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Everything posted by MrFlibble

  1. MrFlibble

    [RC4.1] Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition

    Oh, I must have misunderstood your intent then! I have run CHEX.WAD as a PWAD and watched the demo without the altered monster behaviours. It still seems to not completely match the original intent, as the player appears to be almost certainly shooting at monsters that are not there in several instances, including the secret area with the rapid zorcher hidden behind the blue key, and in the landing bay that leads to the red key room. The demo might have been recorded with an earlier version of the map that had different monster placement, rather than in the version that did not have altered monster behaviours as you have speculated. It seems to make very little sense for Flemoids to drop ammo or weapons after being sent back to their dimension, or to have ranged hitscan attacks, whereas they are very obviously hurting the Chex Warrior by sliming him, which is not really well represented by the zombies' original hitscan attack. Furthermore, I've just recompiled MBF 2.04 (original, not my CHEX3 version) with the option to use the MBF-specific killem cheat during demos, then loaded the original 1996 CHEX.WAD and watched the demo without any monsters (but without loading chex3.deh either). It does not end in the red key room, like it does when you run the demo with monsters and default monster behaviour, instead the player, apparently, was supposed to dispatch the flemoid guarding the key, but not pick it up, and would instead go back and then downstairs, where the demo ends (see screenshot below) -- presumably after being attacked by a monster that must have either wandered in there or was placed in the version of the map that the demo was recorded with (assuming that I'm correct about the different map version). Ahh, apologies for my ignorance then, and thank you for the information (and for your reverse-engineering work!). Cheers!
  2. MrFlibble

    Any Warcraft II fans here?

    I was wondering, does anyone have fond memories of playing Warcraft II back in the day, or does anyone still play? It was one of my favourite games in the mid-90s, although I never played competitively (no Internet back then), but it blew my mind by being awesome in almost every way imaginable. Great visuals like my favourite animated series! You have complete control over what and where to build, where to send your forces and so on! Compelling storyline with different missions! Cute critters! etc., etc. I made a few scenarios in the editor, admittedly very amateurish (I was 11 at the time), but still very cool. It was only when StarCraft came out it pushed Warcraft II aside by superseding it in all quarters, with more compelling story and interesting characters, more sides to play, a hugely advanced map/campaign editor and so on. However, I still love the somewhat more simple and straightforward approach in Warcraft II. While the game has greatly influenced the RTS genre, and there have been numerous attempts to copy the formula, I feel that almost none have quite captured the feel of the game. There's an indie game called Wyrmsun that does a spot-on impression of the visual style, while mixing fantasy with bits of Age of Empires-esque pseudohistory. However, this project has seen sporadic development over the past few years, with some issues not being ironed out, while the more recent versions have taken design choices that I feel are rather questionable, like trying to limit base-building by introducing "building sites" for certain building types that are randomly placed on the map, instead of allowing players to construct buildings wherever they like. It would be nice to see a true spiritual successor to Warcraft II (not in the least because Warcraft III took too much of a departure from the previous game in terms of both visuals and mechanics), but so far nothing seems to quite fulfil this task.
  3. MrFlibble

