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Everything posted by NuMetalManiak

  1. No changes to MAP17? I also got stuck (the whole white key area got zero-heighted and every enemy that warped in was inside a ginormous HOM, plus the other HOM'd lift mentioned by @TheShep). Also was unable to kill the following monsters: mancubus 1704, revenant 241, archvile 359, and cacodemons 361, 17, 20, and 24. It's incredibly odd how their closets are supposed to open with the linedefs tagged 303, yet a number of other closets in that central room have also opened which also had tags of 303. You guys need to be careful with voodoo doll conveyors so that the maps won't break.
  2. NuMetalManiak

    The meaning of you're account name..

    I like nu metal and the K at the end is a reference to how some of the bands in this genre do intentional misspellings (like Korn, Staind, Shuvel, Skrape, Drednot)
  3. NuMetalManiak

    Constriction: 1024 [RC3]

    Yes, no luck. On MAP23 now and I think it's impossible on GZDoom (edit: compat settings were on BOOM btw). I love how the yellow key will not let me grab it.
  4. NuMetalManiak

    Constriction: 1024 [RC3]

    It looks like a secret sector on MAP21 aren't accessible. Sector 448 you can lower and actually access but the teleport line prevents the registering of the secret in question.
  5. NuMetalManiak

    VlaDooM [Doom 2]- Release!

    On MAP07, the door to the main area can only be opened once, and it closes after one second, it should be a repeatable action on the south side of the door. MAP08 has some one-time only teleport lines, specifically 1828 and 1829. I thought after I accidentally teleported in there a second time I could be stuck. Oh and the secret sectors 341 and 476 can just be one secret sector. MAP11: Two tall techno floor lamps (370 and 373) flagged as secrets. MAP14: Door sector 319 cannot be opened at all.
  6. On GZDoom every map past MAP32 will actually end the game upon exiting each map. Weird that it happens considering the episodic format.
  7. NuMetalManiak

    [Vanilla Megawad] Hard Nut to Crack

    Will do, Speaking of, MAP19. A couple of switches (linedefs 2358 and 1802) don't work since nothing has their tags (42 and 45 respectively). I assume the latter switch is for that megasphere pillar (which is untagged). Meanwhile, the NE teleporter (2421, 2423, and 2424) goes to a random door sector which doesn't even have a teleport landing and does not work. MAP20: Unreachable secret sector in 143. MAP21: The entire west section of the level seems to be inaccessible. There's a teleporter landing with a sector tagged 19, but no linedef attached to it. Lots of barons are there, but it seems the only feasible way to get them all is to lure them to a narrow corridor. MAP22: Yeah, no, I, I just can't. This one is going to be the run killer. Several bad design choices here. Maze was optional but it's again possible to get permanently stuck. But one thing that's notable is that the linedef 1935 because this is NOT a vanilla linedef action, but a Boom action, so it won't work in vanilla. MAP24: The teleporter with linedefs 914-917 is supposed to lead to the two-headed guy sector to the south, but the tag is for the border wall of the sector that is around where you're supposed to teleport and not the sector itself. MAP26: Teleport landing 916 is on a sector with no tag. Sector 252 also doesn't open correctly because of a surrounding sector being only 1 more in height instead of the supposed way. MAP28: Secret sector 344 is not accessible. Not only does it not have a teleport destination thing, the corridor you teleport to to get to the teleporter that leads here has a teleport destination thing (682) only flagged for ITYTD/HNTR. MAP29: ...and stuck in the BFG room, wonderful. Actually don't think I can beat it, the one blue key is on a really high platform, there's no way to teleport to it, and you need it to finish.
  8. NuMetalManiak

    [Vanilla Megawad] Hard Nut to Crack

    MAP12: I'm not able to access two secret sectors. First is sector 74, which seems to be entirely blocked by impassable linedefs (notably linedef 748, I tried an arch-vile jump here). And then sector 152, which has a teleporter leading to it but the linedef for teleporting in (1035) is tucked behind an unreachable area plus it's too small to fit regardless (also tried arch-vile jumping from the left side, but the ceiling is too low for that too). Edit: Now I'm totally stuck on MAP15. the linedefs 1763 and 1777 are supposed to open a gateway but I can't get through, the whole south part has no other way to leave and it's even possible to get stuck on the west side of this area if you jump west of those trees. Ended up retrying and then found the secret exit to MAP31, where now I find that a spiderdemon (485) cannot teleport into the third arena, the linedef doesn't make the thing go down enough.
  9. If anyone asks.

    No, I don't do secret descriptions for official releases. If anybody wants those for Legacy of Rust, go right ahead (two levels are done already).

    In the meantime here's the full list of mods I have done secret descriptions for but there aren't any level pages on the wiki yet:



    Godless Night
    I CAN'T GIVE YOU ANY THING (this is just MAP36 but still)


    Jamal Jones Trilogy

    Prayers of Armageddon

    Eviternity II

    TNT The Way We Remember It

    All WMCs, DBPs and DBKs (the ones that don't have map pages anyways)

    PUSS's up to PUSS VI

    Pirate Doom II
    Doom 2 In City Only




    As of right now I'm still running through the secrets in RAMP2024 since that mod has a wiki page and will most likely get some map pages once Xymph gets to them.

