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Everything posted by roadworx

  1. roadworx

    I Can't Get Excited About (AAA) Games Anymore

    ah yes, because we all know how wonderful the likes of konami and sega are this has nothing to do with western or eastern culture. it's a worldwide problem with the industry
  2. roadworx


    okay then, in that case, quit whining about not jabba rightfully telling people to stop digging into things they shouldn't be digging into. if it ruins the mystery for you, whoop-de-fuckin-doo, that's better than someone's life getting ruined because a bunch of nosy 14y/os can't let shit go untouched. this isn't some story where all the aspects need to be uncovered. soft-doxxing people has consequences.
  3. roadworx


    ...you do realize that none of us were in on it, right? this forum thread wasn't made as a creepypasta like some candle cove shit, it was all a natural reaction to the wad. that post wad made because people were actually hunting down the creator and soft-doxxing him, it wasn't inserted as part of some overlying story. this isn't some weird collaborative arg. people were genuinely doing harmful things and people were having to be told to cut the shit
  4. roadworx

    I Can't Get Excited About (AAA) Games Anymore

    yeah, tbh i'm so jaded from not only the constant overhyping of new games that turn out to be okayish at best, but also the nonstop bullshit that seems to follow the games industry with every step it takes. i've been over modern aaa games for years at this point because there's absolutely zero point to it anymore. why try to follow new releases when there's a good chance it's either gonna be a shitty sequel, a mediocre game that gets the shit hyped out of it and disappoints everyone, or will be made using the most unethical business practices imaginable? that's especially why, while i do follow them more than other franchises, i don't really care that much about the newer games in the doom series. if they're good, great, i'll play them in five years or so. if they're not? eh, that's a shame, but i'm not gonna sit around whining until the end of time like some people do, because i know it's never gonna be good as stuff that's made with actual passion backing them up. i'll just play those instead. what really gets me more than anything though are the people who keep falling for it. they'll buy the game on launch despite all the horrible behind the scenes shit that's happened, and then start whining when it's not amazing and only then care about the employees who were abused.
  5. roadworx

    DOOM 6: Trailer 1 Analysis & Discussion

    i mean...it literally was
  6. roadworx

    DOOM 6: Trailer 1 Analysis & Discussion

    yep, unfortunately. just gonna quote a previous post of mine:
  7. that shield looks a lot like the centaur shield from hexen
  8. while i do see where you're coming from, i feel like what you're talking about doesn't work as well in doom as it does in other games. the fact that the player's biggest strength lies in their agility means that, no matter what enemy you throw at them, they're likely gonna find them to be fairly easy to fight one-on-one when the surroundings aren't heavily influencing the fight. the only way that i can see an enemy like that working is if it's so complex in its attack patterns that it's relegated to a really small niche that doesn't work elsewhere. i feel like this can be seen pretty much whenever an enemy like that is used in a wad. nearly every single time they end up not working very well; i think that the sole example of a lone boss enemy being really great in doom is eviternity 2's final boss, but that had a specially designed arena that would change its geometry in accordance with the boss's stages and attacks, thus falling into the "relegated to a really small niche" category.
  9. roadworx

    Doom music you'd !@#%* to

    yeah, and?
  10. spectres obviously have the stealth and speed advantage, but the thing is, depending on the car they're going for, they're probably gonna have a tough time fitting under it without a jack. they're simply too bulky to fit in a space like that. now, the arch-vile...i can see them being great at it. yeah, they're noisy, but when the cops are gonna take 72 hours to show up anyways, that's not much of a problem. they have high health in case someone sees them and decides to take matters into their own hands, and are quite fast in order to escape before that even happens. but more importantly, they're skinny af. outside of lowriders and sports cars, they'd probably be able to fit under most cars in order to get the part. plus, just look at the guy. he looks exactly like the sorta person you'd expect to be stealing catalytic converters and selling them to pay for his glue-sniffing addiction.
  11. can we please not turn this into a 40+ map gigawad? all that does is make it so that each individual map is drowned out by the overly high number of other maps
  12. OH SHIT YOU'RE BIZ, okay. gotcha. i thought you were someone who just joined a month ago heh
  13. actually, question for the op - do you have any prior experience managing large projects?
  14. just ignore them, damn. do people these days really not understand that feeding the troll makes them even worse? anyways, i'll join up for this.
  15. roadworx

