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Everything posted by Lutz

  1. Lutz

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Yeah, I am getting handcuffed by the 20KB upload limit -- but I'm certain the artifacts are undoubtedly hiding some gross texture mis-alignment, so it's probably for the best...
  2. Quick question: is this going to be uploaded to /idgames at some point?
  3. Lutz

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Personally, I don't care one way or the other about how slopes are accomplished, but I will say that modern editors make it a heck of a lot easier to create "Boom Slopes." Speaking as an old man, part of the wow-factor of Boom Slopes back in the day was not only the visual appeal, but the understanding of the stupid amount of effort that went in to creating them -- a process that generally involved creating sectors in an editor that did NOT want you so make anything off the 8 pixel grid, plus a whole bunch of typing in numbers by hand (for both floor/ceiling heights and texture offsets).
  4. Lutz

    Doomcute thread

    My first thought was "I think your profile picture is objectively the cutest thing in this thread"
  5. Lutz

    Cursed Doom Images

    I vaguely remember Phocus Island II doing something like this...
  6. Lutz

    Cursed Doom Images

    Is there anything FIREBLU can't do?
  7. Lutz

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    Very WIP:
  8. Lutz

    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    What!? -- No skulls? Weak.
  9. @spineapple tea / @iddq_tea -- I had the same issue with ASHWALL2 while testing my level; I changed all those textures to ASHWALL and went from there. I don't know if that's related to the fact that I was also loading d1tod2gfx.wad (or the order in which I was loading the various extra .WAD files), but this looks like a similar issue
  10. Release candidate #1 for level 17 ("Tenements") is ready, but it's a little too big to attach here -- can I e-mail it to someone? It's definitely more detailed than Doom II, but I don't think I went overboard; also, it may be a bit harder than it should be, and potentially a little bit too dark in spots. On the plus side, I think I did do a pretty good job sticking to the AI description (even if that means the last secret is pretty worthless). Finally, note that d1gfxd2.wad is required.
  11. My chat log for level 17 (Tenements) keeps mentioning "apartments" -- so, is this too much Doomcute?
  12. I have to go with my standard answer: Eternal Doom III, Map 12 ("Darkdome") @Soundblock
  13. Lutz

    Doomcute thread

    I'm getting serious "Deus Ex" vibes from those shots
  14. Lutz

    Stupid Linedef Limits

    I have made some big, complex levels in the past, but for the first time I have managed to exceed the linedef limit (with the damn level only 2/3 complete) -- I suspect a combination of gradient lighting and and natural rock formations, plus some stupidly unnecessary floor details that probably should just be a texture. First of all: DAMMIT. Second: are there .WAD formats that support an increased number of linedefs, or is that an inflexible DOOM limitation? Third: I'm certain other folks have been in this situation -- what did you do? How did you go about re-working your creations, or did you scrap them altogether? Forth: DAMMIT!
  15. I'm about to start (having finally spoken with our AI overlord directly), but have a question for the group. The AI is telling me that the level takes place in and around apartment buildings -- which is fine -- but I am struggling with how much "DoomCute" stuff to put in the level. The IWADs aren't famous for a lot of sector furniture (the throne in "The Spirit World" comes to mind, but that's about it), so do I make a truly abstract 'apartment building' in the style of the IWADs or a more realistic (for Doom) set of rooms with rugs and tables?
  16. I think I know the answers, but just to clarify: 1) Level-of-Detail: we are trying to (roughly) emulate the original IWAD, correct? 2) To the point that it is mentioned, texturing should be governed by the AI overlord -- however, if It is unclear, should we default to the texturing scheme of the original level? 3) Ditto for level-of-difficulty...? Thanks.
  17. Completely unrelated answer: it's my remake of "The Chasm" from Doom II: Hellscape
  18. I've not had any luck making an account; if someone could ask Skynet for some map 17 data, that would be awesome...
  19. This sounds incredibly fun -- I'll take map 17 if it's still available...
  20. Lutz


    I see what you mean; it looks pretty darn good. Also, that level layout certainly seems familiar...
  21. Lutz


    Lowly opinion: the new textures look amazing, but as a level designer, I love having some bright colors to add some (tasteful) "pop" to certain areas; as such, I kind of prefer the older nukage to the new one. Obviously it depends on what aesthetic you're attempting, and I am no expert in canonical Star Wars liquids, but I can definitely imagine that green adding some awesome contrast in the middle of a drab Imperial base.
  22. Lutz

    Doom performance on 93/94 hardware.

    I had a 386 and had some major issues with Doom II, specifically level 15 (Industrial Zone). I can definitely remember having to shrink the screen to the point at which it was tough to make out what was an enemy, and vividly remember pumping 100+ chaingun bullets into what turned out to be a torch.