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  1. "Maestro del saber" sounds good to me. Has cortado el cáncer de tu cuerpo, pero tu corazón aún late. Ahora debes encontrar al cirujano que mutila y controla a tu gente... el Maestro del Saber. Deténlo, y la siguiente pieza será tuya. "You can't miss it", what about "no se puede pasar por alto" / "no lo puedes pasar por alto" / "no se puede ignorar" / "es inconfundible"? I agree with "siléncialo", too. Encuentra el santuario cerca del río. Están reteniendo a alguien llamado Beldin ahí dentro. Siléncialo y lleva su anillo a Rowan como prueba. "Instructor de armas" also sounds good. Destruye el cristal de poder que controla la red eléctrica que maneja los escudos de la orden. Ve a visitar a Worner, un espía que reclutamos en la bodega de la estación eléctrica. No olvides visitar al médico y al instructor de armas antes de ir. and Únete al asalto del castillo. Encuentra y elimina al programador. Ve al médico y al instructor de armas. Gasta todo lo que tienes. Esta va a ser una batalla intensa. and Busca al oráculo y pregúntale acerca de las otras piezas del Sigil. Toma tu recompensa y ve con el médico y el instructor de armas para salud y entrenamiento. About pastebin, I hope I got it right: https://pastebin.com/CkjUUKGV I'll post more later. Good day.
  2. Thanks for the tip. I think I'll try pastebin.
  3. So, Strife. I'll post it in parts, I don't know what's the character limit for posts. --------------- Hello? Command, a com unit has just been activated... am receiving visuals and sound from... somebody... hey you, get out of here now... an drop the chalice! ¿Hola? Comando, una unidad de comunicaciones ha sido activada... estoy recibiendo visuales y sonido de... alguien... hey tú, sal de aquí ahora... ¡Y arroja el cáliz! Not sure about "visuales", "imágenes" would fit better maybe. Or "recibiendo confirmación visual y auditiva de..."? --------------- Find the power tap on the mains, and shut it off. Bring something back to the governor as proof. Find MacGuffin, and talk to him. Encuentra la conexión en la toma principal y apágala. Trae algo de vuelta al gobernador como prueba. Encuentra a MacGuffin, y habla con él. --------------- Now on to the factory. Exit the mines and you can't miss it. Let's find that machine and shut it down! Ahora hacia la fábrica. Sal de las minas y no puedes fallar. ¡Encontremos esa máquina y apagémosla! Not sure about "no puedes fallar". In Mexican Spanish the phrase "no hay pierde" is a very common substitute of "[you] can't miss it", but searching in several places, it seems that "no hay pérdida" is what's used in other places. Suggestions? -------------- Find the sanctuary by the river. Steal the chalice from inside. Bring it to Harris in the tavern. Encuentra el santuario cerca del río. Roba el cáliz del interior. Llévalo a Harris en la taberna. -------------- Find the governor. Talk to him about your reward. Encuentra al gobernador. Habla con él acerca de tu recompensa. -------------- Find the sanctuary by the river. Inside someone called Beldin is being held. Shut him up, and bring his ring back to Rowan as proof. Encuentra el santuario cerca del río. Están reteniendo a alguien llamado Beldin ahí dentro. Cállalo / siléncialo y lleva su anillo a Rowan como prueba. Cállalo or siléncialo, what do you say? -------------- Find the location of the front and talk to Macil. Localiza el frente y habla con Macil. -------------- Go down the stairs, find and talk to Macil. Baja las escaleras, encuentra a Macil y habla con él. -------------- Visit Irale, the front's weapons supplier in town. He's behind the door next to the weapons shop. Then, use the key Macil gave you to talk to the governor. Visita a Irale, el proveedor de armas para el frente en el pueblo. Está detrás de la puerta junto a la tienda de armas. Luego, usa la llave que Macil the dio y habla con el gobernador. -------------- Find the power tap on the mains, and shut it off. Bring something back to the governor as a proof. Encuentra la conexión en la toma principal y apágala. Trae algo de vuelta al gobernador como prueba. -------------- Find Derwin in the warehouse of the power station. Kill him, and bring Mourel his ear. Encuentra a Derwin en la bodega de la estación eléctrica. Mátalo, y lleva su oreja a Mourel. -------------- Use the pass Mourel gave you to get into the prison. Once inside, talk to Warden Montag. Find a way to free the prisoners. Usa el pase que Mourel te dio para entrar a la prisión. Una vez dentro, habla con Warden Montag. Encuentra una forma de liberar a los