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About jjthebird

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    Warming Up

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  1. jjthebird

    180 Minutes Pour Vivre demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 30 UV-Max 1:05:30 180mpv30-6530.zip
  2. Maps 1-15, 31 and 32 were recorded in prboom+ Maps 16-30 were recorded in DSDA Doom v0.14. Thanks doomzero uv-fast demos 2.zip doomzero uv-fast demos.zip
  3. jjthebird

    3 Heures d'agonie 3 demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 31 UV-Max in 3:34 Fun map with a pretty MIDI. Thank you 3haiii31-334.zip
  4. jjthebird

    3 Heures d'agonie 3 demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 29 UV-Max in 12:56 This time, with the right complevel! :) Thank you 3haiii29-1256.zip
  5. jjthebird

    Miscellaneous Demos - Speed Master

    Here are updated runs for maps 21 and 26. I must have uploaded older runs. spmaster.wad Map 21 - UV-Max in 5:02 Map 26 - UV-Max in 8:32 prboom+ -complevel 9 Thank you sp21-502.zip sp26-832.zip
  6. jjthebird

    Miscellaneous Demos - Speed Master

    Here is an updated map 22 also since the last one was desynced spmaster.wad Map 22 - UV-Max in 2:51 prboom+ -complevel 9 Thank you sp22-251.zip
  7. Here is an updated map 2 since the last upload was incorrect. spmaster.wad Map 2 - UV-Max in 1:57 prboom+ -complevel 9 Thank you sp2-157.zip
  8. I had a bunch of other attempts with similar names and may have overwritten the wrong ones for those two. I'll try to re-record them :)
  9. Thanks guys, too bad I goofed on the complevel!
  10. Made the changes to my Speed Master demopack and made the same changes to my recently uploaded 3 Heures d'Agonie 3 Map 29 upload. Thanks for your help!
  11. Not sure if I uploaded this incorrectly as this was my first submission since the migration. I still don't see the runs on the Speed Master page on the new DSDA site.
  12. 3 Heures D'Agonie 3 Map 29 - "Serment De Noirceur" UV-Max in 13:43 Recorded using prboom+ -complevel 9 Thank you 3haiii29-1343.zip
  13. Recorded in prBoom+, complevel 9. Didn't see this WAD on here yet. Map 1 - 1:18 Map 2 - 2:11 Map 3 - 1:58 Map 4 - 1:27 Map 5 - 11:06 Map 6 - 4:54 Map 7 - 2:30 Map 8 - 2:10 Map 9 - 5:58 Map 10 - 2:04 Map 11 - 4:20 Map 12 - 3:06 Map 13 - 3:08 Map 14 - 5:07 Map 15 - 5:27 Map 16 - 1:59 Map 17 - 3:34 Map 18 - 2:43 Map 19 - 1:26 Map 20 - 2:59 Map 21 - 5:02 Map 22 - 3:07 Map 23 - 6:38 Map 24 - 3:49 Map 25 - 9:26 Map 26 - 8:32 Map 27 - 3:21 Map 28 - 3:18 Map 29 - 7:04 (Only 75% or so kills are possible due to forced death exit in a room of 39 imps) Map 30 - 11:51 Map 31 - 5:25 Map 32 - 3:56 Thank you spmaster demos.zip