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Everything posted by LittleTemple

  1. I can’t speak for everyone of course but, at my age, I find it both interesting and amazing when a young person asks about an old computer game like DOOM. This story is in fact so interesting, I’m having trouble picking a good place to start, so, I’ll start at the beginning! Last summer a close friend of ours took a quick trip to France in order to bring a distant relative to the states. Our friend didn’t give too much info (she never does, FYI) and so we were naturally curious when our friend came back a few weeks later (I guess that’s what some people call a quick trip?). As it was, the others and myself were sitting around two computers using DOOM Builder before our friend arrived with Gabrielle. Yeah I know, she sounds like the angelic blonde every father wants as a daughter but knows he’ll go through hell by the time she’s fifteen… Well, she is rather angelic and blonde but that isn’t quite the point. The point is, we met her, our friend yacked and yacked about her trip and Gabrielle seemed bored with the conversation (her English is rather poor) so she took a gander over to the computers and asked “What we were drawing”. You might be wondering why this is in the mods and wads forum by now, but, just wait for it. The drawing she referred to was the incomplete (and admittedly terrible) map design sitting in DOOM builder we had been fighting with all day. To make a long story somewhat short, we found out she likes to draw and is quite good at it. Kamila ended up giving her a second boxed copy of the 2004 DOOM Collectors edition (the doom 3 preview one) and a week or so later we helped her get set up and play around with it on her own very old laptop. We ended up explaining as best we could the whole doom builder thing again to her and she said she had found a guide by a doctor online on how to use it. (She meant DR. Sleep, I believe) so we ended up setting up DOOM builder on her laptop. Fast forward to this evening around 5PM, she came over with our friend and had a thumb drive in her hand and said she wanted to show us something. So after dinner, Kamila copied over a wadfile called demon laden (spelt wrong of course). All I can really say is, I’m actually stunned. I mean, at 11, I don’t think I could’ve done what she had done in a matter of months with all that learning involved. Shoot, I don’t think I could do that now =P Anywho, it’s only two levels so far for DOOM II. They’re smallish like what you might find in the Sythe series. We just wanted to share it and see what the DOOM community thinks! It’s mapped completely in regular DOOM2 format so the best play experience will probably come from using chocolate doom. We helped her write up a small text file for it. Here is the link for the download: http://files.drdteam.org/index.php/files/get/3WsnLzv77y/demonladen.zip There’s a lot I could say but I’ve typed about 600 words already here =P I think she avoided making a mistake unlike myself and the rest of our group by starting mapping in vanilla compatible mode first and learning how it all works instead of starting off in ZDoom or Legacy. Anyway, feel free to post feedback and whatnot. I realize it might not be much compared to folks around here who have been mapping for 15+ years but, for an 11 year old and 6 months of tinkering with something completely new to her, it isn’t half bad in my opinion =) Little Temple Group
  2. well here is my farewell post for now. i hope everything gets back to normal. if marcus tries to get back on this account or make a new one and start ranting just ban him or something. i am going to try to change the email linked to this to are littletemplegroup@aol.com since i know the password to that and marcus doesn't. i should have done it along time ago but i forgot about it. all the best sincere apologies K
  3. okay thanks. @KiiiYiii it would have been really impressive if it got marcus to confess. anyway. again sorry guys. not much else i can say :/
  4. i don't get why it matters so much. its the internet. i just told you all i can. marcus has always been a prankster. he does shit like this. i don't know why and i don't really care. i don't know about marcus but i just wanted to try making some doom maps. i don't know what more you guys want. when marcus comes back he will probably deny it or yell at me for ruining whatever little plan he was trying for. its childs play to me. all of this. and i don't really care to talk about it anymore. i apologized. you can either accept it and move on or people can keep posting in this now pointless thread :/
  5. its what you asked for. i am being civil right now. you should try it sometime. it makes the world a safer place
  6. you realize that a lot of people share the same last name right? and who says zielinski is my real last name? maybe i don't want to be tracked by people on the internet :/ i have never even been to twitter. kamila and zielinski are both polish/jewish names. of which i am. my name is not really uncommon i was born in poland.
