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Everything posted by Kpa6

  1. Kpa6

    Beat No Demos Month

    An old Ultimate Doom e3m1 demo from e3 attempts. e3m1 UV-Speed Reality! in 0:31. e3m1-31reality.zip
  2. Episode 3 UV-Speed in 3:48. Not a record, but I don't know if I can do any better. ep3-0348.zip
  3. They're not bad, they just were designed for the best m1-m7 time, which was the rule at the moment. I would also like to see m8 as a part of the run, but if my choices are to do the new e3m1-e3m8 run or to compete with kimo_xvirus's e3m1-e3m7 run, I'll go with the second, as it offers way more challenge.
  4. The problem is, it affects the route. If you care about m8 time, you should save rockets in e1 / plasma in e2 / get BFG in e3 and lose time on m1-m7. So you can either compete with the existing record or do an m1-m8 run with a new route, you can't do both. Also, eLim, in the txt you have Guiddqd's best times, not actual times.
  5. Nice run! Solid 16 on e2m2 is impressive.
  6. Kpa6

    Weird demos

    Lol, the glide happened again. e3m1-again.zip
  7. As if I did it on purpose. If Looper doesn't want credit, then give it to the whole community.
  8. Kpa6

    Weird demos

    Got it.
  9. Kpa6

    Weird demos

    Is it possible to do the same thing on e2m5?
  10. Kpa6

    Weird demos

    Yes, it is longtics. Thanks:)
  11. Kpa6

    Weird demos

    Can you be more specific with this part? Are all CNDoom demos working like that, or is it just this one? If I ever manage to do a successful E3 run, it won't be cool if it desyncs. Should I make any changes for the setup?
  12. Kpa6

    Weird demos

    Can someone explain me, what happened here? Looks like a void glide, but I don't see the -45 vs 45 degree angle. e3m1-wtf.zip
  13. Last pinky on e3m1 is capable of opening the door and getting out of the way. Don't know if you can get him to do that without wasting any time in the corridor. Sample attached. e3m1mb.zip
  14. I found two blue keys on E3M6. One is right under the sergeant on the lowering platform near the normal exit, other one - on the southeast side of the map.
  15. I'd say that runners should still be consistent with Compet-n records. It will be strange for me to run Episode 3, lose 10 seconds to Kimo_xvirus's run, win 20 seconds on E3M8 because I got BFG along the way, and submit it as a record. However, as now we know m8 time, it's better to include it in a run. The best thing for a record is probably to beat both m1-m7 time and total time.
  16. Some runners exclude eXm8 from the final time. Dime posted his run as 3:34, and I wanted to be consistent with that, as that was the time I was trying to beat. I don't know the story well enough, but as far as I understand, Compet-n excludes eXm8 times, while DSDA includes that.
  17. Found something on e3m5. Should save a second if done properly. Haven't seen it done in the demos. e3m5-ldskip.zip
  18. The WAD is about speedrunning. Try to reach the exit as quickly as possible. The WAD is in progress, current state: 3 maps ready. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n830ptokuzxnh1e/SR60.zip?dl=0 Here are some things I would appreciate help with: Graphic design (textures etc.) - if you want to make the maps look better, go for it! Glides - there are some 32 unit gaps on levels, if you did a glide on one of them, please tell me. I'm assuming that glides are always possible for 32 unit gaps, but I want to make sure. List of speedrunning tricks: I know of http://www.doom2.net/compet-n/index.cgi?action=nostalg page, but it doesn't seem to be complete. Screenshots: Any opinions, ideas, suggestions, etc., both on technical and gameplay sides, are very welcome. Enjoy!
  19. Hi:) You mean entering the teleport, but not actually being teleported? Yeah, it can be a problem:( At least original Doom has the same issue, I'm not sure what to do about it. I guess it's possible to remove teleporters and just have a continuous map. But I like teleporters:( Also they make it easier to measure performance on a particular segment. If you move from one room to another, you keep your angle, movement, speed, etc. When you teleport, you are spawned at a fixed angle with no speed. I'm not sure, there are plenty of maps in original Doom with many teleporters... I'll try to decrease their number:) I'll only use it if it means some radical change, like change from straferun section to glide section, or something like this.
  20. Changed it a little bit. Moved down the sector where the player gets teleported, so that it doesn't feel like your head is touching the ceiling, and changed GATE4 to GATE3, as it matches the color of the lava. Download link is the same.
  21. Too boring, got it:) Will try to throw more details in next maps. The problem with pits exists, but I don't see a simple way to solve it - for the pits that you're supposed to SR over I can't put the teleport, because then you'll teleport if you try to run over it (like for the pits on the first map). And if I put teleports only where I can, it will also be stupid that some pits have TPs, and some don't. Cyber, if you want to edit these maps or want to add yours to the WAD, by all means, do it:) Just keep in mind that it should be more skill-based than luck-based. I want a higher-skilled runner to show consistently better results on these maps than a lower-skilled one. For example, there shouldn't be a situation when a weaker runner gets a better time because he killed 2 pinkies with 4 shotgun shots. As long as the criterion is met, creative ideas are highly welcome. I was getting basic concepts from Defrag, and I expect this WAD to be somewhat similar - obviously with Doom gameplay and with Doom style, but with the same idea around finding a perfect route and executing it nearly perfectly. Also, of course, filled with tricks - glides, archvile jumps, death exit, etc. As long as design doesn't interfere or distract the player from gameplay, I want it to be as entertaining as possible.
  22. Kpa6

    Rocket jumps

    Got it, thanks:) I was thinking of using a lost soul as help for better jump or wallrun. After seeing the stx-Vile's e2m7 trick I believe that nearly anything is possible:) Edit: another thought. If a lost soul somehow gets close enough to the sector 124, it may be possible to rj from it.
  23. Kpa6

    Rocket jumps

    Thanks 4shockblast, but I think I mean a place different from where you did your jump from. I was thinking of rj from one of the walls in the sector 158, it seems to be more likely. P.S. How do I add an image to the post? It would make it much easier.