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About conexxo

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  1. conexxo

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Maybe they thought that two wrongs make a right blood + private parts = cool red pants
  2. conexxo

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Just found out that revenants are not wearing any pants, and said pants are supposed to be blood. Noooooooes! I loved them because of their kewl trousers!!! my childhood is ruined now!!!
  3. conexxo

    Your least favourite enemy?

    You gotta give 'em props, at least they have the decency of w̶e̶a̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶̶p̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ covering their "nasty bits" with blood.
  4. conexxo

    Your least favourite enemy?

    Those who don't look cute to me :) So basically arch-viles, mancubi, pain elementals, cyberdemon and that fat gutted chaingunner bastard.
  5. conexxo

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I've just found out that Gargantua from Half-Life and the Arch-vile both have flame attacks, but it is the Shockwave Stomp attack that resembles Arch-vile's the most, as you are chased by a tiny red flame and you have to step aside to avoid the attack. another one of Gargantua's attack that resembles Mancubi attacks is the Fire Jet arms, but Gargantua's is more of a flamethrower and Mancubi are more like great balls o' fire, like Jerry Lee Lewis would sing :D
  6. Exploding shotgun shells just like in Duke Nukem 64.
  7. conexxo

    So, which Doomguy name do you prefer?

    i like to call him One Doomed Space Marine.