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Luke Dacote

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Everything posted by Luke Dacote

  1. Luke Dacote

    Favorite Weapon In Doom or Doom II Minus the BFG

    This. I'd probably pick the regualar shotgun as my favourite since it's the weapon I use most but Damn, that Super Shotty is pretty badass at the right occasions. The best moments of Doom II are either killing a large group of zombies with one blast from the SSG or taking down arachnotrons with the it. I someday wish to own my own Double barrelled shotgun and try quick reloading it Doom style.
  2. Luke Dacote

    What is the general consensus for the Doom novels?

    The explanation in the movie was simply lazy. It was a huge rip off of Resident Evil's T-virus and just didn't fit for a Doom movie. Zombies just act like generic Horror movie zombies and the supposed Imps (at least, that's what I thought they were) don't even throw fireballs. And why did that one legless Scientist turn into the games Pinkie demon unlike the others? Just because his name's 'Pinkie'? That's really lazy, not to mention dumb as hell.
  3. Luke Dacote

    Doom wiki may shut down for the week

    fraggle your the best. Doom Wiki is such a cool site and I hate to see it go down, even if it's only temporary. Most of my Doom knowledge came from that site.
  4. Luke Dacote

    What is the general consensus for the Doom novels?

    Great, thanks for the response. I probably need to get around to actually playing Doom 3 though before I get to the novels. I got a second hand copy of the first book and a brand new, reprint copy of the second book for a cheap price on Amazon. You can get the fourth book pretty cheap also but the third book for some reason is quite expensive. And yeah a WAD based on the books would be pretty awesome.
  5. Luke Dacote

    Your rationalization of the demons

    Now THAT would be one hell of a twist. Though it does bring back the infamous ending of Repercussions of Evil: "No John, you are the demons." Anyway on the theory on whether the demons are truly from Hell. Maybe Earth has become so sinful in the future that Hell itself sends it's demonic creatures to destroy it's inhabitance. Hell exists in an alternate dimension, so they use the gateways on the Mars, Phobos and Deimos bases to enter ours. Once they enter our dimension, demons become mortal which is why Doomguy is able to defeat them with man made weapons. When he goes to Hell, he's protected by a family heirloom of his which is an old fashioned cross neckless. This also gives him the power to defeat the demons in their own dimension (Demons don't like Religious symbols and objects). Also the demons decide early on that they need bigger firepower in order to destroy our world, so many of the demons get cybernetic make overs. The larger demons are equipped with rocket lauchers and some other cybernetic improvements and become Cyberdemons. The Spider-Masterminds and Arachnotrons were originally just the 'big brains' of Hell, but they're given a robot body to move around and also defend themselves. I've thought about this too hard, haven't I?
  6. Luke Dacote

    Your rationalization of the demons

    I actually like the fact that the demons are never given a full explanation for their existence, what they are or why they want to destroy Earth. It makes the Doom mythos more unsettling. Maybe they are actually demons from Hell itself, maybe they're aliens, maybe they're beings from another dimension. Whatever they are, they're basically unstoppable and they want to exterminate the human race. I think that alone is pretty terrifying. After watching 'Event Horizon', it's really made me want a Doom game, novel or movie adaptation that focuses more on the Hellish aspects of its universe. I do like schwerpunk's theory though, that maybe they are just aliens or maybe human soldiers but through Doomguy's insanity they appear as Hellspawn demons. Maybe (like the novels) Doomguy had a Christian unbringing and after some traumatic incident, all his enemies started to appear as Satanic monsters. That's really pushing it though.
  7. Luke Dacote

    Most Chilling Moment in Doom or Doom II?

    When I originally played Doom on the GBA, pretty much everything was pretty scary to me. Probably because it was just like nothing I'd seen before. I just remember that between Doom and Mario Kart (My first two GBA games), I was a lot more comfortable playing through the latter. Playing the PS1 version can be pretty chilling with the special use of lighting. But now that I'm older and I've finally played through the PC versions of both Doom 1 and 2, the only thing to creep me out was the sudden appearance of the Archviles. That and Icon of Sin saying "Oremor nhoj, em llik tsum uoy, emag eht niw ot." Doom 64 however(Which I've been playing for the first time via 'Doom 64 EX'), is the closest I've come to being truly creeped out by these games (Though, I haven't played Doom 3 yet). The hellish level designs are really well done and brings me back to playing Doom and Alien Trilogy on PS1 when I was younger. But for me the most disturbing aspect of both the PS1 version and Doom 64 is the soundtracks. Particularly during Doom 64's later levels, the soundtrack just invokes the sense of dread and the feeling that you're really descending into hell itself. The distant sounds of weeping babies is probably the most chilling aspect of those games.
  8. Luke Dacote

    Things in Doom we've accepted

    That's an interesting factoid, gives the games a bit of a psychological element (Kind of like that idea that some of the stuff Ash sees in the Evil Dead movies is all in his head). So basically Hell is trying to drive Doomguy insane with satanic imagery.
  9. Luke Dacote

    Doomguy vs. Masterchief

    Doomguy easily. Doomguy can carry around 8-9 weapons at a time whereas Master Chief can only carry two and most of those weapons are generic and weak in comparison to Doomguy's. It would only take one shot from Doomguy's BFG to kill Master Chief. Master Chief can be killed by two melee attacks whereas Doomguy can survive explosions, fireballs, being crushed and walking through lava. Doomguy can run up to 57 mph without getting tired or having to rely on vehicles. Master Chief can kill an enemy easily through melee attacks but a berserker packin' Doomguy can cause an enemy to fall apart with a single punch. And finally, Doomguy destroyed hell itself just because they dared to mess with his bunny rabbit. Nuff said.
  10. Luke Dacote