    Need help in expanding attic

    I'm not sure why you'd even bring this up here. Clearly those are modding resources, not free/libre game art. That's a completely different playground, and as far as I know, usage of copyrighted assets in a mod is covered by the fair use exception, at least in certain jurisdictions. Conversely, "Flynn Taggart"'s post with modified Freedoom SKAG sprites was made in the Spriting Carnival thread, right along posts with art by @raymoohawk and other users with stuff that has since found its way into the project repo. For example, a few pages further you can see keycards by Blox (who is for some reason credited as "Bloax" in the attic), which have been used at least in v0.10 -- yet there's no "I contribute this to Freedoom" message either. Personally, I don't feel there's a stronger implicit meaning of "please accept my contribution" present in the phrase "does freedoom have decent cards?" than there is in "An edit for FreeDoom's SKAG-1337 to make it more symmetrical and to fix/smooth out the errors and inconsistencies." Oh, and nevermind, I was going to check if the timing of "Flynn Taggart"'s post somehow coincided with the decision to use @Amuscaria's weapons from Demon Eclipse, but instead found proof that "Flynn Taggart" is indeed @robotdog1, as I previously suggested: That should basically solve the issue, right? I did not remember exactly this post (but I do remember @wesleyjohnson's negative reaction to the art direction the project took with @raymoohawk's contributions stated elsewhere), but I feel there's all the more reason to archive these unused assets, so perhaps one day an alternate fork could be created with the phased-out art back in use, as originally intended. On another note, do you have these texture edits by @Fredrik accounted for? https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/1355045 What about @Blastfrog's chainsaw? I know it's too similar to vanilla one, but it could be useful as a modding resource: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/1326468 For the record, I don't remember downloading the WAD file, which is no longer available.
  4. MrFlibble

    Any Warcraft II fans here?

    Warcraft II was one of my first PC games as well. I remember first seeing it at my classmate's birthday party, it must have been early autumn '96 (I was ten at the time). We played the music through an ultra-cool sound system his dad had in the living room, and then I poked around with the game along with my classmate's younger brother while everyone else went for a munch. I fell in love with both the music and the game itself, you know, it looked magical on the big CRT screen. However, the PC at my home was not up-to-date for playing such a game, being an upgraded 386DX with four (IIRC) megs of RAM and no CD-ROM drive. I guess I would have appreciated the Warcraft 1 demo but I think none of my friends had Warcraft 1, actually. So I only had to content myself with listening to my friends retellings of what the game looked and played like, and looking at the rare screenshots in video game mags. Later on, I played a bit at another classmate's house, this was probably 1997 or 1998. I mostly watched as he worked through the Alterac mission where you need to free the peasants at the beginning, and then had a spin with an earlier mission all by myself. That was cool. Around that time we got a Toshiba laptop that had a CD-ROM drive and I borrowed the game to play, although not to completion. The sound was not working for some reason, maybe I got scared of the warning in the sound setup programme ("Your sound card works perfectly!") that the computer might freeze during auto-detection, and skipped the sound setup altogether. Although later on I played StarCraft (again, borrowed from a friend) on the same laptop, and the sound did not work either for some reason, although I'm pretty sure it did play Windows system sounds just fine. In December 1999 I got my hands on Horde, and also got a copy of StarCraft of my own, getting instantly carried away with the seemingly boundless capabilities of Blizzard's new hit. (I set off to write my own campaign almost right away.) However, I kept fond memories of Warcraft II and eventually revisited it with the Battle.net Edition in the mid-late 2000s. I gave that copy away to a University friend sometime later as it was gathering dust on a shelf, but later I happily purchased the GOG version. Anyways, back in the mid-late 90s I was obsessed with the game while still not being able to properly play it at home, and my attention was also caught by Rage of Mages, an RPG/RTS hybrid that I read about in a magazine, very obviously inspired by Warcraft II and Diablo (BTW, I was never particularly impressed by Diablo). The screenshots looked cool, and the preview promised amazing things too. I got ahold of a copy already as a student, in the mid-2000s. It's a decent game that plays fine and has some interesting concepts, although I've never been a particular fan of RPG grinding mechanics (in fact, I never played a single RPG during my formative video game years in the 90s), so I was less excited to play than I had imagined. There's no base-building, but you can hire mercenary troops and play missions as tactical RTS scenarios with heroes that level up. From today's standpoint, it's a quality game that has a good deal of nostalgic value to me, both from the design choices and production values. In the mid-2000s, when I got consistent Internet access for the first time, I started to collect info on various games from the 90s that I have missed back then, which is to say very many. I also downloaded the Warcraft 1 demo (I remember having to wait through a queue at FilePlanet for being an unregistered user) and played it for the first time -- I had only heard of the game before. When Warcraft III came out, I already had a powerful enough PC to play it, and bought the game soon after. Oh yes, Warcraft III. I had mixed feelings about this one. I remember snapping at all the bits of info I could get before the game's release, and honestly I was not super happy with the full 3D transition, as I had an aversion of early 3D graphics back then. But... it was still Warcraft, and nothing better was forthcoming, so after some thinking this over I decided to try the game (downloading the demo was out of the question with the dial-up Internet back then). Played the campaigns from start to finish, and then the expansion, which was thankfully better in many ways than the base game, at least for my liking. Never mastered the multiplayer/skirmish part, and never really liked the hero mechanics, the high hitpoint count for units, and the tedious battles with limited forces (which I guess was the price you had to pay for true 3D on PCs back then). It never felt like the proper sequel to Warcraft II to me, with the new races feeling a bit forced, and the scope of the game narrowing to what seemed like an RPG with an extended party rather that a strategy game where you command armies. The story did not feel particularly imaginative to me either, it mostly lost its Tolkien-esque epicness that the second game seems to have. I was also much disappointed that Blizzard cancelled Warcraft Adventures. Although I never really liked point-and-click adventure games, I'd probably play it from start to finish, had it come out in 1997 or 1998. The animated style was excellent, a perfect match for Warcraft II's in-game visuals -- I wish they had drawn Warcraft II in-game cutscenes in the same style, rather than use pure pre-rendered CGI that hasn't aged very well. I was really waiting for Warcraft Adventures to come out, especially since the StarCraft CD contained a teaser. It would have expanded the game world for me in ways that I had imagined by playing Warcraft II, reinforced by similar-style animated series like Conan the Adventurer that I'd watched on TV only a few years prior. Oh well.
  5. MrFlibble

