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Everything posted by spamclark15

  1. spamclark15

    Alpha Shotgun Mod?

    I can bundle the 2 PK4s together.
  2. spamclark15

    Alpha Shotgun Mod?

    I'm not sure who else to include. I pushed really hard for the mod because it was something I had hoped for ages ago and it actually finally happened. I knew that unless the version 6 mesh got converted somehow that there was no way to do it. I attempted what GodofGaming did probably a decade ago and was not successful. Yes, the helmet addition is another alpha-related mod I think would be neat, as originally he wore a helmet and not only does it look cool but those trips outside onto the Martian surface actually seem believable. The design decision to remove his helmet so he can make some facial expressions doesn't seem worth it, especially since the helmet is rather iconic for the doomguy.
  3. spamclark15

    Alpha Shotgun Mod?

    Alright, will make the changes to the readme and screenshots. Could you do the head replacement for the cinematic player mesh? I'm not sure about where it's defined in the .def files. I understand not replacing the head that's being used for the normal player mesh if it's defined separately. I'm just not sure where this is. Since you guys nailed the shotgun replacement I thought maybe trying to do this from the alpha as well. Everyone is welcome to include this mod within other mods. If you'd like to do new textures for the mesh, you certainly can. The textures used are id's originals and there are no higher detail versions as far as I know so someone with some artistic talent could certainly swoop in and change things up. There is no perceptible difference in quality between the .dds files and the .tga files as far as I can tell (the compressed textures get saved off at DXT5) so lack of support for .dds is not an issue. I would imagine with today's computers no one is using compressed textures in the game anyway (ultra quality setting uses all uncompressed textures and D3BFG uses compressed textures but at a higher quality than the .dds files included with the original game release, which were generally saved at DXT1 unless the texture needed transparency.)
  4. Does anyone know where I can get ahold of a 32-bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 or 2013? I'm currently using 2010 on a 32-bit Windows XP install and all I can find is 2015 which is quite different and is not what I want because it has no compatibility with XP and eliminates the express versions. Not the redistributable mind you, but the actual IDE.
  5. spamclark15

    Alpha Shotgun Mod?

    Excellent work. Here's the readme I've been working on from a template. You can add things: ===================================== DOOM 3 Alpha Shotgun Mod Version: Update 3 Release date: 2016/03/16 Author(s): [Addon Team Name. For full details refer to Credits below] Multiplayer compatible: Yes ===================================== A mod to bring back the original shotgun design from DOOM 3 development into the final game. ===================================== DESCRIPTION ===================================== This small mod is designed to change the design of the shotgun back to the original design shown in the DOOM 3 E3 build and game footage from 2002 and 2003 for those who prefer the original design. ===================================== REQUIREMENTS ===================================== DOOM 3 installation with version 1.3.1 patch applied. ===================================== INSTALLATION ===================================== Simply place the included z_alpha_shotgun.pk4 into the "base" directory of your DOOM 3 installation as well as into the "d3xp" directory if Resurrection of Evil is installed. ===================================== TECHNICAL DETAILS ===================================== [Class names, script syntax, etc] ===================================== KNOWN ISSUES ===================================== This mod may not work as intended with other mods installed that make changes to the shotgun mesh files, animation files, or texture files. ===================================== VERSION HISTORY ===================================== Update 3: Mesh now implemented for Z-Sec Zombie, player model for display in game cutscenes Update 2: Update 1: Original: ===================================== LICENSE ===================================== [Example License text follows: Copyright (c) 2012 by Addon Team Name authors. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.] ===================================== CREDITS ===================================== [Example credit text follows: Addon Team Name authors are Joe Bloggs, Fred Bloggs and Joe Blow. This addon makes use of textures © 2010 John Smith, used under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/.] ===================================== CONTACT DETAILS ===================================== [Example credit text follows: Addon Team Name can be contacted at addon.team@email.net] I didn't actually ditch those changes. That's how I use the game myself along with a lot of other alpha-centric changes, primarily involving the sounds of the game. I can pack up the changes I'm using (my game directory) into a pk4 for you. I keep what is distributed as the mod to just what we've worked on in order to maximize the user's ability to use other mods along with it. Actually, the next thing I would like to do is give the Doomguy back his helmet once he dons his armor in the game. He comes off the ship not wearing it and is wearing it for Mars City Underground I believe. Arl would be the perfect person to help as he is good at working with the game's meshes (if you'd like to help since I'm not sure how to do this stuff on my own.) When the Doomguy is wearing his armor, which would be the wepplayer mesh for cinematics along with the world mesh it's using while you're playing, it would be a matter of adding the helmet and attaching it to the head bone.
  6. spamclark15

    Alpha Shotgun Mod?

