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Everything posted by paymentplan

  1. paymentplan

    Glaive series demos [-complevel 2]

    glaive3 map08 nomo in 19.34 gl308o019.zip map09 nomo in 20.77 gl309o020.zip map09 pacifist in 18.74 gl309p018.zip map09 stroller in 21.97 gl309str021.zip
  2. paymentplan

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Was there another megawad similar to Struggle with a predominantly blue, gold, and silver aesthetic? I have a memory of playing something that I thought was Struggle, but I tried it out recently and the first few maps didn't seem familiar. The second map I remember was in an Underhalls type sewer with gray walls and water, not nukage. The numbers on the HUD were gold/yellow like Struggle, but I don't remember there being custom weapons. I feel like it was also a predominantly solo effort... And I also think it was released after 2015
  3. paymentplan

    Glaive series demos [-complevel 2]

    glaive3 map04 nomo in 37.89 gl304o037.zip map05 nomo in 21.49 gl305o021.zip map06 nomo in 22.74 gl306o022.zip
  4. Naturally, I had accidentally changed the cyber's teleport destination to be multiplayer only. I fixed that, at least. Not sure about the texture you mentioned... I fiddled with it a bit in case it was a nodebuilder thing. Ash Borer v.5
  5. I've done a smallish upgrade to my map. Reworked the final fight a bit more (including fixing something that was unintentionally teleporting revs to the cyber's platform) Added a bit more health on UV Fixed some texture issues pointed out by nic15 I also tried to do a bit more with lighting and texturing to make it look a bit nicer Ash Borer v.4 I was inspired to do this because I played Mundy's map and saw how beautiful and fun it was to explore in. I recorded an FDA (with saves): pp-apf-b3-map02.zip It's a DSDA-Demo recorded with v.0.28.2. I plan on recording other FDAs for the rest of the current beta and providing feedback. I don't actually have much to say for you though Mundy, I thought the map had a nice flow to it and it gave me ample opportunities to try out the AIM weapons. Really nice vibe, great work!
  6. paymentplan

    Glaive series demos [-complevel 2]

    glaive3 map01 nomo in 13.40 gl301o013.zip map02 nomo in 15.26 gl302o015.zip map03 nomo in 9.83 gl303o983.zip
  7. Yeah, I had "Use Passes Thru All Special Lines" set to "Yes" cause I played The Mucus Flow recently. That's my bad!
  8. Very possible. I was pretty sure I launched with cl9 but maybe I didn't. I'll give it another go and see.
  9. I think I got softlocked in map21. The switch in the outhouse doesn't seem to activate for me. It's like I pressed it through the wall somehow when I tried to open the outhouse door when I first got to this area. From what I could see in UDB, this switch is supposed to open the teleporter so I can get back to the hub. E. Same thing happened in the campy crystal lake area.
  10. paymentplan

    Ozonia demos [-complevel 9]

    oz-pp-lmps.zip full nomo and nomo100s tables (except map07 which is impossible as far as I can tell, and map12, which I had uploaded previously), and a couple other miscellaneous demos.
  11. Ohh! I forgot to post. Here it is. Thanks for reminding me, cause Twitch was about to remove the VOD. What a WAD, seriously fun stuff top to bottom. I dunno if I'll touch RC3. If I do I might try playing on one of the lower difficulties just to see how it compares to UV.
  12. paymentplan

    [-cl2] Synami's Speedmaps 2

    Not sure why but these teleporters behind the crusher in map06 stopped workin' for me. I went through it and died and reloarded the save and now I can't go through it. But yeah I'm loving this and the music is great, too, I hope you are proud of yourself. E. Oh yeah I figured it out, if you walk around and try to go through the teleporter from the back linedefs then the whole thing breaks.
  13. paymentplan

    [-cl2] Synami's Speedmaps 2

  14. Only ended up with two half finished maps instead of my intended seven or eight. Oh well! I think I just enjoy playing more than mapping. Hope everyone had a good time and I look forward to seeing the results!
  15. paymentplan

