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About ukiro

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    That's Bjorling with two funky dots over the o

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  1. ukiro

    Post your Doom textures!

    6.5 bricks tall? You didn’t test these at all, did you?
  2. Please don't rip Eviternity 2 textures. Those pipes are not in the released OTEX v1.1.
  3. BOOM ice physics, sector special 256, isn't behaving correctly. Land monsters remain excruciatingly slow instead of (eventually) having normal speed but preserved momentum (i.e. sliding). This can be seen in Eviternity map11 and Eviternity II map22 for example. Engine version: 4.3 Game version: 1.0.2584
  4. Using this, Eviternity II map36 actually has 122837 sidedefs yet works within the format. After compression, this level uses every single sidedef (and linedef) allowed by the format. But Sunder map15 incredibly squeezes even more sidedefs (though slightly fewer linedefs) out of its map15, which has 125346 sidedefs before compression. To my knowledge that's the largest there is in terms of sidedefs. One reason Sunder map15 compresses better is that it's built quite strictly on the grid, with many lines being the same multiple-of-64 length and thus needing fewer texture offsets, in turn meaning more lines are the exact same. However it doesn't make maximal use of sector merging, which would result in even more sidedefs sharing the same properties (including sector reference) which enables further sidedef compression.
  5. Just wanted to say I’m delighted to see the Richard Wiles and Jan van der Veken appreciation in here. Their style isn’t flashy but they get Doom so goddamn right in my opinion.
  6. Thanks for reporting, those errors in 36 were fixed a while back (and a couple more related issues). I really hope we caught them all now.
  7. ukiro

    Post your Doom textures!

    Doom was 320x200 for a 4:3 ratio display. 320/4 = 80 200/3 = 66.67 66.67/80 = 0.83
  8. ukiro

    Post your Doom textures!

    Regarding non-square pixels etc: If you want a something on a wall to look like a circle in-game, you need to squish it to 83% of its height in your editor of choice. Since 128x128 isn't drawn as a perfect square in doom, the oval in your texture is now stretched to a perfect circle. OTEX does this consistently: In Photoshop/Slade/whatever, a squished circle: In game, a perfect circle:
  9. The Kex port still has a bunch of bugs in its Boom and MBF21 implementations that breaks stuff not just in Eviternity II but in the original Eviternity too. Support for Eviternity looks to be within reach but the sequel might not work as intended for quite some time since it needs dsdehacked and rendering optimizations to support the weather effects for example. None of this is on us really, so we can't speak to the timelines here. Where necessary we might alter the Kex builds but as of right now we're waiting for that team to make updates.
  10. Map36 monster closets will be fixed for the next release.
  11. No. PRBoom-Plus is not MBF21 compatible.
  12. ukiro

    Post your Doom textures!

    Here's a periodic reminder, directed at the thread broadly and not at any one individual, that testing the textures in actual mapping before posting here would benefit aspiring texture artists and mappers alike.
  13. Had a quick look and can't reproduce it. Did you do anything else before re-entering?
  14. Darkening E3 confirmed
  15. Kinda sorta maybe? The texture is based on a photo of the Haserot Angel in Ohio, which just happened to also be an angel with a Sword, so we ended up using it a lot.