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Status Replies posted by Coolkids

  1. I have been for a long time looking for online friends that are die hard Doom fans. I know I am 19, but Doom has been my everything since I build a DOS PC when I was 12. I am looking for friends to play Multiplayer with, Make and share WADs with, and to maybe someday start a Doom related WAD project with.

    If you wanna be my friend, I wont mind to publicly give a link to my Facebook account (Through PM).

    1. Coolkids


      I dear god hope there are not any COD camper kids in the DOOM servers :/

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  2. I have been for a long time looking for online friends that are die hard Doom fans. I know I am 19, but Doom has been my everything since I build a DOS PC when I was 12. I am looking for friends to play Multiplayer with, Make and share WADs with, and to maybe someday start a Doom related WAD project with.

    If you wanna be my friend, I wont mind to publicly give a link to my Facebook account (Through PM).

    1. Coolkids


      Sure thing, DoomKid, Thanks!
      Would you like to try out my WAD? I made it to learn the map editor, It might be a little hard, but I tried to do a couple of concepts that nobody really done yet, like a ventilation shaft. I also added custom music (From moi!) *whisper "Im not that good at music"* http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?file=levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/amnesia2.zip

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)