prisioneros. -------------- Use the warden's key to get into the prison cell blocks and find a way to free the prisoners. Usa la llave del carcelero para entrar al bloque de celdas en la prision y encuentra una forma de liberar a los prisioneros. -------------- Destroy the power crystal that runs the power grid which drives the order's shields. Go visit Worner, a spy we recruited in the warehouse of the power station. Don't forget to visit the medic and the weapons trainer before you go. Destruye el cristal de poder que controla la red eléctrica que maneja los escudos de la orden. Ve a visitar a Worner, un espía que reclutamos en la bodega de la estación eléctrica. No olvides visitar al médico y al entrenador de armas antes de ir. Not sure about "cristal de poder" and "entrenador de armas". -------------- Destroy the power crystal that runs the power grid which drives the order's shields. Use the I.D. to get into the power station. You may want to check out the storeroom above Worner. Destruye el cristal de poder que controla la red eléctrica que maneja los escudos de la orden. Usa la identificación para entrar a la estación eléctrica. Tal vez quieras revisar el almacén encima de Worner. -------------- Destroy the power crystal that runs the power grid which drives the order's shields. Go talk to Ketrick in the core area. Destruye el cristal de poder que controla la red eléctrica que maneja los escudos de la orden. Ve a hablar con Ketrick en el área del núcleo. -------------- Destroy the power crystal. Go talk to Ketrick, bring the walkway up using the switches, then use this ID for the elevator. Destruye el cristal de poder. Ve a hablar con Ketrick, eleva la pasarela usando los interruptores, luego usa ésta identificación para el elevador / ascensor. Elevador or ascensor? -------------- Find the town entrance that the order has guarded. Open the door and bring the guard's uniform back to Weran. Encuentra la entrada al pueblo que la orden ha vigilado. Abre la puerta y trae el uniforme del guardia de vuelta a Weran. -------------- Take the flamethrower parts to Irale. Find the sewer maintenance door. Find and drain the reclamation tank inside the castle. At the bottom is a hidden entrance to the sewers. Down that entrance is where the gate controls are, somewhere. Lleva las partes del lanzallamas a Irale. Encuentra la puerta de mantenimiento a las cloacas. Encuentra y vacía el tanke de reciclaje dentro del castillo. En la parte inferior hay una entrada oculta a las cloacas. Debajo de esa entrada es donde están los controles de la reja, en algún sitio. -------------- Join the assault on the castle. Find and take out the programmer. See the medic and the weapons trainer. Spend everything you got. This is going to be a hell of a fight. Únete al asalto del castillo. Encuentra y elimina al programador. Ve al médico y al entrenador de armas. Gasta todo lo que tienes. Esta va a ser una batalla infernal. "Batalla infernal", do you think that's correct guys? -------------- Use the key the false programmer gave you to open an entrance to the programmer's keep. It has to be where he's hiding. Find the programmer and kill him. Usa la llave que te dio el programador falso para abrir una entrada a la fortaleza del programador. Ahí debe ser donde se está escondiendo. Encuentra al programador y mátalo. -------------- Seek out the oracle and ask it about the other Sigil pieces. Take your reward and go across to the medic and weapons trainer for health and training. Busca al oráculo y pregúntale acerca de las otras piezas del Sigil (Sigilo?). Toma tu recompensa y ve con el médico y el entrenador de armas para salud y entrenamiento. First, should Sigil be translated? Being Strife's BFG, I think it could keep it's name. Also, that last sentence seems to be redundant, but I don't know how else to put it. Any suggestions? -------------- I'm reading massive neural wave distortions from straight ahead. I think we've found it. Let's get in there and shut it down! Estoy recibiendo lecturas de distorsiones masivas de ondas neurales directamente enfrente. Creo que lo hemos encontrado. ¡Entremos ahí y apaguémoslo! -------------- The second piece lies at the heart of the crimson and obsidian tower. There you must find the bishop, who awaits you. Take the oracle's token to the key master in the borderlands. Once you have destroyed the bishop, return to the oracle. La segunda pieza yace en el corazón de la torre carmesí y de obsidiana. Ahí debes encontrar al obispo, quien te espera. Toma la pieza / símbolo del oráculo al maestro de llaves en las tierras fronterizas. Una vez que