    Need help in expanding attic

    Trying to apply some common sense here, it is my understanding that a) people who post images in the Spriting Carnival topic and in the Show Your Sprites thread here, usually do not do so with the intention that no one ever uses the art that they post, although not everyone accompanies posts with an explicit permission; and b) modders that explicitly prohibit reuse of their assets usually do so because they want their mod creations to have unique art. Flynn Taggart accompanied the SKAG edits with the following text: The intention to use the art in some private project is not evident here, although admittedly it does not say "I want to contribute this to Freed∞m" either. I'm not even mentioning the fact that you need to take quite a close look and compare both versions to actually notice the edits that Flynn Taggart made to @Fredrik's sprites. I understand that you want to err on the side of caution, but personally I don't believe it would constitute any violation of Flynn Taggart's rights if these edits were included in the attic or in an actual build of either Freed∞m or Lotan's Tomb (or whichever other fork). BTW, if you have a ZDoom forums account, perhaps you could try reaching out to that user and ask directly? Because I'm not sure if this is the same user as one of the several Flynn Taggarts registered here. I'm fairly certain that @fraggle was referring to rather different kinds of "legal discussions". Since the current question is whether or not we should count an edited Freed∞m sprite as 3BSD-licensed, I think this is quite an important matter to have a clear, unambiguous answer to, rather than just sweep it under the rug. Back on the topic of completing the attic, have you looked here? https://jmtd.net/tmp/freedoom_old_ftp/ There are mostly maps, sounds and music, but also some sprites. However, unlike what I thought, this is not the place where the most recent update of @wesleyjohnson's Large Technospider is located -- that would be in @Catoptromancy's archive (wesley/spid_v80.wad), which I believe was never contributed to the main repo, although it is an improvement over the current version. One thing though, I believe that the horizontal offsets in the WAD are wrong because they are the same as the older version, even though the new sprites are about twice as wide.
  6. Congratulations on the milestone 1.0 release!
  7. MrFlibble

