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Posts posted by MisriHalek

  1. I've posted before a flying saucer for use in interception 2.
    Now I have expanded this a little, I've made the DeHackEd for an "alien electrifier", the replacement for Former Human. The graphic is a placeholder although it is model based (If the model is acceptable, I want a skin for it to make the graphic). This is a melee attacker, but with a fast weapon (like a slow chainsaw).
    The DeHackEd also replaces the Icon Thrower with a BFG Spitter.

    The link (now I use FileSmelt)
    Sorry for using intercep2 as a name

    I wish that interception II will also replace the pistol and shotgun with another alien weapons (e.g. Shotgun will become Pulsator, a weapon charged by crystals, fires pulses of light). Also no puff (no bullet weapons, all are electric and photo weapons). Also teleport fog must change.

  2. Download link:

    This is what I suggested before for the partial conversion Interception II, a flying saucer. Spawns monsters and lost souls. The file includes placeholder levels. The second level contains a monster (only DeHackEd, no sprites), shoots BFG and lost souls. Both monsters have KeenDie as their death frame codepointer.

    Known bugs:
    - The saucer is somewhat small
    - The saucer drops clip when die
    - The saucer's explosion frames are speeddone (very ugly)
    - No new sounds yet
    - The saucer don't appear in cast of characters
    - Cacodemon fireballs are overridden by BFG shots, so now cacodemons shoot hellknight green flame instead (you don't want cacodemon to shoot BFG shots).

    Editors used:
    - Blender 3d modeller + MS paint for sprites (My sprites are converdsion from models)
    - XWE
    - Doom builder
    - WHackEd2

    Tested with:
    - Chocolate doom (use -merge parameter instead of -file)

  3. The idea maybe good, but this boss maybe very hard. I couldn't beat it till now. Good idea to make a boss who switch between flying and walking, and have attacks varying according to health. Good selection of graphics, also (but I prefer original graphics).
    Two questions:
    This boss has very high health, why didn't you include a life meter in your level?
    Anyway, here is your level including the life meter (must be used with the wad)
    The other question: why did you make it here not in realm667? I think it is a bit more specialised. (although I prefer doomworld, and I wish doomworld would make a forum for monsters etc...)

  4. Ribbiks said:

    cha! Penrose tiling is really interesting. I was planning on making that section bigger, but it's kinda tedious to draw those sorts of things in doombuilder, I was sitting there with a calculator assigning (x,y) values to vertices

    Try WadC instead, very useful in repeated structures like the Penrose.

  5. Glad to see megawad that imagines what beyond hell. I think this is the first time we see a megawad like that.
    I'm new to this forums but not new to doom modding, I one day had some monster modification ideas (with DeHackEd) that can fit in this megawad. You are about to change the SS Nazi and the Icon of Sin. So what about merging the two (after changing the sprites. I recommend a flying saucer or any other circular concept, due to the fact that SS Nazi have only shooting sprite that is facing the viewer, which makes it unrealistic except for circular designs). Then you could change one of the shooting frames' code pointer with demon spitter's one (this requires the initialization code pointer to be copied as well). Then give this the floating flag and about the health of the cyberdemon and the boss death frame (or the KEEN death frame, which is a better new great idea for me). This will give you a great boss (not sure if fits as a final boss, maybe somewhat easy).
    Note about the concept of the wad: I suggest swapping episodes 2 and 3, the alien world is more likely to be the end. Also techbase theme will look earthy except with whole new texture pack (may be recolour some standard textures).
