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Everything posted by Ichor

  1. Ichor

    I wanna be like Kevin...

    For some reason I didn't like the game much either. After about the third map, I decided to just dump it. The good thing is that it didn't crash on me even once, but that didn't help much.
  2. Ichor

    A scene from DOOM (name the level)

    Ooooo, lucky guess. Ok, this one has a crusher, a Maulotaur, several Iron Liches at the end, and not enough ammo.
  3. Ichor

    Special thanks to Linguica

    And in this past week or so, it rose three times that.
  4. Ichor

    Confused and Befuddled

    That just means that it uses those files as a reference.
  5. Ichor

    A 3D movie I made!

    Ooooo. It seems that good ol' GeoCities is at it again. At first I thought all the links were bad, but after looking closer, I saw that the site has "exceeded its allocated data transfer," which is what, 10KB?
  6. Ichor

    Special thanks to Linguica

    When someone puts up a couple of 640x480 pictures, it's kind of silly (and a little annoying) when someone else quotes them.
  7. Ichor

    Special thanks to Linguica

    If you consider a raving lunatic with an IQ you can count on one hand a clown. I consider him more of a complete moron who, if he was allowed to remain on these forums, would bring the level of stupidity to a new low. And I'm probably not the the only one who thanks Linguica for removing that pest.
  8. Ichor

    What type of music goes good with DOOM?

    ...wonders if this guy didn't do the infamous Zero Wing translation. He makes almost as much sense. Anyway, I do sometimes replace Doom midis with NES and SNES music. Probably my favorite would be Lower Norfair from Super Metroid (usually for a fiery type map) or something from Actraiser.
  9. Ichor

    A scene from DOOM (name the level)

    I forgot all about that, heheh. But, that's right. I'll have to take a wild guess here, since I can't be sure. E6M2?
  10. Ichor

    DooM Music...

    I think he used some kind of synthesizer to create the music before converting them to midi, or maybe used it as background music while he played the instruments. Either way, I'd like to know where to find one of those converters.
  11. Ichor

    Cool Deathmatch screens

    If you put in a single Cyberdemon or Arch Vile in an open area, but out of the way, it could really add to the action of a deathmatch game, especially with -respawn on.
  12. Ichor

    Coolest weapon in an FPS

    A few more fun weapons from ROTT are: Drunk Missile - The rockets (about five at a time) they shoot may be heat seeking, but it doesn't look like it from the way they all wander all over the place. Dog Mode - More of a powerup than a weapon, but it counts because you get to run around as an invincible dog, biting people. I would put the Excalibat here, but it takes way too long to power up. You have to hold the fire button down for at least five seconds or so before it fires, and if you let go of it, you have to charge it up all over again. Needless to say, it gets annoying after a while. However, you can swing it around if you want to knock people around. Dark Staff - It looks like a big rock taped to the end of a stick, but when it fires, it's guaranteeed to gib anyone it hits, except the boss monsters and machines. Turn on the Ludicrous Gibs cheat code and everyone you shoot will erupt in body parts that seem to greatly exceed the body mass from which it came (one soldier would produce enough gibs for five soldiers, heheh). Also, the projectiles they shoot go through the target and continues on its merry way. If anyone happens to be in the way, he goes boom too.
  13. Ichor

    Coolest weapon in an FPS

    Powered up Firemace from Heretic - All those big, silver balls bouncing around, and when any one of them his an enemy (except a boss monster), it utterly destroys them, and usually sends them flying across the room. If you're standing on a teleporter when one of these happens to go through, it won't be pretty at all. There is only one way to survive being hit with one of these besides being invincible. If you have a Chaos Device, you will be warped to the start of the map, or if in deathmatch, a random spot, and you will lose half of your health. Thunderstorm (powered up Arc of Death) from the nearly complete first episode of Carnage Galore III for Hexen - Instead of a bolt of lightning that travels along the ground and ceiling, you fire the still concentrated ball of energy. When it hits, it explodes in an expanding ball of electricity, which causes terrible damage to anything it engulfs. Firewall from ROTT - This thing fires some kind of grenade. When it hits the ground, it causes a wall of flame to form and travel along the ground in the direction it's fired. Anything in its way will be roasted similar to the flame death of Heretic. However, after the fire stops, you see the charred skeleton standing there for a second, then fall to the ground in a pile of ash. If you aim it just right and you're fast enough, you can kill yourself with this.
  14. How much ammo did you have and how much did it use? If I remember right, suprwep8 had unlimited ammo with somewhere around 1000 bullets, shells, etc. capacity.
  15. Ichor

    ISP Attacks

    I thought CNN was owned by AOL (Always Off Line), not vise-versa.
  16. Ichor

    wadauthor registration

    I got the registered WadAuthor when I bought that 3D Game Alchemy book. What I want to know is where to get the registered version of DCK 3.62. I have no idea where Ben Morris is, or if there's any copies left in existence. If only he had released the source code back then...
  17. Ichor

    How many Pink Demons?

    The AI shouldn't be that great because, after all, they are mindless zombies and fairly stupid beasts. However, the AI should be a lot more complex for the higher demons like the Baron of Hell and Hell Knight, Arch Vile, maybe the Cacodemon, etc.
  18. Ichor

    The /newstuff Chronicles #92

    No, you don't win if D'Sparil dies after you do. Unlike E2M8 and E3M8 of Doom, when D'Sparil dies, the map does not immediately end. Instead, all the monsters are killed (including any he may have summoned) and the 666 sector tag is run. Unfortunately, since you are dead, you can't make your way to the switch that has opened up to raise the stairs that lead to the exit. Anyway, I've noticed that if a monster kills you, all the other active monsters (those chasing you at the momemnt) will generally seek out the other monsters, but if you die from lava, a crushing ceiling, or by checking to see if your rocket rauncher was loaded, the monsters seem to just stop where they are and not attack anything.
  19. Ichor

    Can Somebody Help Me?

    It always fouls up E1M8 music as well. I have never been able to use that music in any other wadfile because of this. Maybe you could try XWE.
  20. Ichor

    How to do "that"...

    Sure, if you want to do it the easy way, heheh. But suppose someone wants to make maps for plain ol' Doom 2. This could be fun to try out in a 32 map wadfile.
  21. Ichor

    Can Somebody Help Me?

    Use WinTex 4.3 to extract the music.
  22. Ichor

    POTD archives?

    Hahaaaaa! I found it. It still exists on the site, as do all the other POTDs at their original links I suppose. Here it is. Maybe someone could set up a link to the old POTD archives.
  23. Ichor

    WHAAAA!!! Millions of monsters!!!

    If one of them just happened to have a Death Star in his back pocket, then maybe that would work.
  24. Ichor

    How to do "that"...

    Maybe, but it might be more realistic. You have a choice to get through a huge abandoned base. You could go through the sewers, but that area is in ruins and filled with toxic waste from ruptured tanks. You could go through the front door, but the security system is still active there. You could go through an area where the security system has been deactivated or destroyed, but an avalanche from a nearby mountain has buried much of that area. Each area would require only one key to get through, and each would be different for each area (map 15 would use the red key, 31 would use the blue key, and map 32 would use the yellow key). All maps would lead to the same place, which would be some kind of control center, reactor, or some other vital place.
  25. I wondered what the name of that one was. It was so long since I played that I forgot all about it.