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Everything posted by __Lagger__

  1. Not supposed to happen. Your glboom is broken. Format your computer! Nah seriously, it's one of the first places where you have to cheat or play on skill 1-2. ;) Anyway, I see you figured it out. Good job.
  2. For what it's worth, if you want the maps ordered by difficulty here is my personal experience. I haven't played all maps (or latest releases for that matter). I think it's pretty accurate going from easy to hard using a somewhat normal 'get to the exit' gameplay. There are some maps out there with a major difficulty change when you exploit some glitches (ie: mult, temple arena, trick or cheat) and some maps that have a luckfest phase and afterward become really easy (insane trip, the farthest reach). I have to say most maps have pretty overal balanced gameplay. Anyway, my personal maplist ordered by difficulty (on UV): 01 = Assault on UAC Base 13 (v5) - Phendrena 02 = Mult (v1) - gggmork 03 = Desecration (v4.1) - Rayzik 04 = Broken mind (v2) - Archi 05 = Aquafresh Crescents (v3) - Hurricyclone 06 = Wavebreaker (v3) - cannonball 07 = Metastasizing slaughterfest (v5) - Daiyu_Xiaoxiang 08 = Exodus remix (v1) - Grain of Salt 09 = Firestarter (v3) - cannonball 10 = Shanghai massacre (v2) - Daiyu_Xiaoxiang 11 = Untitled BFG map (v2) - Phml 12 = Untitled (v1) (Fierce attack?) - tatsurd-cacocaco 13 = Joyless (v2) - Dannebubinga 14 = Red recluse (v4) - ArmouredBlood 15 = Gut buster (v4) - Krispy 16 = Insane trip part I (v3) - darkdave1985 17 = Temple arena (v2) - Ribbiks 18 = Poop (v1) - gggmork 19 = Pathogenesis (v3) - Darkreaver 20 = dholes (v1) - TimeOfDeath 21 = Escaping the spiral labyrinth (v2) - TimeOfDeath 22 = Daiyu's chamber (v5) - Daiyu_Xiaoxiang 23 = Trick or cheat (v4) - __Lagger__ 24 = Pacman (v3) - __Lagger__ 25 = Castle of the damned (v1) - TimeOfDeath 26 = Butt (v2) - gggmork 27 = The farthest reach (v2.1) - Rayzik Also, I'm working on a update for pacman and aim for a release this weekend. It will feature a fix for the cyber platforms and a multiplayer fix (which ended up becoming a total makeover of the map making it at least 10x bigger).
  3. Tatsurd, I really like the layout and texture usage. Also the map offers nice various gameplay: from small cramped fights, to a circlestrafe arena. When you use the cyber in the red key area for infights and you know the secret to wipe out the 4 cybers near spawn, the player won't have any trouble at all ammowise. - I agree with ribbiks on some monster block lines which tend to make it very easy to kill monsters. - As well as the water near yellow skull key. It's too easy, although running past the revs to the monster block line area is easy too since cybs will shoot revs all the time and the revs will be a good... ehm bone shield. If you feel this needs to be harder: replace those revs with a cyber or with viles. I don't think it's necessary to make things any harder though: the final arena is tricky enough with viles, homing rockets and blocking caco's/pe's/souls. - The yellow switch near the bfg needs a fix. Currently, it doesn't require a yellow key.
  4. Thanks, I googled those images. Then I added the text using wordart + photoshop. ZDoom will load the high resolution versions. Not claiming any secret map, but I think my Trick or cheat map would suit that slot perfectly. I notice some people are just not interested to solve the tricks. Only those who really want to, should play it. At the same time I can add a never seen before way for a secret exit, preferably on the Pacman map (can't explain why, it would spoil the trick). It would certainly 'connect' those 2 maps.
  5. What are the plans for any secret exit, Ribbiks?
  6. I'm not sure if they are all yours but here is a log of prboom with the texture pack v1. It says the patches are missing, even though they are there. I don't know why they work fine with your standalone map. Maybe someone could explain?
  7. Yes I'm not going to release another 25MB for some minor updates. New maps will do. The map order will change too. Thanks! Just tested this and it happens in glboom too. The texture pack is flawed. When I compiled the initial tex-pack prboom started complaining about 4-6 textures being incorrect and I removed them. All these textures were used as flats too, with exactly the same name. Maybe I should have used some other tex/flat order in the pack. I don't know since the documentation on this is really poor and inconsistent. Daiyu, could you please rename those textures even though they look the same? Thanks. Please, use the mapname since the map order will change in future updates. I did check it in the editor. It is time dependant and will open eventually after the invasion. The whole invasion starts when you get near the BFG.
