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Everything posted by scifista42

  1. scifista42

    Things about Doom you just found out

    ...and Romero head.
  2. scifista42

    Making a projectile spawn an actor on death

    Call A_SpawnItemEx in the death animation.
  3. https://zdoom.org/wiki/GetScreenWidth https://zdoom.org/wiki/GetScreenHeight
  4. scifista42

    Hardcoded behaviors for Doom objects for DEHACKED

    It's hardcoded directly in P_DamageMobj, the function responsible for dealing damage by anything to anything and also for initiating infighting. if ( (!target->threshold || target->type == MT_VILE) && source && source != target && source->type != MT_VILE) { // if not intent on another player, // chase after this one When a projectile lands on a monster of the same species as the one that fired the projectile, P_DamageMobj isn't called at all, but in all other cases, it is.
  5. scifista42

    Issue with custom monsters

    Try giving a different number to the actor, one that isn't listed among the standard editor numbers.
  6. scifista42

    Baron Of Hell VS Revenant

    Hell Knight is a Baron with half as much HP, and even he reliably beats the Revenant in a 1-vs-1 fight on plain ground.
  7. scifista42

    Fading out of black

    First fade to the color normally, then call FadeTo again with the "amount" parameter set to 0.0.
  8. scifista42

    Doom Builder 2 Glitchy Level Panning

    My guess is that you use a laptop with a touchpad near the spacebar and you accidentally touch the touchpad by the hand that holds the spacebar.
  9. scifista42

    Icon Of Sin Explosions are 'lopsided'.Why?

    There are multiple reasons why source port authors tend to keep vanilla behavior as is: -Demo recording exists and the slightest changes to the engine cause desynces. -There might already exist usermade wads that exploit the behavior and would break if it was changed. -People have different opinions about what is a bug and what is a feature. -The source code is large and there are more important things to focus on than minor tweaks.
  10. scifista42

    Ever wonder how Doomguy opens doors?

    Maybe a door can detect touch anywhere on its surface, but also detects what did the touch, and only opens if the touch was done by hand or whatever appendage Doom monsters have, not by bullet or fireball or body slam.
  11. scifista42

    Icon Of Sin Explosions are 'lopsided'.Why?

    It is a bug in the vanilla engine. Most source ports keep it for compatibility.
  12. scifista42

    E2M8 Done Passive

    The window into the brain is 32 units tall and the player is 56 units tall. Therefore, it's not possible to jump into the brain, unless the player crouches, which is only possible in some advanced ports. So you must have read it on doom wikia rather than on doomwiki, because doomwiki always assumes vanilla behavior, while wikia sometimes mixes in port-specific or mod-specific behaviors. Don't read wikia.
  13. If you use a SR line type instead of WR, it will work even in GZDoom.
  14. scifista42

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I'm under an impression that the eye is the only part of the Pain Elemental that isn't copypasted from something else. But maybe I'm wrong and even the eye is copypasted from a fireball or invisibility sphere or something.
  15. Who says a megawad should feel complete?
  16. scifista42


    Staff defines StaffPowered as its Weapon.SisterWeapon, so try replacing Staff with one that sets this property to an empty string or "none".
  17. Make sure the monster inherits from Fatso/Arachnotron and calls A_BossDeath in its death animation.
  18. scifista42

    SLADE's inability to see a texture in PK3

    Make a subfolder named "graphics" and put the graphic into it.
  19. scifista42

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    That 385 already includes splash applied to the monster that was directly hit by the rocket: (90 impact damage + 128 splash damage) * 35 tics per second / 20 tics rocket firing delay. Yes, on the Cyberdemon, it is, since without splash damage, the RL only does 157.5 DPS and the SSG even less.
  20. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Abyssal_Speedmapping_Sessions
  21. scifista42

    Zdoom Bigfont, Smallfont and Mouse Cursor Replacement

    Cursors are in the "graphics" folder inside (g)zdoom.pk3.
  22. scifista42

    Two problems with custom monster

    This problem has nothing to do with DECORATE, but with sprite offsets. Select any graphic in SLADE3 and there will be fields for x/y offset values below the preview image. You should set the values such that the graphic would appear properly as a sprite in the game. The "Sprite" preview type makes the in-game appearance visible in SLADE3's preview (the default preview type is "Auto" and it does the same thing as "Sprite" only if it detects that the graphic is not a texture/patch/menu text). Besides editing the offsets manually, SLADE3 allows you to block-select multiple graphics and automatically generate more-or-less proper offsets for all of them.
  23. scifista42

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    Make the name multiline.