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About Xeo

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  1. Xeo

    Hexen / Heretic Cooperative Gaming

    Awesome. Thanks. I'll give GZDoom a try. I've heard Chocolate Doom is the most accurate and faithful to the original, but I have to admit the original graphics at this point are hard to deal with without at least upping the resolution.
  2. I was telling my kids about some of the old games I used to play. When we got on to the topic of Heretic and Hexen they started getting excited and wanted to replay it with me. I've spent the last couple nights getting a few source ports up and running, but none of them seem to offer a way to save multiplayer games. I remember the original Doom engine could save games (probably because it was a peer-to-peer network architecture). Other than writing scripts to imitate save games, are there any other options? Do any of the ports allow for saving of some kind? Ideally, I would like a port with which you can save your cooperative games while also offering at least minimal modern graphics options. Both Doomsday and Zandronum look great with their graphics options, but neither support multiplayer saving. Thanks in advance.
  3. Xeo

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    I'm looking for a .wad file for Doom 2 that I believe was called ballpark.wad. It was a baseball field with dugouts and when someone was gibbed the sound effect was the Ace Ventura, "All righty then!". It is NOT this ballpark.wad: http://www.reocities.com/Area51/nova/2704/doomint2.html I believe it was created by Duke of the Massachusetts DWANGO server.