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About Linkrulezall

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  1. My sleep cycle has been all out of whack ever since summer started. Far too many days where I've stayed up until the early hours of the morning and woken up at some time between Noon and 2PM. It came to a head yesterday when I accidentally slept in until 3PM after staying up until 4AM the night before (not by my own choice, but because I simply couldn't fall asleep) so I figured I'd try a little experiment. As I'm typing this I've been awake for nearly 33 hours, thinking that if I exhausted myself enough that I'd be asleep by now and finally be able to start waking up before noon again. Surprise, surprise, despite feeling like I was about to just pass out on the floor earlier today I'm somehow not tired again.

    Does anyone have any advice on how to resolve this issue? Better yet, does anyone else have a sarcastic response that won't help in any way whatsoever? That would be much appreciated.

    1. Memfis


      I resolved it by not sleeping one night, yeah (just slept maybe 2 hours in the morning that day). But since then I got back to going to sleep at like 3 AM, and now I'm just trying to shift that time little by little each day (I don't feel the strength to not sleep one night again). Hopefully I'll do some progress before the uni starts.

    2. Springy


      Suffering from the same thing. Although I don't ever get much sleep to begin with. I went down at around 23:00 last night and could not drop off until around five for some reason. Humidity was fine so I am unsure of why I couldn't sleep, but I have kind of got used to not getting much sleep for the past few years.

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