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Everything posted by LanHikariDS

  1. LanHikariDS

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    I thought you meant the torch, but then I saw you say things, and there's only the one torch shown. What do you mean?
  2. I dunno, dude, it all looks good to me.
  3. LanHikariDS

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    I just jumped around, and it is Spawning Vats. This is the area that caused my fear https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfl1/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/12814340_933046446793790_374322986994082350_n.png.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=c93fc5f95ec192d2a9afb424b8e22b9d&oe=57565DBF
  4. LanHikariDS

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    Yeah, Always run does help, but aside from that, it's Vanilla. I actually have to stop moving to open doors, which isn't too much of a bother, really.
  5. LanHikariDS

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    If that's the map I think it is, that map is WHY I'm afraid of said sectors. I was going to bring that up, but, yeah, I will do everything I can to stay off of those sectors. Even if I end up on it long enough to know it isn't damaging, I'll still stay off of it. EDIT: No, not Containment Area... I think it was Spawning Vats... Had at least two long hallways with SHAWN2 on the walls, and silver floors. In the middle of the hallways was a recessed sector going down it with FLAT22 and a damaging floor type
  6. I just went skimming through all the .art files included with the prototype, but I couldn't find it. I can look again tomorrow, but for now, I need to call it a night...
  7. I was going to bring that up myself (Well, the SSG's sprites... I didn't check the E-11's sprites for updates), but I saw this: Maybe the 'old one' was an MP-40? *shrugs* I dunno... EDIT: Yeah, wow... That MP-40 looks so out of place, for either weapon. I don't see why he wouldn't use the E-11 sprite for the E-11... Though admittedly, the E-11 sprite fits the SSG more than the MP-40 does, the E-11 fits the E-11 best, obviously. Plus, both weapons are side-loaded, and the MP-40 shows a magazine right there under the gun. Since the SSG just uses modified Ripper sprites from Duke Nukem 3D, I don't see why he (or whoever made that) couldn't modify the Ripper's pickup sprite accordingly EDIT2: I thought it looked familiar. The Duke3D Ripper's sprites are an edit of THOSE. Those sprites are of the plasma cannon for the Lameduke prototype. In that case, I should be able to rip the world sprite from it, to be used as a proper one here.
  8. LanHikariDS

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    Really? I'm germaphobic, so if I'm on, say, a school computer, I'll try keep one hand (typically my right, as it's my dominant hand) in such a condition as I consider clean enough to go into my pocket and use my pen, if need be. As such, this mind set has resulted in me playing a lot of games one-handed in my spare class time, and next to F-Zero X (With some modified Project 64 controls and loss of analog up/down), I can play Doom rather well one-handed. And while I DO play ZDoom, as far as one handed goes, my controls are the same as Vanilla (I use WASD to move/strafe when I play two-handed) E3M1 must've been a hell of a time for you, huh? (Unless you played on GBA)
  9. Wow, these maps are really nice. Makes me ashamed of what I've got. Honesly, my map is just a bunch of square rooms at the moment. Back to the drawing board...
  10. He means use the Boom configuration in (GZ)DoomBuilder. I personally have been testing in ZDoom, but PrBoom should (in theory) work just as well.
  11. Hey, Hey, Hey, Fire Emblem hasn't consumed my soul yet. I got three textures here for you that I'm using in my map. I made these two switch textures myself in Paint. Set the white to transparent in both textures. HOLO1 (Regular): https://www.facebook.com/photo/download/?fbid=931040696994365 HOLO2 (Flipped): https://www.facebook.com/photo/download/?fbid=931040710327697 And as for my third texture, it's a crop of a texture I lifted from John Romero's Twitter page. The transparent color for this is the pure black at the bottom. TEETH: https://www.facebook.com/photo/download/?fbid=931040703661031 Of course, if anyone else would like to use these textures in their own maps, by all means, it'll save you a spot for your own custom texture. Or, if you want to use them outside of the project, again, go ahead, as long as you give proper credit.
  12. LanHikariDS

    Dudeworld (Gay Doomworld)

    https://www.facebook.com/photo/download/?fbid=927702007328234 Something stupid I did, as I thought that, in the Doomworld logo, if the shotgun went through the whole circle, and were rotated, it would make Doomguy look like a guy poledancing. Now, here we are. It's really shittily done, as I lazily threw it together.
  13. Yeah, I was going to use Voodoo dolls if I couldn't have barrels do it. Also, the Keen thing isn't actually a bad idea... EDIT: Welp, time to play with dolls.
  14. Hey, could you edit (or create a new type of, to prevent breaking in other maps) the barrels so that when the explode, their explosion triggers G1 linedefs? I have an idea where I want a line, when shot, to explode (Courtesy of the barrel hidden behind it), and open up some walls. I could accomplish this with a G1 line behind the barrel, however, if the player should just do enough to destroy the barrel, this won't trigger the line, and the same if they use a projectile weapon. You don't have to, as I have another idea for how I could accomplish this, but this would be the most conventional.
  15. I haven't seen it, but the sound of it brings to mind the Rocket Launcher in the Lameduke prototype (By the way, I may not make too much progress for a bit. I just picked up the new Fire Emblem, so I'm going to be a bit reclusive in my free time. I'll still try get work done.) EDIT: I just checked the new BFG Raise/Lower, and I think the lower should be faster. Because if it's because it's a heavy weapon, it would lower faster, since he doesn't need to be strong to drop it, he could use it's weight to lower it faster Well, I already had some ideas for a stark lab-type map that I was going to make, but I saw this, and decided to use it for that
  16. Okay, I'll PM it to you when I'm done
  17. Not that I'm done (I could be if I weren't dicking around so much with Make War Not Love prize packs), but where/how do you want us to submit the maps? PM links to you, do you have somewhere to host them, or email them to you?
  18. Well, I just wanted it to use a slightly modified (or not at all modified) player sprite.
  19. The Chaingun replacement? That would be an E-11 Blaster Rifle, standard issue by Imperial Stormtroopers
  20. Well, it would just be a resprited knight. I don't need it's AI to go for enemies or anything, just look like a player/prisoner
  21. LanHikariDS

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    Oh, my mistake. It wasn't quite made clear, so I could only assume. At least I said what I thought he meant, instead of just answering, and all of you looking at me like I'm stupid.
  22. LanHikariDS

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    If he means Undertale, it's in OGG, which I do believe is supported by ZDoom
  23. LanHikariDS

    What's your favorite original Xbox games?

    Combat Evolved isn't all that hard to get on PC. About as easy as any other game. Halo 2, however, DID require GFWL, which is a pain in the ass. And, while it technically IS intended for console, it's better on PC, when it's there.
  24. Is my knight request a no? The silence towards it makes me believe so, or that you didn't notice it.
  25. LanHikariDS

    Examples of pushing the limits of hardware/engines

    I say Doom on SNES. Not only does it have the additional chipset, but it pushes the limit of that, too. It's quite sad that even then, it's still better than the port for a 32-bit console (Add-on)