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Everything posted by Kaskaum

  1. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    He is playing already i wonder how he got it, but he has streaming doom for a quite some time. http://www.twitch.tv/melee_v2?sr=a
  2. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    But this guy made good points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOHZbM7dCbo
  3. Kaskaum

    The guns i'll be using alot in Doom 4

    Chainsaw will be very useful, killing a big enemy using it, lots of ammo will drop.
  4. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    Maybe because it is some pun with World War 1.
  5. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    Memes are flying on yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fohNO3_1rU
  6. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    If the sales are affected, they will rethink their strategies for future games.
  7. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    I don't see Halo players having much trouble to adapt to Doom. CoD is currently taking futuristic approach, with a faster pace, and it is making its players unhappy. They are missing a classic WWII/Modern Warfate CoD and when they discovered that Modern Warfare Remastered won't be sold separated from Infinite Warfare, shit hit the fan and it got huge amount of dislikes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeF3UTkCoxY They are all saying RIP CoD and its faster-futuristic BS and are welcoming the new battlefield set on WWI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7nRTF2SowQ
  8. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    I felt the difficult levels unbalanced, from UV to nightmare it felt like they are separated by 5 levels of difference. Nighmare looks too hard, ok but UV doesn't look hard enough for me. The current UV, based on all streams I've watched, would be better suited for Hurt me plenty, and another difficult (harder than current UV but easier than Nightmare) should take its place.
  9. Kaskaum

    Impressions from NeoGaf (possible minor spoilers)

    The BFG and Gaus have very good AOE damage guys. Shotgun is not supposed to kill 20 imps in one single shot.
  10. Kaskaum

    Impressions from NeoGaf (possible minor spoilers)

    Neogaf is full of elitist pussies. Don't take those morons seriously.
  11. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    it's over
  12. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    He also doesnt seem to understand that chainsaw requires fuel to work.
  13. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    This don't understand that it only makes sense using glory kills when the monster display the colors, he keeps spamming the glory kill button recklessly.
  14. Kaskaum

    Impressions from NeoGaf (possible minor spoilers)

    I heard the game runs on 900P on XONE and 1080P on PS4.
  15. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    But maybe it doesn't do damage, in multiplayer trailer there is a moment player uses a hologram: https://youtu.be/kNFUAH3V1U4?t=36
  16. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    It is a hologram to trick enemies.
  17. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    I just want to see a recreation of the room full of barons + cyberdemon from tricks and traps with snap map. It will be a brutal mess.
  18. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    It seems he is not the Archvile but the Summoner. he is pretty annoying teleports very fast, 2 of them are enough to mess the shit out of you.
  19. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    It will be fun to see streams on nightmare.
  20. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    My impression is that the difficult is somehow unbalanced, nightmare showed to be very hard, but ultra violence seems to be easy somehow. In my opinion the current UV should have been the hurt me pl. skill and the new UV should be a bit harder.
  21. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    Another stream: http://ustream.tv/channel/18877778
  22. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    Now it seens banned im not sure.
  23. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    He seems to be going and playing classic level.
  24. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    It seems hes back
  25. Kaskaum

    Doom stream

    Already banned.