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Everything posted by roadworx

  1. roadworx

    ODENdude's Doom Forum

    I Like E4M2 But My Favorite Is E1M4. I Like It Because The Starting Room Is Cool. I Also Like E1M6 With Its Big Battle But Not As Much As E1M4.
  2. roadworx

    Doom dark ages villain?

    the demons are the villains u big dummy
  3. i can't speak for everyone, but back before the 2017 update when the sidebar wasn't a thing, i never had any of the issues you're describing. from what i saw as well as in my own experience, wads from newer creators still received attention, it was just that the good stuff spread by word of mouth...which is still often the case today, actually. the popular now section is kinda useless in that regard tbh. honestly, the addition of it felt as though it creates way more issues than it ever actually solves. the vast majority of the time it's full of ridiculous topics that 1.) drown out stuff that's good, and 2.) just lead to dogpiling, because having your dipshit posts slapped onto the frontpage may as well be the same as having a sign pointing to you that says "LMAO LOOK AT WHAT THIS DUMBFUCK JUST SAID, LET'S JUMP THE BASTARD".
  4. popular now has been a despised feature for quite a while now; i'm fairly certain this wasn't done because of his thread alone, because i've seen criticism of it quite a bit over the years. you make like it, but you're definitely in the minority. also, if you had actually read through the thread, you would've seen that maribo showed what options there were relating to the feature. making it optional isn't one of them.
  5. snow is awful. it's cold, it makes a mess of your clothes, it's a pain in the ass to shovel, and yet there are in fact some complete lunatics out there who like the shit. why? what's wrong with them? they should explain themselves at once
  6. roadworx

    Post a picture of yourself!

    awawawawa :3
  7. welcome back :D

  8. roadworx

    Lukewarm take: I don't hate E2M9

    idk...you gotta walk a pretty long distance to the next building, maybe it'd be best to drop your weapons. especially after all that running and shooting - you don't wanna tucker yourself out, y'know?
  9. lmao i forgot i even posted in this thread @Novaseer i could take map23 if it's still open, though idk how well i'll be able to make a map within just two and a half months
  10. best name

    1. ballshitsnakes


      cant believe this wasnt taken already

  11. you only joined in 2018? i could've sworn you've been around for longer

    1. TheNoob_Gamer


      I didn't start posting here until early 2019, actually. Doom simply wasn't on my radar until then. 

      This place has a really timeless feel to it, and the design of forums make it easier to get familiar with people. I guess recognition between forum users, even if brisk, can leave a long-lasting impression; seeing familiar names - including yours - popping up on new threads honestly make me quite comfy.


  12. roadworx

    Why doesn't anyone make a doom arg

    god yes, old doesn't equate to being scary. especially in a community so heavily steeped in past memories and technical knowledge; a good chunk of us will very easily be able to tell that it's all very faux and probably be able to pick apart every single facet of your work. you'd need to be really good at what you're doing to pull something like that off.
  13. roadworx

    Doom III (Doom II Mod) Release

    I'M A PRODUCT! I'M A PRODUCT! I'M A PRODUCT!!! (as goofy as this thread is, the screenshots do legitimately look great, so good job on that)
  14. roadworx

    Doom III (Doom II Mod) Release

    finally, a mod that lets me play as a sissy femboy. thank you op, i truly feel represented
  15. roadworx

    I miss the mockaward.

    meh. it was a little sad to see it go when it was initially phased out, but it was for the better. the machaward is better anyways, which is pretty much just the mockaward for things that don't suck. besides, you've been here for less than a month, how can you miss it when it was gotten rid of seven years ago lol
  16. roadworx

    What is Zugnaex?

    jesus christ, learn how to multiquote instead of tripleposting. it makes you look even worse than you already do anyways, if someone sees this thread and is dumb enough to buy it despite all of this, then they kinda have it coming lmao. i'd be shocked if this brought in even a single buyer, the guy is just digging himself a hole deep enough to reach the center of the earth
  17. roadworx

    What I hate about "Ultimate Doom Builder"

    good god, you people are such buzzkills.
  18. roadworx

    Stunde Null (a WW2 mod)

    ah, i see the issue. you're using windows 11.
  19. well damn. i used to think it was a weird but okay name, but now i think it's kinda terrible lmao
  20. ye, ofc. it provides important info about the complevel, number of maps, difficulty implementation, etc. not to mention that it provides a lot of good info as to what you'll be getting into
  21. roadworx

    Is there no formatting on DoomWorld Posts?

    iirc ling disabled formatting (which i do remember being available for everyone back before the software update) because people would sometimes abuse it for shits and giggles. i do think that nowadays that'd be less of an issue, however. while i do miss parts of doomworld's old forum culture, things like that....yeahhh no :p
  22. roadworx

    How would you fix the Blur Sphere?

    that's actually a really great idea; in addition to what you mentioned, doing that could also open a lot of opportunities regarding how it's used, because then the player would have much more of a time limit than they do with how it currently is. it could make certain encounters much more exciting and tense :)
  23. to preface this, i have absolutely nothing against people who use saves, or even people who save every other picosecond. HOWEVER, i'm getting really sick and tired of them coming in and shitting up the forums by asking if doing it is okay or not. i wholeheartedly believe we should preemptively launch all of them into the sun in order to prevent them from doing it in the first place. who's with me??? i'm on the fence as to whether or not we should also be doing it to hmp players, because they similarly won't stop asking if it's okay to play on that difficulty. should they be included? we'd have to buy more cannons, and our money is already running a bit thin as is due to budget cuts...i'm not an accountant, could someone who's good with numbers do the crunching and determine if it's within our range? if not, then maybe we can start a gofundme to help raise money. i'm sure some kindhearted souls out there would be willing to pitch in a few bucks to help us shoot annoying people into space.
  24. don't worry, i've already arranged myself to be shot into the sun once we take care of the save scummers first
  25. you'd need something much more powerful than a simple cannon for that, i'm afraid. a particle accelerator might do the trick