    Since we're overwriting the meshes, why not overwrite the textures also. I had a feeling him changing the shader name was going to break something. Edit: Testing what we've done, the shotgun doesn't show up with the player shadow. Even the zombies holding theirs don't show the shadow, so it's anything with the world mesh. If you kill the zombie now, he doesn't drop the shotgun mesh he's holding, so he's both holding onto his and has dropped one for you to pick up... So shadows on anything with the worldmesh are broken and the zombie isn't losing his shotgun. Could it be related to the corrections you made to the world mesh?
  7. spamclark15

    Finding The Latest Visual C++ That Works with 32-bit XP

    Awesome, that did the trick. Thank you.
  8. spamclark15

    Alpha Shotgun Mod?

    Sounds good. It would be a 7zip archive though as I use it in place of WinRAR. I fixed the invisibility effect (mostly) by renaming the shotgun textures to shotgun2 and changed the shaders in the modified md5mesh files to match. GodofGaming did this originally just to avoid having to rename files, but it breaks this shader effect. Basically any TGA or DDS textures go from "shotgun" to "shotgun2" to use the name the game already uses, and then the shader listed in all the md5mesh files changes accordingly. However, the world shotgun mesh isn't handling it's shader properly. I think it may have to do with w_shotgun2.lwo. Can you change the shader for this file to shotgun2?
  9. spamclark15

    Finding The Latest Visual C++ That Works with 32-bit XP

    Upgrade OS, got it. What I was trying to do was build https://github.com/RobertBeckebans/RBDOOM-3-BFG but when I try to do so I get an error: rbd3bfg\neo\libs\ffmpeg-win32\include\libavutil\common.h(34): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'inttypes.h': No such file or directory I thought either I need to try building with a different version of VC++ or I'm missing a dependency that the author has left out.
  10. I wish I could help further, but the task has grown into something that's beyond my knowledge of the game now. I would be learning it as new just as you are.
  11. spamclark15

    Alpha Shotgun Mod?

    Awesome. I was thinking "as soon as I say this he's going to find cutscenes I've forgotten where he doesn't have the shotgun." Yes, the data files from id are a giant mess. That's part of why I haven't been able to do anything about the invisibility effect is not knowing what files this is defined in. If modifying part of a mesh causes this effect to break, then I'm kind of confused as to how it works. Edit: Can I get a copy of where we're at right now?
  12. spamclark15

    Alpha Shotgun Mod?

