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Everything posted by Ralphis

  1. Ralphis

    Have we become even more insane?

    You have to be one of the biggest, if not THE BIGGEST idiot within the community.
  2. Ralphis

    Ebonics Lesson 2001

    Well, the only thing I have to state here is for Esco and it is not flaming. Esco: We don't really enjoy you speaking in slang so if you will, please turn it down a bit. If you are going to curse throughout all your sentences, say the curses correctly without putting asteriks between it all. But personally, I don't think cursing is needed in your sentences because it just lowers your class and appearance towards us. Just my opinion though, "dawg". All I am suggesting is for you to stop using slang because it makes you look dumber than you probably are. I talk slang with my friends, but not on the internet and I seem to get the point across when I do. But the fact of the matter is, when you write in slang, its hard for us to read it.
  3. I think if DooM3 is anything like this it will be very good. I mean, how much more can we go with bright light doom games. 5 have been produced and sold by ID in total like this and they get pretty boring like that. But what I still want to see is 10 monsters crammed into a room and monsters often. Not quake-like gameplay. I like the graphics personally, but im sure since the game isn't even near finished light area will be inserted. This was most likely to just show off what the card can do. All in all, I have faith in ID that a good game will be produced.
  4. Ralphis


    What kind of graphics do you do?
  5. Ralphis

    Processor overclocking

    Duker!!! Wassup man? Long time no see, you heard the scoop on Unidoom or what?
  6. Ralphis

    DOOM64 Music

    Thank you for this link!!
  7. Ralphis

    doom64 sounds...read this ya'll!

    Do you have the master disk? Or the lost episodes of doom game?
  8. Ralphis


    Its the west. Not the north
  9. Ralphis

    Kudos Esco

    I already started a wad with all those sounds.
  10. Ralphis

    DOOM MOD Idea..

    Thats a horrible idea.
  11. Ralphis

    New irc channel?

    We live in the same house.......
  12. Ralphis

    0.2 coming soon!

    xdaemon is nightfang.
  13. Ralphis

    New irc channel?

    Your such a freakin moron. Stay off the forums. You took map making and IRCing away from me! what more can you do?! Go check out the doom3 forums little bro, they might like you there
  14. Ralphis


    I haven't taken a certain religion. But i do believe in god and jesus christ and I think everyone who goes against mine and other people's beliefs should just keep their opinions to themselves
  15. Ralphis


    Considering DooM is copyrighted by ID software im sure they would give a shit. Just my 4 cents over your 2 cents
  16. Ralphis


    Thats where i stuck it.
  17. Ralphis


    WOW! thats awesome lol. I mean why wouldnt we believe you lol? LOL i mean i wouldnt just think your a liar or something lol or maybe your blind lol or maybe they are making a movie based on Quake and calling it doom LOL! maybe people like you should die lol yea lol thats it!lol
  18. Ralphis


    If he was like Clinton, he would give Saddam a doggie treat to go along with shooting at our plans or whatever they did. What Bush did was extremely tactical and intelligent. It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat. Get over it, Bush won and so far he has done a good job.
  19. Ralphis

    Just A quick little poll

    doom enemies arent hard
  20. Ralphis


    zdoom.exe or sub7gld.exe
  21. Ralphis

    I have all of the doom64 sounds..read on

    I will possibly post them on unidoom if you send them to me. Ralphis@rcn.com
  22. Ralphis


    Mine came on 2.
  23. Ralphis

    Mouse V. Trackball...?

    I think the mouse has the best aiming capabilities
  24. Ralphis

    A bone to pick...

    I design maps and i dont think im god. I do consider myself a fairly good map maker but nowhere in the detail fields.
  25. Ralphis

    What race of Doom players are you ?

    Italian-American. If they can call themselves African-Americans I am officially an Italian-American