    Things in Doom we've accepted

    You know I never really thought about those until you brought it up. They kind of make sense in Hell levels and some of the Deimos levels but they're really out of place in the Phobos base. I guess you can say the demons placed them there but the thought of those demonic creatures carrying candelabras around just to redecorate the place is kind of silly. Unless they just appear in place through some kind of dark magic. I don't think the designers thought about it much though. They were probably just trying to fill the maps up with as much macabre as possible.
  11. Luke Dacote

    Playing Doom with just the keyboard

    Why is it non-canon? Is it because it was mostly done by TeamTNT or is there something 'plot-wise' that I'm unaware of?
  12. Luke Dacote

    Playing Doom with just the keyboard

    You can tell the original Doom maps were designed with 'keyboard only' players in mind. Ever since I got the classic Doom games for my PC, I've been playing with a mouse and it didn't take long before I could go through the first three episodes of Ultimate Doom on Ultra Violence without much problem. But there's a big step up in difficulty when it comes to Thy Flesh Consumed, Doom II and all the maps after that. It wouldn't surprise me if this was done due to the rise in mouse and keyboard users. I remember when I first tried to play Chocolate Doom with the old controls and I just couldn't get used to them (Though I have gotten used to playing Wolfenstein 3D with just the keyboard and now, I find it awkward to play that game with a mouse). I just feel that playing with a mouse just offers a greater amount of accuracy and speed. Anyone who can play the more complex levels of Doom II and Final Doom with just a keyboard, I tip my hat to you.
  13. Luke Dacote

    Things in Doom we've accepted

    This is how I feel. I can play through an entire episode of the orginal Doom without stopping or getting bored but when it comes to Doom II and Final Doom, I can only play them 2-4 levels at a time. It's probably because I'm less familiar with the maps but the levels just tire me out a lot faster than the maps from the original Doom. Basically, I prefer it when the levels are split up into episodes.
  14. Seriously, I love this. Playing through GZDoom with this remastered soundtrack was just incredible.
  15. Luke Dacote

    Doom box art cover t-shirt

    I'm not asking for a super glossy print. I just think the colours could have stood out more. I was kind of looking for a black shirt as well rather than a dark grey. Plus the estimated shipping to the UK (Where I live) is a little pricey. But if this is the best quality shirt I will find, I guess it'll have to do.
  16. Luke Dacote

    20 years of Doom

    -What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good? It's one of the most testosterone-fuelled, balls-to-the-wall game series ever and this is coming from someone who just got the PC version this year. I can play through the first three episodes of Doom 1 on ultra-violence any time of day, and it's still awesome. Still haven't gotten round to beating 'Final Doom' yet but my love of Doom isn't just limited to just the first games classic maps. -What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary? Hopefully something worthy for both the game series and its loyal fans. Sadly though, since we haven't heard a peep from ID team, I have no real expectations. I'm just hoping some cool new collectables will be released before the end of the year. -How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life? Doom was actually one of my first games on my first game console, the original Gameboy Advance. Yeah, looking back it's a pretty generic port and I never got too far, but it was still fun. Then when I was around 12 or so I got the PSX port which was when I realized just how awesome this game is. For years I had to watch Youtube clips in envy of how amazing the PC version of Doom is. Finally this year, on my 18th birthday I got this new laptop and I finally got to play the game in it's PC glory (though no thanks to Steam's crappy port). I grown a huge interest in the series as a whole and even a love for heavy metal music. I've also started playing more classic FPS's like Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior. -What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years? More Doom games would be nice ID. Fingers crossed we at least get a trailer for Doom 4 by next year. -Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now? If the game still provides the same kind of pleasure I experience from playing it today, then of course. I want to someday introduce this game to my children (even though in 20 years from now, they'll probably be spoilt on virtual reality or something) so they can grow up knowing what a true badass game is. -Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place? Never. Even if all the gamers in a 10 years from now are all playing virtual reality games or some kind of advanced motion sensor device. Doom will always have a special place in the hearts of those who play it and love it. -Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6? The optimist inside me hopes so. I hope ID finally gets a move on with Doom 4 sometime soon and perhaps this can be the start of a new Doom trilogy, ending with Doom 6 (If that is going to be the end). I personally think ID would benefit from looking towards the fans for inspiration, so we can get the ultimate Doom sequel(s). -Will the forums survive 20 more years? Again, the optimistic Luke Dacote believes there's a chance though it all depends on how well Doom is going to hold up. I still think it's the king of the FPS genre after 20 years, so here's hoping that if Doom will be surpassed, may it only be to a Doom sequel. Long live Doom. Thanks for many hours of pure, unadulterated, explosive fun. Happy 20th.
  17. Luke Dacote

    Doom played on a piano

    Someone has way too much time on their hands.
  18. Luke Dacote

    Doom movie chainshaw for sale

    Now that would be worth a thousand bucks.
  19. Luke Dacote

    Doom movie chainshaw for sale

    Ahhh! Chainsaw! The great communicator!
  20. Luke Dacote

    Explanation of Doom levels?

    I thought the events of Doom II was Doomguy's revenge trip and that 'Thy Flesh Consumed' ended with him discovering his decapitated rabbit.
  21. Luke Dacote

    Doom miniatures are back.

    Will do. Though whether I can afford it is another question.
  22. Luke Dacote

    Explanation of Doom levels?

    I've always wanted to know where 'Thy Flesh Consumed' takes place. I used to assume it was Doomguy's battle to escape Hell but some sources suggest it takes place on Earth, just before Doom II begins.
  23. Luke Dacote

    Doom miniatures are back.

    Damn, they're out of stock. My one chance and I missed it.