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  1. Years ago I worked at a gas station. My boss and I loved to fuck with the customers. So one day I asked her if I could blow on my whistle as hard as I could whenever I sold one of our cookies. She said sure, not knowing that my whistle was a traffic directors whistle. It was loud as fuck.

    So I get this customer to agree to buy a cookie. When she looks into her purse for her money, I blow the whistle right in her direction. She was so scared she lost her balance and almost fell over. She grabbed her head and looks at me all shocked. I remained stonefaced. Then she says while still holding her head, "DID YOU NOT HEAR THAT?!" To which I responded, "Hear what, ma'am?". "That loud chirp!". I then leaned in, "Ma'am, are you okay?" I whispered. She looked around, and to the dismay of her and myself, nobody else cared enough to react. So she was now convinced that she heard a loud ass sound that nobody else heard. She then said frantically, "Uh yes...I-I'm fine. Have a good day." She left the store looking around like a crazy person probably thinking she had lost her mind.

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    2. Clonehunter


      Just a Prank, bro

    3. Tracer


      Chezza said:

      Honestly Trace, that prank sounds obnoxious and terribly unprofessional. Also as Jaxxoon R pointed out - it could cause hearing damage.

      I support the notion of having fun at work though.

      For what it's worth, I felt bad and put the whistle away after that. I didn't expect it to be that bad.

    4. Ribbiks


      joe-ilya said:

      I was sitting on a bench outdoors of school with three other pupils.
      One of them decided to go do some bar rises (not sure how it's called), he left his bag and a can of soda pop.
      The two remaining pupils decided to hide the can, but I wanted to trick them, so I told them I will hide it. When they weren't looking, I quickly replaced it with a same soda pop can I found under the bench and threw the actual one back on the ground, then I sneaked the empty one into one of the pupil's hoodie head cover that was hanging behind his neck.
      When the third pupil got back to us, he started searching us and found the can in one of the pupil's hoodie head cover, the "guilty" started blaming me but to no avail and I just got out of there, picked the can I threw and walked off.

      I think this just doubled the amount of times I've read the word "pupil" in my lifetime.

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