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Everything posted by Noiser

  1. Noiser

    What the hell is "artificial difficulty"?

    Balancing and playtesting are required when changing stats in a game, that's far from effortless imo. On the topic, I honestly can't think of any moment where this term would make any sense. I mostly see them used when someone don't like an x type of challenge but want to dismiss it in a way that sound technical or objective.
  2. Noiser

    The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

    Imposing and otherwordly. Looks like an interdimensional goddess or maybe an AI like SHODAN. 10/10 totally screwed
  3. Noiser

    The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

    I think mapsets should be made with any rulesets we want to.
  4. Noiser

    The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

    3/10 I would like to pet this creature
  5. Noiser

    Can you change damage values in whackEd?

    @Gez explained much better than me lol... but yeah, action pointers triggers an specific event tied to a frame of the entity (weapon, monster, etc). There is an action pointer specificaly made for the punch, so by stacking them together you can double their damage value. Since the punch is very weak (without the berserk), you can have a good control of how much you want to add to it - just put zero duration on each extra "punch" you add, so they can activate all at once. D4V do that for the second fist attack, you can look there if you want a practical example of it!
  6. Noiser

    Can you change damage values in whackEd?

    You can do it. Just stack one action pointer over the other as many times you need.
  7. I swear to god, on my next gameplay mod I will double the hp of the lost soul just out of pure stubbornness lol
  8. No source port info :-( I would like to try it out on Crispy Doom
  9. Noiser

    QYARIA [a wip GZDoom game]

    This is amazing!!! *___*
  10. I'm heaven everything is fine s2

    1. EraserheadBaby


      Always nice to meet another Lynch fan. 

    2. Noiser


      It's my favorite movie of all time

    3. EraserheadBaby


      I love how Lynch never lost his edge.  His film career started and ended with his most bizarre works: Eraserhead and Inland Empire.  I don't know if you saw the third season of Twin Peaks, but it's wonderfully uncanny as well, the 8th episode especially. 

  11. Funnily enough, I don't mind the difficulty (I like hard games). The problem is what you need to do in order to play - there's a lot of memorization and too many buttons and actions. When I'm on a shumup for example I know I will go through a very punishing experience, but it's never difficult to control your ship. In fighting games, is quite the opposite. Even when I'm winning the round, It feels clunky. Idk, as I said, maybe I should go deeper to appreciate it more.
  12. I don't get it as well. They go against everything I like in arcade games, which is simplicity (easy to understand, hard to master). It's almost "anti-arcade" in a sense where you have all these buttons and complicated combinations you need to memorize. Besides, they feel very repetitive and claustrophobic - as you are always confined on a single square. You are always there, stuck in a cage. But hey, I'm not saying they are bad or wrong, because they are not. Fighting games are very interesting and I can see a lot of quality and thought in them. But that's how I feel when I play, it's a similar distate I have with sport games. Maybe I need to go deeper so it can "click" on me - and I'm always open to that.
  13. Noiser

    Doom 1 or 2?

    It doesn't change the barons, but you may like this as well:
  14. Awesome! I'm liking all these remasters so far, however the levels in Dark Forces looks too plain in high resolution imo (due to the simple geometry of these maps). I would likely prefer to run it on 320x200 or 640x400, so I will leave this here as a suggestion 8D
  15. Noiser

    Could the Sega CD have run Doom ?

    While I agree on level design, you are forgetting game mechanics: Weapons, enemies, itens - it's all there on the mega drive game and in that sense is undoubtedly Duke 3D. I don't think that's enough to be considered a port (it doesn't even try to be one tbh), but calling it a sprite mod is a bit unjustified imo
  16. Noiser

    unpopular retro opinions

    Not only Europe, in Brazil there was no crash as well. In fact everyone continued to enjoy the Atari 2600 through the 80's. Another thing that bogs me a bit is how people believe in that myth that Atari (or even worse, just ET) was solely responsible for the crash. They really think it was due to "shitty games" (whatever that means) and lack of quality control, something that Nintendo never really cared about either. AFAIK, the crash happened mostly due to an offer\demand discrempancy with publishers and resellers - it was a new media at the time so there was a lot of trial and error involved.
  17. Noiser

    Episode 2 WIP in classic Doom style!

    This is a very charming 90's style map! Nice job on conveying that feeling, I would love to see more of this s2
  18. First and foremost, I think what really made Doom survive all those years was the solid and simple gameplay. Doom is a really well designed game, especially considering the updated stuff from the sequel. Through Quake to Doom 3, we saw shooters changing or adapting their engines and for that reason it was easy to see Doom as obsolete (because that's how we see products/technology), however, games are also a form of art - and when things are great, they keep that way forever. The second reason, of course - is the source code and how modders can adapt the game experience through their POVs. Doom is so simple and straightforward that people can interpret and recreate it on their own terms - a survival horror experience? Sure. Action run and gun? Yep. Secrets, puzzles? It's here. Realism or abstraction? Yes. It's all under the "Doom" umbrella and that made it a lot versatile for players, modders and designers alike.
  19. Noiser

    Decomissioned Foundry [complevel 2]

    Eu sou brasileiro! heh :-)
  20. Noiser

    Quake II Remastered

    A Quake 3 campaign would be insanely cool! They could even use the more "otherwordly" characters as regular enemies, like Anarki, Gorre, Orbb and Uriel. Quake 3 have a lot of potential as a full game imo, especially taking into account that it's the closest id title to Doom Eternal and 2016.