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Everything posted by Gerardo194

  1. Sure! Here you are: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nng0xt6t5roon6i/Mephisto%27s_Mausoleum/file
  2. I see. If you are able to make a map that pays tribute to that one as Altar of Extraction did, consider yourself into the mappers team. You can get help from the mappers team if they are available.
  3. I see, didn't know that existed... I haven't played the Kex re-release either tbh, I only checked the id vault thing out.
  4. Altar of extraction, nice level. Pardon my ignorance, I've not been here since a long time... What do you mean with comm maps? Something tells me it might be community maps but not sure.
  5. Hello. I'm unable to know that but I hope that's before 2025.
  6. Hello. The reason is because we've been busy with other projects and stuff but it will become available in Beta 5. EdIt: @AdministrationCenter21 sorry forgot to mention that there is a Mephisto's Mausoleum map made by @Whiteysnakey you can play on PsyDoom if you're interested. But for the project itself, will be included in Beta 5.
  7. Gerardo194

    DOOM E1M3 Dark Halls - Remake Cover

    Really enjoyed it. Nice job.
  8. Gerardo194

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Congrats on the release guys!
  9. Hello everyone. Hope you're doing fine. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gerardo194


      @taufan99 thank you. The team is busy with life and stuff but good. When we're ready to show something we'll tell you. I like your profile pic btw. 


      @OliveTree thanks so much, glad to know that. 


    3. taufan99


      @Gerardo194 Haha yeah, the KEX remaster is truly a blessing, what with the id Vault containing previously unseen scrapped content from Romero. I made a quick edit on this single nerd HUD face.

    4. Gerardo194


      Nice edit. Yeah, I checked the KEX remaster a bit last night before sleep and was great. The Id Vault is amazing, need to check more about it when get home. 

  10. Hello Doomworld.

    1. taufan99


      Hey Gerardo! We've all been waiting for you. Hope you have something new to give to us!

    2. sbw37


      i'm with him. all of us are eagerly anticipating your release of your doom 64 episode and the new enemies. we're rooting for ya lol


    3. Gerardo194


      Hello, sorry for the late reply guys, being busy with life. Hope you both are fine. 

  11. Hello. Hope you are very fine. What you are experiencing with the level progression is the normal behavior of the project in this Beta phase 4 GEC has released. It's not a bug. GEC is planning the full progression of the project to include those maps you want to see from both PSXDoom and Final Doom. Hope you enjoy beta 4 and have a good night.
  12. In NRFTL, Tomb of Malevolence, you have a nightmare CyberDemon. In Grosse, you have another nightmare CyberDemon in UV and Nightmare! In Altar of Extraction, you have nightmare Mankies. In Titan Manor, you have Nightmare Baron. Too many maps have nightmare variants
  13. Hello @Dynamo If you're referring to this project. Yes! There are nightmare Imps, Barons and Knights, Mankies, Archies, Cybies and so on. If you want, try it out. Have a good day.
  14. Thanks a lot for this. It has been added in the OP.
  15. We are still considering that. We'll let you know when we're ready.
  16. Thanks for the suggestion. Appreciated. But if there were a new name for the compilation, that will depend on Erick only. And the GZDoom version we made is the original Master Edition.
  17. Thanks a lot! Even though we internally applied some changes in some maps, the mappers team have done a good job as well. Enjoy!
  18. That would be taking one of the maps from the original games and using a tool to add them and then adding that information in the PSXMPINF. Erick must know about this better than I do. You can ask him personally. Regarding the completed version, we already have the map progression done when that happens.
  19. Yes. Erick has already planned that. After final version is completely done. We will work on the version that contains Master Edition and Original PSXDoom and Final Doom in one pack. That's the main purpose of this project.
  20. Hi folks, as you already know: I am working on the cut content from Doom 64 started by me and suggested stuff from people here! This cut content includes the four missing Doom 2 monsters, the models created by Gregor Punchatz ant the "cut" weapon animations as suggested be people here and other websites. Now GEC (@Gerardo194 @Erick194 and @Chris194) is working on the special episode for Doom 64, titled: Journey into the Chaos. The main purpose of this project now is making a special episode that takes place after killing the Mother Demon, Doomguy realizes the demons want to take over Earth again now with Spider Demon at the helm. In this episode Doomguy must stop Spider Mastermind from creating a cosmic chaos using the Gate of Stars. This episode consists of a nine level episode a la DOOM. Here the Demons you know for the upcoming episode: (The ones based from Gregor's models have been updated/modified, not included here till further update) If you are asking about the IOS and the other monsters shown in the thread Resurrecting the missing Doom64 monsters, they will be available in the next episode. I hope you understand the current situation, screenshots are not working fine on the computer this time. There will be photos that were taken to show the progress of the levels after next update: Maps: Weapons rendered: Hope you enjoy the photos