    [RC4.1] Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition

    Yes, very definitely, please feel free to use these versions! Thanks for the information! I had to convert MIDIs to MUS because the way @ludicrous_peridot's support for GENMIDI+OPL2 works, the music needs to be in the MUS format. I simply used the midi2mus utility without passing any parameters. I has worked fine for me before with other projects. If you want, I can also put the MBF extended menu lumps into the PAT wad (or upload them right here) so you could incorporate them into the main IWAD. They should work with all BOOM/MBF-derived ports like PrBoom and Woof! BTW, here's the fixed coredata.wad without the DECHAKED patch, for anyone interested: coredata.zip That does not seem like a good idea to me at all. From my experience, it is always safer to record a new demo, rather than try to adapt an old one to an updated map/release. Well, there's no problem to make the MBF version recognize chex3d2.wad as a valid IWAD -- I commented out all Doom II/Final Doom IWAD names from d_main.c, because the port's logic prioritises Doom II over the original, and if a user accidentally put a Doom II IWAD into the IWAD folder, this would break the game. I was thinking, maybe @NY00123 and the gamesrc-ver-recreation team could do their magic to the original CHEX.EXE and restore the code? That would help immensely to recreate the true vanilla binary, as opposed to a hacked Doom one. (My understanding is that CHEX.EXE was build from modified source, not hacked into like HACX.EXE for example.) I never watched the original demo to the end before, so I tried to recreate it as well. Here are my two takes: chex3demos.zip It is indeed not easy to create an exact reenactment, even though I tried to mimic the player's movements as close as I could, because the flemoids in the blue room seem to move in different directions. However, I believe I was able to make it look more natural in both cases. UPD: I had a simple idea: if you want a demo to desync, what could be better than one that desyncs for real? So I used the original CHEX.EXE to load chex3v.wad as a PWAD and recorded the first level (there are two takes): desync.zip As I expected, both desync when played back in either vanilla Chex Quest 3 or in the MBF version, with very similar results to the original desyncing demo.
  8. MrFlibble

    My Archvile

    Of course it's allowed. Freedoom wouldn't be that much free if it didn't allow to use its resources, would it? Just make sure you follow the license.
  9. MrFlibble

    Any Warcraft II fans here?

    Let's talk clones! Back in the early 2000s I sank a good number of hours into a Russian game called Horde (not to be confused with The Horde by Toys for Bob), which more or less successfully combined Warcraft/Warcraft II style visuals and playing mechanics with sandbox and persistent world features. The game world is a 3x3 grid of large maps, with the player free to move units and their leader (=protagonist) between them - provided there's an open passage leading from one map to another (some might be initially blocked). In each map, players will encounter one or two tribes of local settlers, Turkic-looking nomads and hermit wizards. There's some rudimentary diplomacy, but the usual formula of crushing all opponents still works. There's your usual chop wood, mine gold (and iron, in this case) routine, but later on you will get most of your resources by taxing the population (done automatically, no complex economy here). The possibility of fielding large armies makes this game comparable to Rise of Nations and similar titles. The game attempts to increase realism in a number of ways: foot troops can now move through woods, which gives cover from watch towers and cavalry; but beware of wolves and bears that can take a few inexperienced warriors for a snack. Incendiary weapons can set fire to buildings and forests, which will spread in the direction of the wind. Wind also affects archery, so expect many arrows to miss their mark. Every unit gains experience, with veteran troops being able to rapidly regenerate health and shrug off fire-based attacks, but also have morale and may decide to flee from danger while in combat. The resulting battles are often chaotic and hard to control, but some form of strategy comes from planning an attack in advance. For example, you may feign loyalty and try to sneak a large army right into a rival settlement; or "accidentally" set fire to their palisade walls, which the AI never rebuilds, opening a broad passage into the enemy base. The game gives the player a great degree of freedom. There are no missions, and the overarching objective of slaying a dragon in the final, tenth map, is only vaguely hinted at, while the player is expected to figure out how to do it on their own. Careful exploration of the maps and dialogue with the characters will reveal various hints as to what to do. The game saw an international release (ported to Windows at a higher resolution). You can grab a demo (with a unique scenario) here. Horde also inspired an unofficial fan remake called Tales of Eightrivers.
  10. MrFlibble

    Share Your Sprites!

