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About codeslicer

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    Junior Member

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  1. codeslicer

    Doom in Roblox

    It's competently made! https://www.roblox.com/games/273735085/RooM-V1-991-Alpha-Testing-NEW-CONTENT-SOON
  2. codeslicer

    Doom Parody

  3. codeslicer

    Doom Parody

    Just thought I'd share this. We don't have enough parodies yet for Doom 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI5pUqiVJdw
  4. codeslicer

    100,000 Revenants - A Doom 2 Map

    What's that music in the map called?
  5. codeslicer

    The UAC Then and Now

    Let's discuss the UAC and how it's changed over the years.
  6. codeslicer

    They Messed Up the "Classic Doom" Levels

  7. codeslicer

    Biggest problem with the game...

    16 hours.
  8. codeslicer

    Why does almost every one here hate consoles?

  9. codeslicer

    They Messed Up the "Classic Doom" Levels

    Why the hell is this thread upside down?!?
  10. codeslicer

    Why does almost every one here hate consoles?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyufDxxWIsM Sony always wins.
  11. codeslicer

    Invisibility and supercharge?

    Does The New Doom have Invisibility, Super Charge, and Soul spheres? I'm a bit into the campaign and was just wondering/
  12. Apparently at doomworld.com News about Doom 3 and Speculation about what Doom 3 will even be about is still the hot topic. Also leaked footage and what not.
  13. codeslicer

    Retail with Alternate cover? where?

    You need to take the cover paper out, and flip it inside out.
  14. codeslicer

    What is the post hell music?

    Oh god no
  15. codeslicer

    What is the post hell music?

    I mean not that it's good or anything, I'm just curious.