  10. NuMetalManiak

    (MBF21) 30MC2: Thirty Aliens (on idgames)

    Found one: MAP09: The switch in the last area has an additional usable linedef (4836) that lowers the whole outer wall. also MAP35 is SO CONFUSING
  11. I'm gonna spend a lot of time writing some secret descriptions for the inevitable map pages that will show up on Doomwiki when the articles get created. Questions about MAP06, I could not get secret sector 732 at all here, and is the map beatable? I noticed that the script for ending the level was somehow commented out (got to the part where you had to shoot down fire gargoyles, nothing happened after killing all of them)
  12. Worth mentioning that MAP31 has no secret exit to MAP32 and you go to MAP16. The original map had no normal exit by comparison.
  13. NuMetalManiak

    DARKZONE RC1 | [Boom, Software Renderer]

    Gotta fix the blue key secret in MAP12. I got in and there was no way to head back out. (and make the waiting times shorter for these arena fights)
  14. NuMetalManiak

    Scorching Earth (32 Level Megawad)

    On MAP16, it's actually possible to finish the level immediately by opening the door behind the starting point and pressing use a little bit further in. On MAP17, secret sector 1255 cannot be triggered since it's a teleporter, making it only 6/7 secrets max. Should probably delete this secret sector since there's already the other one next to it. Also for the blue bars (sectors 1543-1545) should all be one sector AND with linedef action 32. MAP21: Easternmost teleport closet, I assume the monsters there were supposed to awaken when you fired in the first area, but they never actually waked up once. MAP24: Monsters 373-384 have the Deaf/Ambush flag and never teleport in. MAP30: When you take the portal to the next half of the map, make it so that I face north instead of south.
  15. NuMetalManiak

    DBP66: Lunar Strain

    Two things to note already. In the first secret area of MAP01, you can go over the railing. On MAP10, you get locked into an area where the blue key is by blue bars, however the top two bars can be opened with the red key.
  16. NuMetalManiak

    Road To Hades [32 map megawad for TNT]

    On MAP13 it's possible to lock yourself out of getting 100% kills in the shop battle. Once the bars show up to block the door, the monsters start teleporting in, but once you press the switch at the south end, the bars will be gone, but this also impacts the teleporter closets and prevents any remaining enemies from teleporting in.
  17. E1M7: Secret sector 162 can only be lowered twice with its linedefs (697 and 698) being S1. Not sure if intentional. E2M4: First switch when triggered does not show that its flipped. E3M3: One closet (sector 120) doesn't lower, three lost souls (82, 83, 84) don't come out. E3M4: random suggestion but make it so that the teleporter leading to the exit platform actually look like it's lowering, cause I thought I was stuck. E3M7: honestly this needs to be the secret level. Way too confusing and a total roadblock for UV normies, swap it with the current secret map imo. E4M9: no music for some reason.
  18. MAP20: Linedef 19937 has the same action as the switch nearby (5245). Not game-breaking but interesting. I now want a megawad based off of what MAP24 is. EDIT: Like with the Doomium II thread, I will mention that monsters telefragging each other on MAP30 can be a problem, especially in the last battle there.
  19. Should mention that on MAP36, one linedef (4301) is W1 teleport. Theoretically it can be possible for a monster (or even their corpse) to teleport using this line instead of the player, but this softlocks since you need to enter the inner sector in that area to proceed. Normally it's not really practical for it to happen though. EDIT: There's also a TON of monsters telefragging each other on MAP30. Intentional?
  20. NuMetalManiak

    im curious How do you play your 32 mega level Wads?

    Mods that randomize both the weapons and enemies are my personal favorites. OMGWPNS remains that case for me. This of course changes when there are changes to weapons or monsters in the WAD itself but thankfully there's options to ensure things. Most of the time.
  21. MAP12: One hell knight (119) doesn't teleport into the map, this is cause there's no teleport destination thing for the sector tagged 23. MAP32: I was unable to access secret sector 233, the trigger for this is to get the megaarmor from secret sector 337 but the action doesn't lower the rock all the way. MAP22: The first switch (364) does the raise donut thing but it ended up leaving two enemies (one revenant and one mancubus, things 151 and 84) still stuck. I was actually able to murder the revenant with freelook.
  22. NuMetalManiak

    DoomWiki Months in Review (Issue #54)

    Well, Memorial is now the 9th largest page on the Doomwiki for one. What's funny is that most of those secret descriptions were copied from the IWAD map pages with a few minor changes to them to reflect direction or items or such. EDIT: It's actually funny, I do most of my secret descriptions WHILE AT WORK.
  23. I wish I could make something for this but I just don't have the time cause I work so much. Best I can contribute to this apart from the off-and-on playing of any maps is a concept sketch I had for a map a long time ago.
  24. NuMetalManiak

    Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]

    I'm taking a guess and saying that @TMD2003 doesn't actually see the pillars that get up on that ledge. That actually happened to me and I was playing GZDoom. From what I saw in the map, there's either a regular staircase or the pillars in that GIF, it depends on skill level. But there's also a voodoo doll that is supposed to be attached to a certain large tree sprite. The idea is that this tree sprite blocks the voodoo doll from moving, but for some reason, at least for the latest versions of GZDoom, the voodoo doll and tree go together over a linedef that makes those jumping pillars disappear. This isn't supposed to happen but I think it might be a GZDoom quirk overall.