    Fly my pretties
  11. MrFlibble

    [RC4.1] Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition

    @Melodic Spaceship, thank you for the feedback! I'll take a look into the palette translation issues you've mentioned. I just looked into this, I did not realise that miniwad1 contains some extensive DeHackEd tweaks, likely not intended to be used with mods. It did not occur to me to check the DeHackEd lump contents, because in the original (Doom II-only) miniwad by @fraggle, the DeHackEd lump only contains some harmless text replacement without any game behaviour tweaks (IIRC). Speaking of palette swaps, I noticed that chex3v.wad includes MBF translation tables (CR*), most of which do nothing to change the colour of the green HUD font that is used in the extended menus. Moreover, they seem to exclude the original red colour range (palette indices 176 to 191), breaking the colours on the minimized HUD. I have included my versions of these translation tables that cover both the red (176-191) and green (112-127) ranges, both hardcoded in the EXE and supplied in CHEX_PAT.WAD, to override the ones in chex3v.wad. From what I understand, it should be no problem to keep both ranges, because these tables only affect the menu and HUD text and nothing else (e. g., they're unrelated to player colours in multiplayer games). I forgot to mention in my previous post, I noticed that DEMO1 seems to desync a bit towards the end. I checked this both in your vanilla build and in the MBF version, the plays the same (so no problem on MBF's part). The demo ends with the player trying to get the red key, but somehow starts shooting into the wall while being flanked by a Flemoid. The demo then stays for a few seconds after the Flemoid finishes the player off, which is a sign of a desynched demo usually. The other demos seem to play fine, without any desynching. I've just tried loading chex3d2.wad in MBF, but it exits to DOS with a "Segmentation Violation" message as soon as I start a new game (or try to level-warp from the command line). I'm not sure what causes this, but I see that there are empty NODES lumps in every map -- possibly related?
  12. MrFlibble

    [RC4.1] Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition

    @Melodic Spaceship, I took the liberty of making a dedicated DOS port for your version, based on Gerwin Broers' MBF Maintenance release 2.04 (and the similar projects I did for HacX 1.2 and REKKR). It loads chex3v.wad as a PWAD and uses a miniwad-based IWAD that the game detects as Doom Registered, thus offering only three selectable episodes. Download: chexmbf.zip - DOS binaries, needs chex3v.wad to play; includes modified IPXBOOM and SERBOOM for multiplayer chxmbf_s.zip - source code, you will need @ludicrous_peridot's modified Allegro library to compile It fully implements all text, exit messages and cheat codes. BTW, I noticed that in your vanilla-based DOS version, the invulnerability powerup cheat is truncated to andrewb, while in the original DOS Chex Quest, you need to enter andrewbenson to activate it. The MBF version replicates the intended behaviour, with all cheats implemented at their full length. Special thanks go to @Eevee for the Doom Text Generator, which spared me an hour or two by allowing to quickly generate additional menu text lumps for the extended MBF menus. I briefly tested the game and everything seems to work. I played through the entire Episode 2 on HMP, it worked smoothly in DOSBox at 33445 cycles. I remember the Chex Museum level gave me lags in certain areas when I played the original ZDoom version a good while ago (probably over ten years back), but in the Vanilla Edition it worked very well, without any framerate drops at all. Excellent job!
  13. MrFlibble

