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  1. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    Replicate the circumstances? Shoot a dude, walk away from him, come close to him. Thats all. You do it all the time in this game. And this shit happens to almost every enemy. You must be blind not to notice it. I've noticed it straight away. And yes, I think that it is an oversight. Maybe I'm wrong. .maybe I'm right. But the funny thing is they created this bug themselves, while they were trying to fix other stuff in the game. And now 2 patches later it's still there. And look. .these devs did an amazing job with this game. But now I feel like they have lowered their guard so to speak. .that's all
  2. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    Look. I'm not losing my sleep over it. I've beaten this game a bunch of times now. Completed it on Ultra-Nightmare and now I'm pretty much done with it. I'm just curious when will these guys fix this thing. If ever. I'm going to test every patch and yes I'm going to post the results here. Let's just see will they ever fix it or not. Place your bets!
  3. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    It is a bug though. It's a graphical glitch/bug. I'm pretty sure if this was happening on every platform (NOT ONLY ON PS4). There would be a lot of folks complaining about it. .no matter how you call it.
  4. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    I can only speak for the PS4 version dude. I think the other versions are fine. That's why these hawk-eyed testers are having a tough time spotting it.
  5. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    Bugs that are triggered only under specific circumstances?? To notice this bug you must: 1. Shoot a dude. 2. Walk away from him. 3. Come close to him. You do it pretty often in this game believe it or not. And to notice this shit all you have to do is play the game. Now. .if there's a ton of people who think that this is nothing serious and gamebreaking. Fine. For me it's a gamebreaker. I don't want to play a game where every 3rd enemy is flickering. Takes you out of the experience pretty fast. And it's a shame because I really like this game. I already wrote a letter to iD and I already explained the problem a long time ago. I don't know what else I can do. I'm bitching?? Wow. .you don't know what bitching is apparently. Am I frustrated that something that obvious hasn't been fixed yet after all these months?? Sure. But you know what. .I'm getting over it. Right now I'm just having a laugh everytime these guys release a patch. I'm just curious. Will they ever fix it? Will a guy at iD pick up a PS4 controller, launch a game and say "WTF?? This isn't right. Hey guys. .something's up with the game." Will it ever happen?? Will the PS4 crowd be saved by some hawk-eyed tester?? NOPE! Not after a 1.12 patch that came out 4 days ago. .
  6. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    Another 3.7GB patch! ! ! The bug is still there. But it got a bit better I think :D Oh well. .let's give these guys some more time. I'm sure they will figure out how to defeat this nasty bug once and for all!
  7. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    Yeah. They are probably working hard on their next dlc so they can make money. Everything else would have to wait. Who cares about guys on their base game on PS4. .Isn't it sad?
  8. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    Well I'm sorry that I don't like buggy games man. And you are another great example of a guy that is happy with everything. You suck. .you big dummy
  9. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    The thing is that It's been like that for quite a while. And the issue is very apparent. And it wasn't fixed in the last patch. That means somebody is sleeping on their job. Spoiled attitude or not. .the game is fucked on PS4. Pretty funny that all these patch notes say "bug fixes". .well they created this bug themselves.
  10. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    Yeah. I bet you woudn't even mind if the next patch would turn Revenants pink or something. You could still play the game right?
  11. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    I just wrote a letter to iD software (idsoftware.com). I described the problem and also provided a video from youtube. Doubt anyone will look into this issue but you never know.
  12. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    Well you are playing it on a PC. And also this doesn't happen to all of the monsters. But it is very frequent.
  13. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    Deleted the game from my PS4 and installed it again without any patches and of course everything is fine. At least with the damage system. .Maybe this new bug only happens on PS4 but still I can't believe that I'm the only one that complains about it :D
  14. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    These poor playtesters. .How could these poor testers not notice something THAT obvious is beyond me. Rude? I knew id wasn't going to read this post. .come on. I simply noticed an annoying bug and posted it here and I was damn sure these guys would notice this crap themselves and fix their fuckup (because you know, it's their job) in the next patch but no. Shows you how much they care. Nobody gives a fuck about anything and I'm supposed to be happy and polite? Stop kissing ass.
  15. Enforcer

    iD please fix this mess

    Another great patch that did nothing. .great job🤦‍♂️ I can't believe iD didn't fix this shit