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About Uberskunk

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    Green Marine

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  1. I prefer the original Doom for it's better level design although when I play it, I do miss the more varied Doom 2 monsters, since the ones in Doom 1 have little for variation in their attacks. Throw stuff at you, or hitscan. I guess it's more or less the same with Doom 2 but even the multi-directional volleys of the Mancubus' fireballs or the repetitious speed of the Arachnotron's plasma cannon offer more interesting challenges. And, of course, the Revenant's homing missile and the Archvile's immolation thing. But...the level designs are pretty drab with few exceptions. "Inferno" felt like you were truly in hell, while the end of Doom 2, despite supposedly being hell, is just...weird. The Spirit World is nice and hellish but the rest? Eh...
  2. Uberskunk

    "Maple," a hellish fight in Suburbia

    Most of my maps are tougher than I expect them to be, given that I generally aim them at the more casual fan. Hardcore fans of...anything, really, are not where my interests lie. When I first watched friends and family try this one, I joked to them "God, why don't YOU remember the houses as well as I DO?" It was easy for me to know where the ideal ammo and items were having spent a long time building it. I often like to have a lot of activity in my maps. An exception would be my "Prison" map which was decidedly low on monsters in favor of atmosphere. Either way, that "warzone" feel was a lot of the feel I was going for and often go for. I like for the player to feel like just one piece in a big, moving machine. The key-spawning thing seems obvious in hindsight but it wasn't my original idea. I realized after a while that skilled players would be able to clear out the map before ever collecting a single key and then have nothing to do for the rest of the map, so it was a way to ensure that there was always something to fight, throughout. Thanks for the additional feedback, appreciate it.
  3. Wow, that's one funny difference of opinion on where the ideal location for this topic should be. If only I could be so jovial.
  4. Funny you say that because I was going to list Refueling Base as one of the ones I like in Doom 2 but couldn't remember the name. I probably like it because it's a holdover from Doom 1, and it kind of shows, it doesn't look like the other Doom 2 maps.
  5. I've never felt compelled to do that, I'll just play them all the way through, generally. But there are certainly levels I don't care for. Overall, when it comes to the commercial maps I prefer the original Doom, as Doom 2's maps all appeared rather samey in design. When I think "Doom 2" I think, the color brown. And that's never a good equation. Doom 2 has more maps that I think of as a pain in the neck. I'm alright with the TNT maps. Plutonia's maps don't thrill me from a design aspect and can be a bit "much" in terms of combat. I mean, that's the point of Plutonia but it can still feel like more of a slog than anything. If I had a "playlist" it'd probably be the same basic order of levels with certain annoying ones removed. I never cared for E1M6, for example. Also not nuts about Unholy Cathedral. In Doom 2, I'd like to replace basically all of the maps with one that was identical but with, you know...interesting textures instead of, once again, the color brown.
  6. Uberskunk

    "Maple," a hellish fight in Suburbia

    Thanks for giving it a play. Infighting is definitely a strong strategy to take. The shotguns and chainguns are the easiest to stumble upon. I made sure to play the level with only those to ensure that it could be realistically beaten with weaker guns.
  7. Uberskunk

    "Maple," a hellish fight in Suburbia

    Infighting is certainly an ideal strategy. While I had friends and family trying it, they noted that running around outside for a while to stir up trouble between demons helped a lot. Nice job on the secrets. I felt inspired when I came up with the one you mentioned. Thanks for giving it a try, really appreciate it.
  8. Uberskunk

    "Maple," a hellish fight in Suburbia

    Thanks for checking it out. I was thinking about fixing the tags but there are so many doors it seems...unrelentingly tedious. BUT...I might. I mean I did think I might repost it again with some edits down the road. I was unsure about the in-floor fire barrels. If the "actors indefinitely tall" tag is on then, yeah, they can get kind of annoying. They create a cool visual but it depends on what kind of settings the player has. I figured I'd leave them because they weren't level breaking but if I do a new version I might move them all to locations that the player is less likely to traverse. I intentionally made the guns mostly conventional and kept ammo a bit scares. As you said, it has the "zombie apocalypse" feel and I didn't want the player to ever get too comfortable with his supplies. Nice to know that the feel was well-received. Glad you found the Super Shotgun, by the way. Wasn't sure if players would think to do that which gives it to you. Thanks again for giving it a look, and thanks for the feedback.
  9. Uberskunk

    "Maple," a hellish fight in Suburbia

    EDIT: Well I mostly respond to what I'm given. Don't mind being corrected. The rest didn't seem so necessary. If the opening post is that inflammatory, well, I removed most of it in the hopes of keeping the focus on the map itself. Didn't seem that bad, but, you know, internet. Forums. It's all an ordeal.
  10. Uberskunk

    "Maple," a hellish fight in Suburbia

    I said classic, not "vanilla." Even if the 0-tag thing wasn't present, it'd surely crash a vanilla-doom based port. I more meant it shouldn't be played "brutal" or what have you.
  11. Uberskunk

    "Maple," a hellish fight in Suburbia

    It's been added. I trust the lord will forgive me for the momentary lack of info.
  12. It's a doom map. Based on suburbia. Nothing at all contentious about that. Play it on a Z-Doom based source port, map 27. REQUIRES TNT RESOURCES. Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zusl5rwwfkd1p35/Maple.wad?dl=0 General Tips: -Salvation is indoors! Visit the houses often, as most of what you'll need to survive are only indoors. -Don't stay inside for long! It won't take long for a house's perimeter to be swarmed with monsters. Get in, get your supplies, and then get the hell out. -Windows are solid! It would seem the residents of this little neighborhood are used to American life by now and have bullet proof panes. Don't bother trying to shoot monsters through them (but it's a good way to see what's happening outside). -Think creatively about secrets! There isn't a lot of room for a simple hidden door in a place like this. Take a good look around to find some good bonus stuff.
  13. Uberskunk

    The Prison (A very weird map of mine)

    @Jaska, InfernalManiac, Gaspe, walter: Thanks for the compliments, and thanks a ton for giving it a look. @Albertoni: I never imagined people would find that room as confusing as they do. Thanks for warning me about the secrets, I've since fixed them, though I don't recall if I replaced the current file with the fixed one. I appreciate everyone who's given it a try so far, thanks guys.
  14. Uberskunk

    The Prison (A very weird map of mine)

    Thanks a ton for looking, I sort of figured I wasn't going to hear anything about this one. I know it's an odd level but it was fun to make, I'm glad you enjoyed the effects. Thanks for letting me know about that chair, Joe. You know, now that you mention it, I think that might have happened to me too ages ago. I thought I fixed it but maybe I didn't save or something. I'll get that fixed. As per the marble pillar area, I HAVE had a previous issue with that being confusing. The hint is the clips in the room. Thanks for your input though, and thanks a lot for trying it out.
  15. Uberskunk

    The Prison (A very weird map of mine)

    @Fonze & Walter Thanks for giving it a look guys.