    50 Monsters demos [-complevel 2]

    map33 nomo in 32.71 50m33o032.zip
  16. paymentplan

    nic's Epic Wad | 4 maps | cl9

    Thanks for sharing, nic15! I had a fun time playing these. The level of detail is really swell to see and reminded me of some of my favorite bits and bobs from the Community Chest series. And wow, you made the midis, too! I recorded some dsda-demos of my playthrough should you find them useful. Recorded with DSDA-Doom 0.28.1 if that matters. Excited to follow your mapping career! pp-new.zip
  17. Any thoughts on making certain maps more readily max-able? Ones like 14 and 30 that have a cyberdemon that isn't impossible to kill, but you have to be pretty frugal. Or ones like 19 where if you miss a monsters while the titular geyser is rising you're out of luck? Not a necessity by any means; I'm fairly confident all monsters can be killed in all the maps (except maybe 31 unless I missed something, that's another one, but it may defeat the purpose if there was like a BFG and cells in the exit room). When I was pgdn-ing through the maps again to pick out the map numbers above I was struck again by just how beautiful this starting point is for map19.
  18. paymentplan

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    slime2 by Jason Benson uv-speed in 58.31 slime2-058.zip
  19. Well, it's no secret that I adore Plerb's mapping sensibilities, so having another Plerb map to play on top of a nifty looking set of vanilla TNT maps was a good deal. I agree with you about Plerb's map feeling quite a bit different to the rest of the set. It wouldn't be out of place as one of the first few maps of Plerbtonia. Maybe it would make more sense as a secret map, since its somewhat of a departure. But I do like the idea of you two working together, usually pretty cool stuff can come from a style clash.
  20. Hah, if you caught the end of the MSS stream you probably saw how hopeless I was on that last fight of MAP07. Not my proudest moment! Just wrapped up the last three maps of RC2 and I can confidently say that it is a tour de force. Shoutouts the moth Mocha for turning in an exceptional map that played pretty similarly to a particularly vicious Plerb map. I was worried that your two guest mappers might stick out like sore thumbs, as it were, since your style is so unique. But they were both great and might have been the toughest maps in their respective episodes. When I made that comment about mapping trends I had in mind high-profile projects like BTSX and the stream of "Doom/Doom 2/Final Doom the way [something] Did" megawads. Nicely detailed stuff, highly polished visuals, but gameplay that leans competent but forgettable. Even some of the more challenging slaughter type stuff always seems to hew close to the ribbiks style. Nothing wrong with any of that stuff, I quite enjoy it, too, but it all starts to kind of blend together after a while. Plerbtonia really stands apart from the crowd, in my view, which is hard to do for a game that's enjoyed a healthy modding scene for three decades!
  21. Hi Melodic Spaceship! I got drawn to this thread by Plerb and I'm glad I did, because I had a good time playing the 8 map demo last night. You've got a real knack for capturing the 90s TNT aesthetic with the doomcute and campy story. Best of luck continuing this project! I especially liked map06 with the moodier lighting. I think having more lighting differences in general would help some of the earlier maps in the looks department. I think map07 was my favorite of the bunch, though I was quite tired by the time I got to the end of it and struggled mightily against the last room. Fun stuff, keep it up!
  22. Really enjoyin the snow maps so far! Last three maps left. Something I've wanted to say about your mapping style but was afraid of how it would come across... Is your maps are almost completely devoid of popular mapping trends of the last ten or so years. Like outsider art, in a way. So there's just a lot of joy and whimsy and heart in all of these. I appreciate people for making stuff that's fun for them to make and doesn't try too hard to be something with wide-ranging appeal. Not that Plerbtonia doesn't have that appeal, I just think art loses something when having something for everyone is the main goal. If it's too general it ends up being bland. Plerbtonia is never ever bland. You're right of course about Hell to Pay. Some of the grindiest SSG hallway door camping maps I've ever played. Something to kinda turn your brain off and blast through if you just like to hear the boom-click-clack.
  23. paymentplan

    1 Bad Wad demos [-complevel 9]

    map01 stroller in 20.20 1b201str020.zip
  24. map09 stroller in 10.71 2s09str010.zip
  25. map02 nomo in 16.40 2s02o016.zip