  7. i don't know any of his friends on Facebook so go ahead. that isn't a threat to me. the only real thing you have linking him to me and marcus is the fact that we used his email address. you guys want to know the truth so here it is. little temple group is really just two people. me and marcus. orignally we were going to have my younger sister and a guy that used to do a lot of maps for half-life join and made the mistake of typing them into the list and blah blah blah. but for whatever reason it didn't work out. but marcus was thinking that it made the team sound bigger with four people. elizavetta did try doom mapping and did the original map01 for projekt zero but it wasn't very good like people here said so she just decided she didn't really like it. i'm at home most of the time with my family and what ever and rarely ever check doom world. but marcus thought the team sounded cooler if there was actually four people in it instead of just 2 and since i was doing most of the mapping anyway i didnt really care what he said. i dont even really like using internet forums. not big ones anyway. and the more detailed reason we were ok with chris letting us use his email is because he wrote a little bit of the projekt xero story. actually do you guys have the original readme file for that? his name might still be in there under the credits. as for gabrielle. i honestly didn't know anything about it tell tonight. not sure why marcus made her up or whatever.. but i think marcus made the maps. i never actually saw him building them. i have been working on map 07 and map 04 of dimensions and projekt xero :/ chris gibbon really is a real guy. and he isn't me. all we did is just use his email. i don't know for sure about abiageal o'meara. i am guessing she's real. chris talks to her sometimes because he told me he is letting her write music for some kind of book thing he is working on. i guess abiageal o'meara could be marcus and he is just playing tricks on chris. not really sure and i don't really care. marcus sucks pretty bad on piano though so i kind of doubt it :/ as for kristenn and the other forum stuff you found. it could be marcus. i don't know. maybe he is trying to help promote abiageal or if he is her, he is trying to promote himself. it took me a long time to read all of this thread so. i think i covered everything. if i didn't just tell me okay? making doom maps has been fun for me. i just never checked the forums enough to know what was going on. i have been really busy for the last week or two.. maybe three :/ you guys don't have to believe it but. you wanted me to spill it.. so there it is. if it helps i apologize. though marcus really should do the apologizing imho.
  8. fine if you or someone else wont do it through pm or email than i'm not saying anything. there is a difference. in a pm everyone and their uncle can't reply giving their opinions or input.
  9. for your information he isn't a neighbor, he lives like a 10/15 minute walk away.
  10. firstly you don't know what i will admit to and what i'm going to tell you at all. i said i would clear this up without interference from all the other people crying for blood. one on one is easier. you can tell god what i told you afterwards for all i care
  11. you still don't get it do you. it is an email from apple to keep computers in sync. we had just got a used macbook from chris gibbon to do the more artsy stuff for project zero. we simply wanted to link our DW account to a apple one so the computer would keep a email feed while we worked on graphics. since the computer didn't have restore disks and the email slots for the OS install were maxed (the apple email address lockout per account) he just said use one of those that are on there instead of making a new one and removing everything.
  12. who says i'm going to deny everything? just send me a pm at least and i'll tell you. straight forward and honest i swear. without everyone elses input.
  13. thats why i said lazy. you do have to jump through alot of hoops for a apple email though. its not very easy. not like aol or even live.
  14. but it isn't. marcus was over at chris's house and decided to sign up on doomworld but he hadn't made an email address yet so chris said he could just use his. marcus is lazy like that x3 you guys aren't even trying to take up my offer and get my email or email chris and get the whole story on what is going on. why is that? you just keep posting hostile posts instead of calming down and talking to me.
  15. i see you ignored the excellent point i made in my last post! yes that is a challenge! for your sake it might be a good idea x3 im sure he would be thrilled to know whats going on
  16. do you know what that kind of email address is? you can't have more than 2 or 3 on the same computer. its not just a email address guys. its part of the computer. the contacts.. all the documents. everything. the guy isn't just going to stop using it because of some silly forum stuff. dont you think we would have thought of the chrisgibbon email when we signed up and said for it to be public before making all of this up if we were trying to hide something? comeon think about it x3 sounds pretty dumb to me
  17. i would have to ask marcus about the email address but i'm not even sure chris uses that email anymore tbh. listen if you guys are so convinced that we are him, send him an email, get his skype.. talk with the guy. certainly if he really is some kind of wacko mastermind you could learn how to catch the next one! :D
  18. i can't see that post. mind copying and pasting it? thanks! also. if you guys don't believe me, i can just give you his skype xP he's still online.
  19. you mean Mr. Gibbon the author? we're very very close friends of his actually. it would be great if you guys could ask rather than confuse. i was over at his house yesterday in fact. but i'm not posting his address in public. sure he wouldn't mind a visit x3 do you guys have anything else? abiageal o'meara is a friend of Mr. Gibbon and she's writing a soundtrack for some kind of audio book for him or so i heard.
  20. mind if i ask? as you can probably tell i'm super curious :D
  21. apologies i was under the assumption you guys wanted to know what the story really was. if you're going to be uncivil about it, then by all means, never mind. whats this about rebekah's dream now?
  22. well thanks but they have a point. marcus is over-reacting big-time and he hasn't been exactly truthful either i just don't want to cause more bickering amongst people i would rather have someone pm me and we could keep it out of the public. i was thinking emails. marcus is the one who posts on forums on are behalf :3
  23. seriously everyone i would rather clean this mess up in private xP trolls troll. marcus is just being a butt head again. if he would have let me see the thread a week ago i would have explained everything before it got so washed over with since less bickering. its starting to read like a old couples house in here...
  24. mmmm okay you're saying that marcus or all of us is this kristenn person from a website named macrumors? mind if i ask what that's based on? kristen from the odamex community (killerkittykat) is actually my step sister x3 i bought her doom on GBA i would give marcus the update but i am fairly sure he doesn't care anymore :/ but to be honest its all getting silly. i just wish marcus would tell you something he hasn't. but if you really want to know whats up. send me a pm and i will give you my email address mmkay?