  8. Do you expect every release to be better than the previous one? From that logic I'd say we need more contributors or the project will take longer every year. Perhaps the next slaughterfest should be named Slaughterfest 4 instead of 2014, so people have more time to submit higher quality. Well, if they do... However, it's also possible to just release something every year. After several editions you could build a "Best of Slaughterfest" or a "Slaughterfest collectors edition" containing all (best) so far. It is corny, but it's probably best for those who want something new on a regular base AND for those who just seek quality. Ah well, just an idea. So far we do get all map slots filled and even tested before the end of the year. I like most of the maps for various reasons and think it would be shame to completely dismiss for example 10 of them. I feel that the not so good maps lack original/fun gameplay, aesthetics or both. If people would offer and accept each others help a bit more (the way Grain of Salt offered and gggmork accepted kind of help)... Grain of Salt, my maps will have some major changes first. I would be happy if you want to add better details later on. I have played all the maps and got a list of it in my mind ordered by quality. Trust me, you're not near the bottom of this list. Then again, this is just my opinion. ;) Some highlights of your map in particular: challenging gameplay, nice texturing, tricks/speedrun possible.
  9. __Lagger__

    Incompletable Maps Project

    Yes, this idea is probably stolen from my beautiful Trick or cheat submission for slaughterfest 2013. Except, my map is actually possible.
  10. I didn't have time to play all maps in singleplayer yet, but I did all in a team online. I noticed that Daiyu's chamber was much harder in single player than expected (yellow key + end) and possibly deserves a map20+ mapslot. Actually, I tried to prevent to put all of Archi's map in a row. And I felt a split up in difficulty from the first 14 maps and the other 18 maps. Many mappers here have a typical mapping style and I can imagine people getting bored of doing 6 similar maps in a row. Hence the order. Yes, Exodus Remix was definitely in the easier catagory, but could have been map14 just as well. Grain of Salt, please don't add viles and remove ammo. One thing I hate is a lack of ammo: how are you supposed to slaughter? If you want your map to be harder, perhaps more viles and more ammo would work. The player would get closed in quicker and/or get hit more often by (resurrected) mobs and it might be a lot harder to stay alive.
  11. Hurricyclone, I'm not going to adjust any gameplay. The idea is to fix multiplayer "bugs". For example: Some maps feature traps rooms with bars so the player won't leave the room. Problems arise when the trapped player doesn't know what to do and dies in the trap room. If this happens, other players won't be able to finish the map, because they are locked outside the trap and won't be able to hit that required switch or pick up that one key located inside the trap room. There is a very easy and obvious fix for this (adding a teleporter that transports you beyond the bars into the trap room). Unfortunately some mappers never play online. They don't know the problems and hence never consider a fix. Phml, I got the point of the minimum of 3 lines right away and never considered it should be changed.
  12. I definitely didn't edit any of the maps. At start I used doombuilder to compile everything to 1 wad because someone on the interwebs said it was easy and a good way to do this. Then I noticed it was very bugged (removing existing maps and such) and slow, so I just did this the copy paste way using slumped. I know darkdave1985's map was added in a later release so I'm sure there was no Doombuilder there to make any changes to your map. I do know what causes texture changes and I blame bad texture packs like gothictx. Don't get me wrong, I think these textures look awesome which makes it great. The reason why it's bad is because it replaces existing doom textures. This instead of keeping the originals and adding new ones with new names. Eventually this ends up with 1 map requiring the original texture and another map requiring the gothictx replacement texure. Well you can't have both textures with the same name. If you feel your map looks wrong then try to load the map with the original texture pack and all should be fine. Heh, I leave it up to Ribbiks to fix all that stuff for a final release. If I had to organise an event like this I'd definitely make some very strict rules regarding custom texture usage. >:D As for the multiplayer feedback provided, it is NOT trying to tell you whether your map is fun/balanced/good/bad in multiplayer and I'm definitely not saying that maps have to be multiplayer oriented. It's just that some maps aren't playable at all (technical issues, not gameplaywise). TimeOfDeath don't worry, your maps work fine online and there's plenty to kill. There are usually no bars that block other players out etc. To all map authors, I would be glad to add multiplayer fixes to your map: minor fixes that make them actually load online and prevent players from getting stuck. I will not change any gameplay and I don't want to change anything without permission. Please, let me know if you want me to add fixes that just affect multiplayer issues.
  13. Archi, your latest version of Broken mind makes Zandronum servers crash, the map won't load. I noticed in singleplayer some loud noise from the exit. Perhaps this is the cause?