hayas destruido al obispo, regresa al oráculo. Not sure about "pieza" or "símbolo" (or something else) for "token". Also, not sure about "tierras fronterizas" for "borderlands". Maybe "frontera" could work here? ------------- Find the crimson and obsidian tower. Use the ID key the key master gave you to enter the tower. Once inside you must locate the bishop. Once you have destroyed the bishop, return to the oracle. Encuentra la torre carmesí y de obsidiana. Usa la llave de identificación que el maestro de llaves te dio para entrar en la torre. Una vez dentro debes localizar al obispo. Una vez que hayas destruido al obispo, regresa al oráculo. ------------- Find the security complex, fight through there and use the teleporter to central administration. Destroy the computer core in central administration. This will kill the foce field on the bishop's tower. Once the bishop's dead, return to the oracle. Encuentra el complejo de seguridad, lucha a través del complejo y usa el teletransportador hacia administración central. Destruye el núcleo de la computadora en administración central. Esto desactivará el campo de fuerza en la torre del obispo. Una vez que el obispo esté muerto, regresa al oráculo. ------------- Your next challenge will test your spirit. The third piece is held by your own leader. He is the same as that which he sends you to kill. Confront him and resolve your fate. Tu siguiente desafío pondrá a prueba tu espíritu. La tercer pieza es guardada por tu propio líder. Él es el mismo que aquél al que te manda matar. Confróntalo y resuelve tu destino. ------------- It is the oracle who holds the third piece. There's your traitor. Return to the oracle, and take him down. Return to me when it's dead. Es el oráculo quien guarda la tercer pieza. Ahí está tu traidor. Regresa al oráculo, y acábalo. Regresa a mi cuando esté muerto. ------------- You have cut the cancer from your body, but your heart still beats. Next you must find the surgeon who butchers and controls your people... The LoreMaster. Stop him, and the next piece will be yours. Has cortado el cáncer de tu cuerpo, pero tu corazón aún late. Ahora debes encontrar al cirujano que mutila y controla a tu gente... el LoreMaster. Deténlo, y la siguiente pieza será tuya. LoreMaster - Maestro de la sabiduría / conocimiento. Yes or no? ------------- Next you must find the surgeon who butchers and controls your people... The LoreMaster. Stop him, and the next piece will be yours. Use the teleporter I opened to reach him. When he's dead, use the same device to return to me. Ahora debes encontrar al cirujano que mutila y controla a tu gente... el LoreMaster. Deténlo, y la siguiente pieza será tuya. Usa el teletransportador que he abierto para llegar a él. Cuando esté muerto, usa el mismo dispositivo para volver a mi. ------------ You have chosen wisely. The third piece is held by your own leader. Destroy that which hides within your heart and return to me. Has escogido sabiamente. La terce pieza es guardada por tu propio líder. Destruye aquello que se esconde dentro de tu corazón y regresa a mi. ------------ We've found out that the order is transforming our people into bio-mechanical soldiers. Find the facility where this is being done and close it, permanently! Find Richter in the commons, near the waterfall and he'll tell you how to stop this atrocity. Hemos encontrado que la orden está transformando a nuestra gente en soldados bio-mecánicos. Encuentra las instalaciones donde esto se está llevando a cabo y ciérralas, ¡Permanentemente! Encuentra a Richter en los espacios comunes, cerca de la cascada, y él te dirá como detener esta atrocidad. ------------ There will be more soon... EDIT: Shit, it seems the spacing didn't come out as expected. Sorry about that.
  4. That being the case, I think "petaca" as a "small bottle for alcohol" seems to be a regionalism. "Frasco" and "matraz" are (I think) almost universally understood in all Spanish-speaking countries as a "flask". Which one to actually use for "flask" or "flechette" seems to be pretty subjective. I understand "frasco" as more generic, while "matraz" is not just any "flask", it's a flask for conducting experiments in chemistry laboratories, as you said. What do you think?
  5. In Mexican Spanish, the most common meaning for "petaca" is actually a bag (more especifically, a "suitcase", as wordreference says). Petacas (in plural) is also slang for "butt" in central Mexico. I'm really not convinced. Maybe it makes more sense in South America. I have personally never heard anyone say "petaca" in reference to a small flask or bottle.
