Monsters

    yea i've created monsters with XWE. it is annoying making all the sprites tho. it can be hard to code at first so read DECORATE reference here http://zdoom.org/wiki/DECORATE
  8. 1337CyberdemonxX

    Quake or Doom: Which was better and why

    Any ID game is always good. And Quake is no different. But Doom will always be the greatest FPS ever.