    Need help in expanding attic

    Wait, then how far does this "do whatever you want" extend? Doesn't inclusion of the license mean that the derivative work is licensed thereunder? The exact wording of the Modified BSD license goes as follows: As far as I can tell, (2) refers to redistribution without modification, while (3) provides for the creation of derived works, without specifying what licenses apply to those. This is, probably, again the problem of BSD-3-Clause having been originally worded for code, not art. From what I understand, when applied to code this means that BSD-3-Clause licensed code may be incorporated into software covered by other licenses (i. e., proprietary programmes), whereas the part(s) of the code originally licensed under BSD-3-Clause remain(s) as such. However, when we extrapolate this logic to art, then it seems to suggest that (a) the parts of each sprite that have not been modified by Flynn Taggart are still copyrighted to Freedoom contributors, as per the license; and (b) there are parts (pixels) in each of the SKAG 1337 frames that were modified by Flynn Taggart, the status of which is not clear. Are they copyrighted to Flynn Taggart? If no explicit permission was given by the author of the derived work, does it, then, become the sole property of that author? I've tried to Google an answer, and here is a discussion (albeit about 3BSD applied to code, not art) where people seem to agree that the license's requirement to include the license text and copyright notice in redistributions implicitly suggests that the license still applies to derived works. Which seems to not be much of a problem, considering how permissive 3BSD is. If the assertions in the discussion above are correct (and I understood them correctly), then it seems that, since Flynn Taggart has not specified any additional restrictions to the use of the modified SKAG 1337 sprites, it may be assumed that these sprites are licensed under 3BSD and may be used, with Flynn Taggart properly credited for the work. At least, this seems like a reasonable interpretation of the situation here -- please feel free to point out if I'm wrong on anything in the above.
  14. MrFlibble

    Any Warcraft II fans here?

    I was very annoyed when, I think it was around the time the SC remaster came out, there was some interview with Blizzard people and they told that they found the source code for Warcraft 1 and even ported it to current systems, but ultimately canned the project because they thought "no one would find it interesting". They could have released the source code to the public, but no -- I kind of understand the reluctance to release code to newer games, under the pretext that they are played competitively and some sort of playing standard should be in order -- but there's no sense in hoarding the code for a game this old. At least they put both Warcraft titles back on sale. Interestingly, I remember finding out some time ago that certain game networking services, including The Entertainment Network (TEN) and MPlayer.com (IIRC) actually offered a free, mutliplayer-only version of Warcraft 1 to their subscribers, which would only work with the respective services' client software.
  15. MrFlibble

    Need help in expanding attic

    Doesn't the fact that this is an edit of existing Freedoom art mean that it also gets automatically BSD-3-Clause licensed and thus can be added to the project, no matter the author's original intentions? Does the license work that way or not? Back to the main topic, here's some srt by @YukiHerz, posted here in the forums but never committed to the repo: Potential SS replacement by @darknation: Various signs by @d1337r: Grass/dirt flat by @Dragonfly (not sure if ever committed): Some stuff by @Fredrik you might want to add (if missing): https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.doomworld.com/fredrik/* https://www.fredrikj.net/art.html @Hitboi's big torches -- I'm not sure but I had the impression they were in the IWADs at come point: The images had to be recovered via the Wayback Machine. Also, @luckypunk's edits of the old Pain Lord/Pain Knight (or whatever that monster was used to be called): The file doesn't seem to have been preserved, but I have a copy: bosx.zip On a side note, I looked up @GeorgePieVG's pull requests, and it seems that I'm missing a lot of action by not using Discord. There's a lot of interesting texture updates/replacements there, almost as if @Korp has replaced a good deal of the core texture set. I wonder if those would be added to the main repo?
  16. MrFlibble

    Any Warcraft II fans here?