  6. "Dart" is "dardo" in Spanish. But being Spanish a Romance language, like French, the actual translation is very similar: "flechita". That's diminutive for "flecha" (arrow), very similar to French fléchette/flèche. But I think "flechita" sounds, like, weak or childish, if you know what I mean. Besides, as already mentioned, it does not look as a "flechette". Now, "frasco" is "flask", but the Quartz Flask is named "matraz" (which is also a valid translation), so I don't know. "Matraz" sounds better, I think, so maybe it should stay that way? So, flechette-frasco, quartz flask-matraz de cuarzo. Does that sound good? P.S.: I don't speak French, so I may have that part wrong. It's what I found after a quick search.
  7. If you can somehow "extract" the whole dialogue, I can take care of that. I'm used to working with big chunks of text, but someone else will have to "insert it back" into the game or something, whatever you call it. Either that, or you wait for me until I buy Strife again. And learn how to mess with GZDoom for that matter.
  8. I would suggest "Control de mando", since you used "Centro de mando" for "Command center". I also think it is a more "literal" (more correct?) translation. Actually, in this case I think "Halls" do actually refer to "rooms", not "hallways", but of course, it's hard to be sure given the lack of context. I agree with "condenados", but I don't think "malditos" is actually ambiguous. And while it might be clearly used as an insult, given the phrasing it is unlikely to be understood that way. Well, while "ellos" would not be "incorrect", the subject is already implied in the conjugation, so it becomes unnecessary / redundant. I like the use of "vosotros", it actually sounds biblical. "Lo seguía" and "le seguía" sound almost the same to me (none of them sounds "alien", if you know what I mean). Actually, "le seguía" sounds a little bit more formal in my opinion. It's the one I would use. That's an interesting point. I'll think about this one.
  9. I didn't think about that, and you're right, it appears to display properly in 4:3. I don't know why I didn't think about that. I think the best solution here is to take note of such moments (it's been a while since I played Strife, I think the intro is one such moment, right?), translate them anyway, and hand the "text" so if people really wants it, they can read it somewhere while listening. And about voice acting, yeah, it would be very difficult to actually do it justice. In this regard, I remember the Spanish translation for Bioshock: it was fucking horrible, and we are talking about a "professional work". It not only does not help the game, it almost kinda ruins it. And as with Bioshock, a big part of Strife's charm lies in its voice acting. I vote to keep it as it is, let's just mess with the text, and find ways around the rest. As I pointed out previously, I don't have Strife right now, but if you need help with that, just send me anything you want help with and I'll gladly look into it. It doesn't really matter how much is it, in my opinion, nor it actually matters how long it takes us. A good translation takes time, let's concentrate in making it "perfect". Good day. EDIT: I forgot to mention something. Talking about Knee-Deep in the Dead. I chose "hasta el cuello" (as opposed to "hasta las rodillas") since it is the expression that sounded more natural to me. As I mentioned earlier, langagues (especially idioms) don't mirror each other 100%, so it makes sense to use an equivalent rather than a word-by-word translation in this case. The thing is, I've never heard the expression "hasta las rodillas de...", so it sounds odd, but maybe it is actually valid in other parts of the Spanish speaking world. What do you think guys?
  10. Now that I think about it, it could be "Contra ustedes sin piedad" (wordreference says "retorcidamente"). Well, I suppose it's no big deal anyway. It's not like there is a huge demand for it. EDIT: And now that I think about it, "Knee-deep in the dead" is not "Con la muerte hasta el cuello". It is "Con los muertos hasta el cuello". Death=muerte Dead=muerto/muerta I'm an idiot.
  11. By the way, how hard would it be to use this translation for other ports (3DGE, Eternity, PrBoom+, etc.). I'm guessing that after we are done with this translation it would be trivial to just "add it" to other ports, or what do you think? Is this a good / realistic idea?