  14. Version 4 available here: http://static.best-ever.org/wads/sf2013_pre-release_v4.wad Requires following texture pack: http://static.best-ever.org/wads/sf2013pr-tex_v2.wad
  15. New and updated maps, sweet... I'm almost done updating the pre-release to version 4 containing all 32 maps. New features include custom hud, title pic & music, intermission pic & music, a rough map order according to difficulty which could use your feedback, prboom compatible, high res title + intermission pic for zdoom based ports. Some multiplayer feedback I gathered so far: Rayzik - Desecration v4: Once someone dies inside the RSK trap, bars will block others from getting the key. Please fix this (ie. a teleporter). Daiyu - Daiyu's chamber (v5): Bars at yellow key room close others out if someone dies inside at the wrong moment. (teleporter?) Daiyu - Shanghai massacre (v2): Bars at the doors near exit will block other players. (teleporter?) Following maps were not playable online due to high number of monsters that are active at the same time. Depending on the map/monsters/port, maximum is around 500-1k active mobs. In some maps this can be fixed: not every teleporting monster has to wake at the same time, they may teleport in at different/rooms and don't need to wake at spawn for example. I leave it up to the map authors to fix anything if possible. phml - Three lines (v2) ArmouredBlood - Red recluse (v4) gggmork - Mult (v1) darkdave1985 - Insane trip (v1)
  16. Damn, tested only 4 of them and gave up. As for the rush demo. I quickly scanned the maps and added map03, map04 and map08-11 to the pre-release. Not sure how the others here on doomworld feel about the maps, but I think they look great. Darkdave, it's all up to you what you want to do with the feedback and I'm not saying you have to make things easier.
  17. Here is your fda for Broken mind Archi, I didn't finish because I didn't know where to park or fight that cyber. Overall I liked the texture usage, layout and the multiplayer support where each player could go for a different key. Last but not least, you implemented a speedrun route which is pretty cool. You've blocked the windows. That route was too short for fun anyway. The classic traps could be read like a book: invul, chaingunners... you've set them up well. When, from spawn, going from the left teleporter to the right, all seems to be fine ammo/health wise. At the BSK area, infighting the cyb/revs seems a bit awkward. I didn't want to stay near the chaingunners or the caged outside area because of sniping cybers. Guess I should have gone back to kill the snipers first.
  18. Dark dave, I've played your map and it has a nice overall gameplay. For me, most trouble was in the first room. Let's start with getting to the other side without getting shot by chaingunners. It took me a lot of tries to outluck the hitscanners with only 100 health and about 20 armor. I get close often, but rarely make it. Waking the cyber to shoot all shotgunners helped me, but still it was hard to get past the chainies. Personally I find this very annoying. Next were the viles. I just skipped those and continued the map without maxing it. Killing/surviving those seems very random again and there's hardly any place to hide if you want to get a good shot at them as well. All other stuff was pretty balanced and fun to play. Notice that the viles can be shot off the platform in the 2nd room, intended? Perhaps you could change the secret(s) a bit? I didn't need the invul at the 2nd room at all, but could've used some (health) boost in the 1st room to max it.
  19. Hooray, another map! It's MAP28, haven't checked for any custom textures. I'll give the gameplay a shot but not today. First room didn't look very online/bandwidth friendly. I'll add it to pre-release v3 for testing.
  20. Just finished the texture stuff I think. Making a proper texture wad was a hell. Seems like there really isn't any utility out there that can do ALL of the required steps without breaking anything. There was no manual/documentation about all the bugs either. Just people saying you have to do all manually... RIGHT.
  21. It's actually one of the reasons for me to make it more public. This thread is dying and people hardly give the maps the playtesting they need. I believe that releasing a dozen final versions could be prevented easily this way. Just rename them to pre-release and start testing/adding them in every way as soon as possible.
  22. Oh so far I've just saved maps into a single wad using Doom builder. Created a MAPINFO lump containing all information about map name, version + author and off we go. As for textures: I just load all provided custom texture packs mentioned in your first post + pm-tex. Most maps run fine this way on GZdoom so I expect them to work on Zandronum too. All custom textures included inside each submitted map wad are missing. I just don't have any tool or knowledge to export/import them easily (have been using SLumpEd and Doom Builder only). The wad I have so far can be downloaded here. It contains 17 maps.
  23. So for testing purposes I tried to download all maps today and assemble a tesing/pre-release version of SF2013. It's intended for public online playing. Some files got removed though. Could anyone upload them again? Files missing: Firestarter v1 Butt v2 Daiyu's Chamber v5 Wavebreaker v2 Pathogen v3 Three lines v2 Shanghai massacre 1927 v2 I updated mine: Trick or cheat v4
  24. Great idea Ribbiks. Actually, I wanted to suggest releasing a test version before 2013 so the final version would be released in January 2013. But maybe 2013 is too early indeed. Unless we suddenly get a lot of new maps posted before November and we do some very organized playtesting (including multiplayer for both Zandronum and ZDaemon). I still like the ideas for map30 too: If this is what we want, then we better make a plan. Some scheduling/deadlines will be needed or this project might even end up in 2015. Especially when every mapper wants to decide which of his arena(s) he wants to include for map30. So... what do we want?