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Status Updates posted by Coolkids

  1. I have been for a long time looking for online friends that are die hard Doom fans. I know I am 19, but Doom has been my everything since I build a DOS PC when I was 12. I am looking for friends to play Multiplayer with, Make and share WADs with, and to maybe someday start a Doom related WAD project with.

    If you wanna be my friend, I wont mind to publicly give a link to my Facebook account (Through PM).

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. GreyGhost


      TheCupboard said:

      I always wished I could remove "The" from the beginning of my name.

      Ask an admin. If you're not in their bad books, they might remove it for you.

    3. SavageCorona


      geo said:

      And well coolkids as a name. I get a lot of random friend requests on my Steam and if I don't like the person's name I just block them.

      What about one from the coolest kid in town SavageCorona?

    4. Megalyth


      If you make maps I'll test them and provide feedback and/or collaborate.
