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Everything posted by riki2321

  1. riki2321

    Explosion effect?

    So yes, i got map spots, and everything i need for this. Yeah, how to spawn explosions then make a sector tagged with 9 become white entirely slowly?
  2. riki2321

    have fun?

    cmon bro..
  3. Just your opinions guys. For me the best one is One_Doom_s_Day.wad :) recommend me wads!
  4. riki2321

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    How did you add transparent water? I wanna have trans water too on my wad.
  5. riki2321

    If you could add any fitting weapon to Doom what would it be?

    Yeah, like that but shoots 4 rocket per a milisecond.
  6. riki2321

    Funny marine skins you've found?

    Oh god, that one had me dying. Cool.
  7. riki2321

    Funny marine skins you've found?

    In zandronum, Play offline skirmish, put chubbs in bots.
  8. riki2321

    Funny marine skins you've found?

    The second one the right guy when he's shooting he looks like he's showing off his - nevermind. It's like custom skins. Fat ones. Skinny ones. Stupid ones. Cringy ones. Cool ones.
  9. riki2321

    Doom with MIDI sound effects

  10. riki2321

    What Year is Doom/Doom 2 Set In?

    20xx i guess
  11. riki2321

    If you could add any fitting weapon to Doom what would it be?

    MiniLauncher, It's something that i made a long time ago on a old game i don't remember what was it's game, It was like a minigun but shooted rockets!
  12. riki2321

    How has Doom affected your psyche?

    haha, in school i got 3 friends that love playing doom, we played chocolate doom in our tablets and had loads a fun.. it also affected me thinking that if i see a black guy or anything hes a IMP..
  13. 2008, I watched the earthbound doom videos.
  14. riki2321

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Okay, that looks fucking cool.
  15. riki2321


    I use that one in spaceships sometimes.
  16. Okay guys, I'm enjoying generated maps from oblige, They are cool, but your suggestions are cooler :)
  17. riki2321

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    It was an robloxian joke enemy, thinking of removing it because it looks autistic as fuck. I'm basing my level on transfer heights water and water level switches. lol. @Zok, That's fucking awesome +1 @AfterGlow, Coolio, How do you make those slopes? Mind teaching me?
  18. Vinesauce's channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCllm3HivMERwu2x2Sjz5EIg Name was changed to towel, uploaded 3 videos. R.I.P Joel. anyone willing to do legal action?
  19. riki2321

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Entrance Megasphere segment Water switch (FLOODS THE LEVEL) Teleporter room entrance Should i resize them? The images are 400x300
  20. riki2321

    Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

    Me taking a swim in map02 :D What would happen if hell had a flood?
  21. riki2321

    Anyone heard that vinesauce got hacked?

    https://twitter.com/vinnyvinesauce/status/662128351214223360 https://www.reddit.com/r/Vinesauce/comments/3rlbrp/the_vinesauce_youtube_account_was_hacked/
  22. Double thread sorry. script 9 (void) { if(boss < 0) { terminate; } health = GetActorProperty (0, APROP_HEALTH); boss = GetActorProperty(23,APROP_HEALTH); HudMessage(s:"Player : ",d:health,s:"HP Boss : ", d:boss, s:""; HUDMSG_PLAIN, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.8, 0.999); Delay(35); // Wait for next frame restart; } i did int already all of that, don't say i didn't int it before, its just that i dont want to show the full script lol int boss; yeah and when it tries to run that part, the game thinks the boss has 0 health and the script doesn't run, how to fix that?
  23. SPID A 1 A_CustomMissile ("NormalBullet",48,0) Does normalbullet need to be a decorate? Help me please..
  24. riki2321

    Need help on custom missiles [SOLVED]

    Nevermind. I fixed this, but how to make him shoot? SPID A 1 A_TroopAttack Edit 2 : Nevermind, solved