    Mappers and mod grips

    god dammit fletcher, stop necroing threads
  16. play this to instantly die irl
  17. oh, so they're going from doom eternal to eternal doom, okay
  18. roadworx

    grungo head art archive thread

    who gives a shit that he made an alt? the rules aren't even listed anywhere afaik, and people like kyla and marnetmar did the exact same thing. he just wants to start fresh is all.
  19. roadworx

    grungo head art archive thread

    hey, i get that you're kind of upset that people are trying to dig into your history...but doing this isn't gonna help. i suggest just forgetting about this whole thing and carrying on as though nothing happened. also, to everyone being mean to him in that thread - fuck you. people can change and get their shit together, so knock it off and quit being assholes. he's trying to be better and is clearly ashamed of his past, so instead of dogpiling on him like a bunch of shitheads, congratulate him for doing better.
  20. what i mean by a movement pattern is simple - stuff like moving in a circle, a u-shape, or even a straight line, usually during more setpiece oriented encounters. but i'm wondering, are there any fights that require more elaborate patterns? like a figure 8, or a criss cross, or something even stranger?
  21. roadworx

    maps you find too hard/unfair to revisit

    well, a lot of 90s wads were heavily inspired by dungeon crawlers and adventure games, and as such required heavy amounts of exploration, looking for secret walls, that sorta stuff. it's not necessarily what you'd call good design nowadays, but it's what was popular in the late 80s and early 90s in terms of pc games. as the 90s went on and the community matured however, you did start to see less of that. with that being said, what might help a little is designing maps of your own and learning a bit of game design and possibly playing some more exploratory maps. i feel like that helped me with navigation quite a bit both in game and irl, because i used to be horrible at it. also, please stop posting several times in a row to respond to multiple people. you can quote more than one person at a time in a single post.
  22. roadworx

    Why are recent Doomworld threads stupid?

    you do actually have somewhat of a point here seeing as how those threads are a lot more prominent these days than they once were. i never really thought about those that way tbh; they really are pointless threads that do distract from discussion regarding more interesting things, and i can certainly see the connection you're making
  23. roadworx

    Why are recent Doomworld threads stupid?

    counterpoint: i'm a zoomer that's been here for nearly ten years and i'm fully capable of using forums. it's not a generational problem, it's an issue with the website growing stagnant due to neglect
  24. the most oppressed class of people...completionists... a lot of the vitriol is backlash over the fact that, over the years, otherwise decent maps (aa map32 is a wonderful example of this btw) have gotten a lot of shit flung at them primarily because they have lots of possibly esoteric secrets, monsters that aren't always in easy to find locations, or just lots of optional areas. i've seen this happen time and time again, and while op isn't necessarily saying that the maps are bad...it does get annoying. very, very annoying, especially for those of us who don't want to cater to a blind v-max playstyle and might get our maps derided because doing that isn't super straight forward in our maps. it wasn't always tgis bad, but unfortunately with ththe rise of doomtube and streamers, if a youtuber - or any highly respected individual really - plays it and gets frustrated, all their fans are gonna repeat their thoughts on it without ever having played the map, making other people stay away from it. it's a shitty situation that has happened several times. did op deserve to get ganged up on? no. but there's a reason why people dislike the mindset and it has history behind it; it's not a one-dimensional situation where people just don't like different playstyles because why not. nuances like these are lost over time and it does become an us vs them type of deal, but even still, there's root causes for these sorts of things that you're throwing out the window when you boil complicated situations down to the simplest possible viewpoint. with that being said, op, i highly encourage you to not do blind max runs. due to the nature of them, you're basically setting yourself up for frustration. if you wanna max them after, go ahead, but doing it the first time playing is gonna cause issues in a lot of maps. but, you can play however you want. i'm just giving a suggestion. i do agree though that softlocks and not letting ththe player go back from where they came can be...eh. not the greatest, heh. it can be done well, but you gotta take a bit more into consideration than usual