  12. Thanks for your insight. Actually, Knee-deep in the dead is not that difficult: Con la muerte hasta el cuello. It actually sounds good, I think. About the Bible names in Thy Flesh Consumed: They are taken from the King James Bible, and after a quick research, it seems the closest Spanish equivalent is the Reina Valera from 1865 (I'm not 100% sure about this, please correct me if I'm wrong), so it would be: -THY FLESH CONSUMED - TU CARNE SE CONSUMA (not sure about this one). KJ: And thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed. RV: Y gimas en tus postrimetrías, cuando se consumiere tu carne y tu cuerpo. -HELL BENEATH - LA SIMA DE ABAJO (this sounds strange, more after the Bible quotes). KJ: The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from Hell beneath. RV: El camino de la vida es hacia arriba al entendido; para apartarse de la sima de abajo. Here, the word "hell" is not used in Spanish, and "sima" translates as "chasm" or "depths", but I doubt most Spanish speakers will understand the word "sima". Probably better to take some liberties here and use "El infierno debajo"? -PERFECT HATRED - ENTERO ODIO (I don't like it, more after quotes). KJ: I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies. RV: De entero odio los aborrecí; túvelos por enemigos. Again, it doesn't sound right (especially because of word order). I would prefer "Odio perfecto". -SEVER THE WICKED - APARTARÁN A LOS MALOS (probably right, I'm not sure). KJ: So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just. RV: Así será en el fin del siglo: saldrán los ángeles, y apartarán a los malos de entre los justos. -UNRULY EVIL - MAL QUE NO PUEDE SER REFRENADO (No, I don't like it). KJ: But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. RV: Pero ningún hombre puede domar la lengua: es un mal que no puede ser refrenado, y está lleno de veneno mortal. I prefer "Mal irrefrenable", means the same, and sounds better. -THEY WILL REPENT - SE ARREPENTIRÁN (This ones translates "cleanly"). KJ: And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. RV: El entónces dijo: No, padre Abraham; mas si alguno fuere a ellos de los muertos se arrepentirán. -AGAINST THEE WICKEDLY - ??? KJ: For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain. RV: Que te dicen blasfemias: ensoberbécense en vano tus enemigos. This is a tricky one. The "equivalent" part would be "Que te dicen [blasfemias]", but sounds like nonsense. I'm still thinking about this one. -AND HELL FOLLOWED - Y EL INFIERNO LE SEGUÍA KJ: And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. RV: Y miré, y he aquí un caballo pálido; y el que estaba sentado sobre él, tenía por nombre Muerte, y el Infierno le seguía; y le fué dada potestad sobre la cuarta parte de la tierra, para matar con espada, y con hambre, y con mortandad, y con fieras de la tierra. Here I think "Y el infierno siguió" sounds better, but probably isn't as accurate as the other one. -UNTO THE CRUEL - EN LO CRUEL KJ: Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel. RV: Porque no des a los extraños tu honor; y tus años a cruel. Again, "A cruel" sounds like nonsense, so I chose "en lo cruel", but it is probably (again) not accurate. Please let me see what you think guys. There are some other details too, but I'll come to those later. Nice day.
