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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Jon

    SNES Doom source released under GPLv3

    that’s all lovely but has nothing to do with what I wrote. no I don’t. If you think that then you don’t understand what I’m saying. I haven’t said anything at all about Id. also lovely and still irrelevant.
  2. Jon

    SNES Doom source released under GPLv3

    I don’t doubt that he did, just like Burger Becky wrote the 3do stuff. That’s not the same as owning the rights. It’s typical for employees of a software company not to own the code they write: their employer does. the fact there was a delay whilst “something” was worked out is encouraging but it’s not proof of ownership. i think it’s great, really great, when historic source code is made public. But at the same time it’s potentially dangerous for any code to be licensed open source when ownership is in doubt.
  3. Jon

    SNES Doom source released under GPLv3

    I'd be pretty astonished if Randal Linden actually owned the rights to the code in order to license it under the GPL-3.
  4. There are other differences between hexen and doom format, though: LINEDEFS and THINGS are a different format (longer for hexen). If your map was converted to doom format then those lumps will be shorter, lacking e.g. thing ID fields
  5. Jon

    Is DOOM 64 on Switch worth buying?

    i realise this is literally heresy for some people but loading vanilla sfx has greatly improved my enjoyment
  6. Jon

    Is DOOM 64 on Switch worth buying?

    This is a lovingly made, authentic version of a game that ultimately it turns out I really don’t like very much. I might try a mod/pwad to replace the music and sfx with vanilla alternatives (the main reason I dislike both psx doom and doom 64) and see if I can find something to enjoy. No shade to nightdive, you’ve done an excellent job.
  7. Doom 2 MAP01 and Plutonia MAP32 are identical. If you haven’t found the secret switch in MAP01 to change all the textures and open up the large areas, you just aren’t good enough at DOOM.
  8. Jon

    Is DOOM 64 on Switch worth buying?

    Oh yes I forgot about that. Same issue on the steam version, unless there's a secret way to skip them. Oh I guess delete the FMV files? Ah removing the read permission bit is sufficient
  9. Jon

    What ports do YOU use?

  10. Jon

    Is DOOM 64 on Switch worth buying?

    It’s cheap; you can rebind your controls; there’s new content. Buy it! devs: please put an FPS cap option in the switch port
  11. This sounds more like hexen 2
  12. they’re both quite easy to find now. Malice in particular is worth a look. Chase cam, destructible walls, player turrets, mechs. this is the thread for you!
  13. Has anyone fond memories of two of the unofficial quake commercial mods, shrak and malice?
  14. I’ve always felt the best response to the continued existence of fandom is to improve the Doom wiki. Channel the anger into constructive energy instead. After all the split was nearly ten years ago. Almost twice as much time has passed since then as before it. There’s still plenty to improve on the DOOM wiki. putting my money where my mouth is I’ll do my annual backup to archive.org on Monday. And maybe I’ll try to pick back up work on building the next VPS.
  15. Jon

    How old are you ?

    I’m really surprised by the results of this
  16. Jon

    How do I make Quake style door split?

    Finally found these old threads about this, that I struggled to find (until now) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/prefabs/slidoor
  17. Jon

    How do I make Quake style door split?

    what resolution do those animations tick at? The Vanilla doom animation rate would make a very stuttery door. The boom scroller is much smoother, has a proper door in it so does all the normal blocking etc and - if important to OP, might not be - works in more ports than just gzdoom.
  18. Jon

    How do I make Quake style door split?

    It’s doable with boom. The trick is for the door sector to be invisible and the texture to be independent and tied to scrollers that move when the invisible ceiling raises or lowers. You have one side of the door on one texture scrolling one way, and the other on another the other.
  19. Jon

    Do You Back Up Your Work?!!

    No. You can use git for backup, just like if I’m feeling lazy I can cut fruit with a spoon, but that’s not what it’s for. You have to explicitly decide what to backup and make sure you push all branches to your remotes regularly. It doesn’t track metadata like time stamps. It doesn’t manage expunging old data, so it’s not good for backup rotations, the repository size will always grow until it’s unmanageable. And lots of other details. For someone unfamiliar with git and not practising backups, it would be a bad idea to try and address that with git, instead of a proper backup system.
  20. Jon

    Do You Back Up Your Work?!!

    Thank you for this PSA on the importance of backups. I love backups. I also love git. But I must point out, git is not backup. for someone with limited resources, one computer and no prior experience backing anything up, a not bad option would be to immediately start using something like Dropbox or an equivalent service on their free tier. You are at least then covered if your house burns down.
  21. Jon

    OPL SNYTH in skull tag

    bonus points for thinkpad. Is this thread representative of DW these days? I dip in only rarely now and stumble across things like this and it’s a wonder I dip in at all.
  22. Jon

    what about FreeQuake?

    You’re right, I’m sorry, I skimmed the readme and made the wrong assumption after seeing the prominent links to GNU in this section https://github.com/MissLav/LibreQuake/blob/master/README.md#what-free-means
  23. Jon

    what about FreeQuake?

    Nice. I'd be surprised if the LibreQuake people weren't already aware of OQ, but it looks like they're both GPL-licensed, so LibreQuake could legitimately impor the OQ resources if they wanted to.
  24. Jon

    MTrop's Doom Tools Redux

    Great stuff!