    Oh yes, the music was my number one favourite for the whole 90s. I had the CD soundtrack from Tides of Darkness copied to a tape that I listened to over and over again. That, and the soundtrack from Total Annihilation.
  17. MrFlibble

    Need help in expanding attic

    Correction: the models are not by @raymoohawk, but by @Teh_Bucket, based on @raymoohawk's sketches. Here are two more, for the Octaminator: https://opengameart.org/content/octaminator https://opengameart.org/content/octaminator-engine-ready IIRC, all of those were created not to make sprites directly from them, but rather as a reference to better draw various animations. @GeorgePieVG, I think the attic is missing some submissions by @robotdog1. The images may only be recovered via the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20150918104121/https://www.doomworld.com/vb/freedoom/72667-some-submissions/ Also there are edits of the old SKAG-1337 by a certain Flynn Taggart over at ZDoom forums (again, only the Wayback Machine has preserved the images -- thanks, image hosting services! nice job!), but my notes say that this user is the same as @robotdog1 (?) -- not sure though: https://web.archive.org/web/20150918095018/http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15080&start=16065#p791239 I'm not sure if you want to put this into the attic, but here's the concept sketch of the current titlepic, by @HorrorMovieRei: https://imgur.com/IkO9qpQ Recently I re-posted some of the old concept art for the game in this topic -- again, if you think it is appropriate to attic them: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2821272 Additionally, you might want to look into one of the earliest releases of Freedoom (there are two versions preserved): https://web.archive.org/web/20020616073347/http://freedoom.despayre.org:81/deutex/wads/freedoom.wad https://web.archive.org/web/20020222071239/http://freedoom.despayre.org:81/deutex/wads/freedoom.wad It has a different barrel explosion animation which I don't believe is present in the attic. There's no way to tell who was the author (most assets had not been placed into sub-folders by author at that point), but I suppose it could have been @Fredrik? Also, "mazmon" and @Maz Hades are the same person. UPD: I'm not sure if you have these versions of health/armour bonuses by @raymoohawk: https://web.archive.org/web/20160120151734/https://www.doomworld.com/vb/freedoom/85244-new-vitality-boost-and-armour-charge/
  18. MrFlibble

    Any Warcraft II fans here?

    Back in 2019 I embarked on a quest to plumb the depths of the Wayback Machine, looking for Warcraft 1 (Orcs & Humans) custom maps. After a lot of digging and missing/broken page snapshots, I was finally able to find a good chunk of that thanks to a couple of intact archived fan sites/pages. However, as a by-product I also found several dozens of Warcraft II fansites with maps, and downloaded some 50 megabytes worth of those. I've attached a txt file with the Wayback Machine links here. Out of these findings, my personal favourite is a page of maps by someone calling themselves Picasso, with a lovely map called Head On: BTW, did you know that Blizzard added the map editor to WC2 after seeing all the custom missions created for the first game with the unofficial editor? They even included a save game converter (WC1 custom scenarios were in the form of savegames) with the Mac release of the game, so that Mac users could play custom scenarios created for the PC. True, but there's still some charm to it. Speaking of bad pathfinding though, rather recently I bought the full version of Tzar from GOG. I had played the demo for a little while and liked how it combined ideas from Warcraft II and Age of Empires, and the nice visuals, so I thought I'd give it a try. No sooner than I got to the second campaign mission I learned how awful (if not to say atrocious) the pathfinding was. Worse, much worse than in Warcraft II or StarCraft or whatever, especially when it comes to unit groups. I lost the second mission because of that -- all my forces got hopelessly lost on their way to the final battle (you were supposed to "ambush" an enemy patrol or something) and picked off one by one by the enemy. I later read at GOG's forums that people recommend to play on easy mode to spare the nerves because of the pathfinding troubles. In fact, I did exactly that and played a little bit, but the game turned out to be less enjoyable than I expected.
  19. MrFlibble

