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About Grazza

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    Helium Hydride

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  1. Root canal treatment that fails.

    Yes, I've just sat in the dentist's chair for well over two hours while he scraped out the inside of a tooth and filled it back in. Near the end of this whole difficult process, he noticed that the tooth's roots were fractured. (Up until then, he had been mystified as to why an apparently healthy tooth had died.) This means the RCT won't save the tooth, which will now need to be extracted.

    Well damn it. Of course, I still need to take the pain meds and antibiotics, just as I would if the treatment had been successful.

    I'm planning to get implants done in Budapest.

    So, share your own funny dental stories, if you wish.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Whoo


      Heh, my dad didn't go to the dentist a lot when he was young so it lead to a lot of problems when he got older. He eventually got a bunch of teeth removed, but he wasn't able to afford the anesthesia to go along with it. Good thing I got decent insurance...

    3. Sharessa


      Bloodshedder said:

      Of course, but it's not as if you are required to have the additional work done. I guess some people would rather not know what might be wrong with their teeth?

      I already know what's wrong with my teeth. I'm going to need cavities filled, root canals, caps, maybe even a tooth or two pulled. And I know I won't be able to afford it.

      A friend of mine went to the dentist and got a cap done. It cost him $500. Then it fell out after a week. He told them and they were like "okay we can redo it. That will be $500 more." So fuck that.

    4. deathbringer


      Tooth removal is nothing compared to a root canal, though. Apart from the anaesthetic injections you (actually) won't feel a thing.

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