    Awesome, a fixed viewmesh and the zsec shotgun guy. *bows down* The only gun the doomguy is ever shown with is the shotgun, and I want to say the contents of models/md5/characters/player/mocap/ but I have no way to preview the md5mesh files. Other potential locations are under models/md5/chars/, models/md5/cinematics/ and models/md5/heads/. I'm trying to think if there are any other characters that are ever shown with a shotgun, either the player or NPCs like in the expansion pack as well. I'm pretty sure it's just the z-sec zombie and the player that are shown with it. If there's a way to preview the md5mesh files I can go through all of them to locate the one(s) used in the cinematics. With the viewmesh, the invisibility effect works on the arm (which was unchanged) but not on the shotgun itself (the part of the mesh hand-replaced by GodofGaming via copying from the md5mesh version 6 file), so I'm curious how exactly the effect is applied to viewmeshes when you pick it up (you can get it in d3dm5 at the top of the stairs after shutting down the generator if you need a place to test the effect.)
  13. It's too new a version. The code is from over a decade ago. If you're mixing source files from denton mod and the vanilla game, you will break things in the game. That's why it needs to be a process of figuring out only what code needs changed in the vanilla SDK code to accomplish the different weapon switch functionality rather than swapping files with all kinds of potentially unknown changes. If you get a file comparison tool you can see the differences easier. I use a tool called Files Comparer to do this with the 2 files side by side in the program's 2 panels.
  14. "#ifndef _DENTONMOD_PLAYER_CPP" "#define _DENTONMOD_PLAYER_CPP" Are these 4 files pulled straight from denton mod? There may be tons of other changes in these files, particularly with how important this particular code is to the game and how many other changes that mod makes. Only the required changes in code made to the vanilla game code should be done to ensure it builds and doesn't break anything in the game.
  15. I built the vanilla gamex86.dll using Visual C++ 2010. Please download it and verify it works for you. If it does, then send me the main game source files that you've made changes to and I'll build it. https://www.mediafire.com/?afw227b0jafnl8o
  16. 2002 was the version id used (the first .NET-titled release.) Remember that DOOM 3 came out in 2004 so their visual studio solution stuff was designed for visual studio of that era.
  17. Are you able to build just the unaltered DOOM 3 SDK?
  18. You can't. They're binaries. They need to be built from the SDK source. http://www.moddb.com/mods/dentons-enhanced-doom3-v202/downloads/dentons-enhanced-doom3-v202-source-code
  19. I actually wondered about double binds myself. It sounds like it would have to be done as an alias rather than what id games used to support where you could just separate the parts of a bind with semicolons. Quake II for example if you wanted to, you could do like bind 6 "use Grenade Launcher; use Grenades". The DOOM 3 SDK I shared with you has the source for both the main game's DLL and the expansion DLL (under 'd3xp' folder). The best I can advise is looking through the expansion code in the SDK and locating where this is set up.
  20. The first step is being able to build the code. I haven't tinkered with any of DOOM 3's game code before. Unfortunately the mod scene for DOOM 3 is pretty tiny precisely because the mods can require so much work unless you're just swapping out art/sounds/meshes/changing behavior through DEF files and SCRIPT files. Once you can build it, then it's a matter of finding what needs to be tinkered with. I really don't know of anybody unfortunately.
  21. spamclark15

    What happens between Doom 3 and RE?

    Betruger by this point alerts Earth even if you choose not to, as he states that is goal is to bring the demons to Earth. I think they would have a much bigger, more immediate problem than just what happened on the Mars base. The other characters in the Mars base with you like Swann, Campbell, and Kelly all end up dead except for Betruger whom at the end of the main game is mentioned as not found, whom at that point resides in hell in a demon form (Maledict) whom you face at the end of the expansion.
  22. You need the DOOM 3 SDK. https://www.iddevnet.com/doom3/ There is some information on this site about modifying the SDK code for mods. https://www.iddevnet.com/doom3/code.php For example. Since id's FTP doesn't seem to work anymore, you should be able to download it from here: http://www.ausgamers.com/files/download/16754/doom-3-sdk-v13-win32 I haven't worked with it but a version of Microsoft Visual C++ Express should be able to build it on Windows. There's a Linux version of the SDK as well but it sounds like you're using Windows.
  23. spamclark15

    What happens between Doom 3 and RE?

    The Lost Mission is a side story that starts as soon as doomguy reaches the enpro facility in the main game (it even uses basically the same cinematic) and you play as one of the marines from that incident and then completely breaks away from that storyline with the exception of visiting some of the same locations. The expansion is another potential side story that starts at some unknown point in the original storyline but seemingly after the demonic invasion begins and Betruger has become Maledict, which is shown at the very end of the main story, so somewhere towards the end of the original campaign but potentially after it. As an expansion I don't know that they were all that worried about whether it was going to fit with canon or not.
  24. You might try getting in touch with the developers of these mods. If the Denton mod has it, then if you can get ahold of the developer they could probably explain it.
  25. The alpha shotgun mod is the combined efforts of 2 people (I'm not one of them as I'm basically just sharing it with everyone) and doesn't involve any of the game's code but rather replacement of meshes. I don't know anyone in specific but a person who has done a mod that makes a similar type of change, such as adding a new weapon, or has worked on a total conversion like Hexen Edge of Chaos or The Dark Mod where a great deal of scripting work has been done would be ideal if you could find them. I'm not sure where the player actions are actually defined, not in terms of what they look like but rather how key binds refer to them, but it's likely in a DEF file, a SCRIPT file, or most likely in the game source itself. The way RoE has the shotgun selection key bound to both shotguns is not understood by me but may be part of the source code for the game that is used to build the game's DLL (gamex86.dll). If you want to dig around in the source code, you can find it here: https://github.com/TTimo/doom3.gpl/tree/master/neo The "d3xp" folder will contain game code for the expansion.