  13. OK, so I finally had time to have another look at this. I'll ignore capitalization, accents, and special symbols for now. Doom 1 intermission screens: E1 UNA VEZ QUE DERROTAS A LAS GRANDES BESTIAS Y LIMPIAS LA BASE DE LA LUNA SE SUPONE QUE HAS GANADO. NO ES ASÍ? NO ES ASÍ? DÓNDE ESTÁ TU GORDA RECOMPENSA Y TU BOLETO A CASA? QU DEMONIOS ES ESTO? NO SE SUPONE QUE TERMINARA DE ÉSTA MANERA! APESTA A CARNE PODRIDA, PERO LUCE COMO LA BASE PERDIDA DE DEIMOS. PARECE QUE ESTÁS ATASCADO EN LS ORILLAS DE INFIER LA ÚNICA MANERA DE SALIR ES A TRAVÉS DE ESTO. PARA CONTINUAR LA EXPERIENCIA DOOM, JUEGA LAS ORILLAS DEL INFIERNO Y SU IMPRESIONANTE SECUELA, INFIERNO! OK, let's see. 1. Grandes bestias - "Formidables" or "Imponentes" could also work here. "Grandes" is fine too, of course. 2. La base de la luna - "la base lunar" sounds better, I think. 3. You missed an "e" in "que" (QUE DEMONIOS ES ESTO?). 4. Ésta manera - esta manera: in this case "esta" shouldn't have an accent. 5. You missed an "a" in "las" (LAS ORILLAS), and it seems you ran out of space (INFIER). 6. As with monster names, I think episode names should also remain unchanged (even more in the case of the third one, Inferno, considering it's not even English), but this is just my opinion, what do you think? E2 LO HAS HECHO! EL HORRIBLE SEÑOR CIBER-DEMONIO QUE GOBERNABA LA BASE DE LA LUN HA SIDO ASESINADO Y TÚ ERES TRIUNFANTE! PERO... DÓNDE ESTÁS? TREPAS HASTA EL BORDE DE LA LUNA PARA VER LA HORRIBLE VERDAD. DEIMOS FLOTA SOBRE EL MISMÍSIMO INFIERNO! NUNCA HAS ESCUCHADO DE ALGUIEN ESCAPANDO DEL INFIERNO, PERO HARÁS QUE LOS BASTARDOS LAMENTEN SIQUIERA HABER OÍDO DE TÍ! RÁPIDAME TE DESLIZAS HACIA LA SUPERFICIE DEL INFIERNO. AHORA, ESTÁS EN EL EPISODIO FINAL DE DOOM! -- INFIERNO. 1. Señor ciber-demonio - This is one of the reasons I'm not fond of monster names in Spanish. In this case, it sounds very weird. If you want to keep the translation, I suggest to get rid of "señor" and keep "lord" (I don't think it counts as an anglicism in this case as it is actually a nobility title, but whatever). Do you agree? 2. La base de la lun - Same. Base lunar, and you missed an "a". 3. Tú eres triunfante - Eres triunfante. The pronoun "tú" is redundant. Better yet, write "has triunfado", it sounds more natural. 4. Nunca has escuchado de alguien - Nunca has escuchado de nadie. I think it sounds better. 5. Rapidame - Missing letters again. 6. Te deslizas hacia - "Desciendes hacia" could also fit. E3 LA REPUGNANTE ARAÑA-DEMONIO QUE PLANEÓ LA INVASIÓN DE LAS BASES DE LAS LUNAS Y CAUSÓ TANTA MUERTE HA SUFRIDO UNA PATEADA DE CULO PARA TODA LA ETERNIDAD. UNA PUERTA SECRETA SE ABRE Y ENTRAS. HAS PROBADO SER DEMASIADO DURO PARA QUE EL I TE CONTENGA, Y AHORA EL INFIERNO AL FIN JUEG JUSTAMENTE -- YA QUE EMERGES DE LA PUERTA PARA VER LOS VERDES CAMPOS DE LA TIERRA! HOGAR AL FIN. TE PREGUNTAS QUÉ HA PASADO CON LA TIERRA MIENTRAS TÚ PELEABAS CONTRA EL MAL DESATADO. ES BUENO QUE NINGÚN DEMONIO HAYA PODIDO VENIR POR ESA PUERTA CONTIGO... 1. Bases de las lunas - Bases lunares. 2. Para que el i te contenga - It seems you missed almost an entire word here :P 3. Al fin jueg justamente - Missing "e". E4 LA ARAÑA MENTE MAESTRA DEBE HABER ENVIADO A SUS LEGIONES DE DEMONIOS ANTES DE CONFRONTACION FINAL CON ESA TERRIBLE BESTIA DEL INFIERNO. PERO DISTE UN PASO AL FR Y LLEVASTE MALDICIÓN ETERNA Y SUFRIMIENTO SOBRE LA HORDA COMO UN VERDADE HARÍA EN LA FAZ DE ALGO TAN HORRIBLE. ADEMÁS, ALGUIEN VA A PAGAR POR LO QUE LE PASÓ A DAISY. TU CONEJO MASCOTA. PERO AHORA, VES ESPARCIDO DELANTE DE TÍ MÁS DOLOR POTENCIAL MIENTRAS UNA NACIÓN DE DEMO CORRE ENLOQUECIDA ENTRE NUESTRAS CIUDADES. SIGUIENTE PARADA, EL INFIERNO EN LA TIERRA! 1. Araña mente maestra - I'm still not sure how I would translate this, honestly, but again, it sounds weird. 2. Diste un paso al fr / como un verdade / una nación de demo - Missing letters. 3. Gibbitude (not included) - Fantastic, another made-up word. I'll have to think about this one. OK, that's it for now. I'll take a look at Hexen / Deathkings soon. Please let me know if I fucked up somewhere, and please feel free to disagree. Have a nice day. 2nd EDIT: In the E1 intermission screen you wrote "sequela". The correct word is "secuela".
  14. Nice to see another update. I have some stuff to do, not sure if I will be able to post in a couple of days, but I'll try to give some feedback on this late files. Have a nice day.