    Need help in expanding attic

    Actually I also thought that the short lamp was by him, but these contributions were made at the time when I did not actively follow the project, so I might be wrong. It gets complicated sometimes because files were not always submitted to the repo by the same person who made them. So I've actually no idea if GrammatonLegio is the author, or if this is not @Wereknight's alias over at GitHub, at that. I missed this one earlier today, here's @Blastfrog's version of the old barrel's explosion, made in vanilla style: https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/205/commits/70f4d5257db1f69b1b8cf269d8116601964ecb55 I believe it never made it into any milestone release. Also it looks like there were several revisions of @Blastfrog's digitized weapons, I wonder if you'd want to commit them separately to the attic (considering those are WIP versions of the same sprites)?
  20. MrFlibble

    Need help in expanding attic

    A good while ago I committed a few assets retired from the then-current IWADs to the attic. I also attempted to collect unused submissions posted here in the forums: Sometime later, a similar effort was proposed by @Blastfrog: There are also assets that have been contributed to the project, but never made it into a milestone release because they got replaced by something else in the meantime. These assets may only be tracked down and recovered by either browsing the history of the respective files in the GitHub repo, or by finding them among closed/rejected pull requests, such as these: https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/195/commits/e85c215b2834a3171ef4ee0c17948d26f925adf0 https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/192/commits/2f8177f3cbc446270a5f9cd8e4c7ec8dbf76276a https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/192/commits/0c1022f8d1e43808f39d1e893f17ee1668d2531e https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/193/commits/5e917c9c43196923dbc3628c1eee8b83e2b771e7 https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/192/commits/5d785a9016744f5aa966698f8d3c53cb0b6a5ea5 https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/191/commits/802463fef423d5c0d4a0f57edc42e039488fb285 https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/230/commits/6bb1ffd0d7dc725b7215d93455b69d6e0ab1bd6a https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/223/commits/6824b6f1b88e7c9a0f7a0e4771d087ff2fda1403 https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/223/commits/a8607a653b26c06cd47203c65d1ac6118a8c14a0 https://imgur.com/dFCGz04 https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/228/commits/9413a3f0079f54ebe86f295ee71ddc63e4235530 https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/228/commits/03c1986246cfe33852900ace57720cf6142a27f2 https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/228/commits/2fa963c97e49985ca9ed49bf4090a70940ff3516 https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/commit/f8cd97072ea30aa1e03b71768d9004184a6e9ce2 Truecolor sources of @Talon1024's Final Doom texture replacements: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=31139&p=989287#p989287 https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=31139&p=993589#p993589 https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=31139&p=993589#p985597 https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=31139&p=982583#p982583 I also don't think the attic has @Jewellds' techlamps: https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/144 Or the techlamp by @GrammatonLegio: https://github.com/freedoom/freedoom/pull/216 Here's a lever-action shotgun by @CaptainW, never used in any IWAD (AFAIK): @Blastfrog made a WAD with this, available from this post.
  21. MrFlibble

    Post a picture...that you took

    Somehow this reminded me of Bavaria, I wonder where this was actually taken.
  22. MrFlibble

    Blasphemer discussion

    @Jimmy², thank you very much!
  23. MrFlibble

    Blasphemer discussion

    I have just discovered the doom text generator, and through it, a font called Gargoyle Wing, available here, with a small version present. I think it looks quite fitting for the project, in part because it appears somewhat similar to the old font. @Catoptromancy, @GeorgePieVG, @Craneo, @AntonR, what do you think? Should we try asking @Jimmy² if it could be licensed for the project?
  24. MrFlibble

    doom text generator — last updated 2024-08-27

    Dearest @Eevee, thank you very much for this incredibly useful tool! Please accept my utmost gratitude! I look forward to saving a few hours of work with this one.
  25. MrFlibble

    BOOM 2.02

    It's a fork with added Sigil support. For the clean maintenance release of MBF 2.04, go here: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=40857 I've never had Windows 7 so I don't know if it still can run DOS applications natively. XP certainly does. @vanilla_d00m, if you want to check out BOOM 2.02, DOSBox or 86box + DOS/FreeDOS is the way to go on newer systems. I'd still recommend MBF 2.04 though, it has all that BOOM has, plus more freatures and bugfixes.