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Posts posted by TheDarkKnight

  1. Jaxxoon R said:

    I don't see how any of what Moon Marine stated was untrue or incorrect. I've read Masters of Doom and it makes sense they toned down the content of the game for simplistic and technological reasons.

    In fact, before they utilized the engine, John Carmack worked tirelessly to optimize it for use with - at the time - your typical at-home PCs; or, in other words, a regular PC, not one built specifically for gaming.

  2. Clonehunter said:

    I actually felt that the NuDoomguy isn't even related to anyone on a basic level, with words like "activated" being thrown around. Could be an android or a clone, or just some built from the ground up killer.

    I was also curious he used this verb. Why not ordered, summoned, commanded, etc? I feel as if Stratton was hinting at something...

  3. I don't understand why people always feel the need to throw that out there every time someone asks this question.

    Yes, we are all familiar with John Romero and the whole original iD squad's words surrounding the Doom marine: He's supposed to be you (us). But that doesn't take away the fact that his personality wasn't somewhat fleshed out with each installment. We all know he has a rabbit, has a strong moral compass, and absolutely hates demons and all Hellspawn.

    Granted, those ARE all qualities (aside from the bunny, of course) most people possess; but it adds to his character, nometheless. And who wouldn't want to know a little more about our famous hero! At least I would. A little backstory never hurt nobody;-)

    Personally, I'd like to think Doom marine is fighting for more than just all humanity (and Daisy:P). Maybe he has a girl back home; perhaps a family; or maybe he has alterior - sinister - motives. Who knows... But whatever it is, I want the option to learn more about it!

  4. I think part of the reason iD made you invulnerable was so you could witness glory kills in all their... well, glory:P

    But, I suppose keeping you invulnerable with each and every GK takes away from the risk factor. So, maybe what they could've done is perhaps allow invulnerability for each new glory kill introduced; and then each proceeding execution allow for damage response...

  5. Jet1337 said:

    Uncharted is the typical one-trick pony it always has been and will always be. The campaign will be great to play through once and then people will get bored with it and play the PvP. Uncharted doesn't have anything to increase the longevity of its life like Doom has with its mods. If you honestly care more about how many copies of Doom will sell than being excited to play the game, you should re-evaluate your life.

    Why wouldn't we be concerned? If DOOM doesn't sell well, kiss any future games good bye.

  6. tuo said:

    Original Doom blew everything out of the water due to the technology, the gameplay and the overall state of business in gaming, it all was a niche back then. No AAA-titles.

    If we really are afraid of Doom 2016 going up against another - quite successfull - AAA-franchise on PS4, we shouldn't hold our hopes up for it becoming another well-selling franchise for Bethesda.

    I am not worried for Doom going up against Uncharted, or going up against any other game. If it want's to be great, it has to be great, and then it will sell.

    At the same time, give it enough marketing down until launch, and I don't think it will have a problam. When I look at sale numbers of Street Fighter 5 - a game where all most of fans are unsatisfied, but the legacy is stunning and the marketing was big - then I have no doubt Doom will sell. If it will be an absolutely great game, I am quite sure it will hold it's own against Uncharted 4.

    If not...well...then maybe it didn't deserve it? Just a thought... (not that I think that will happen)

    I agree with iD needing to execute a much harder marketing push, especially compared to what they've been doing so far.

    What I don't agree with, however, is the comparison with Street Fighter. The reason is because Capcom has , at the very least, released several dozen iterations of their fighting series; while iD has only released (officially) maybe a handful. Save, of course, for all the original fan-based content released by the mod community. But that did more to keep the original game afloat than it did to promote future games IMO.

    Now, I don't believe Uncharted is going to genuinely affect DOOM sales; but It would be quite silly to assume it won't dig into it them at least a little bit. Fan of both franchises, who are looking to choose one or the other (and not both) will largely be swayed by whichever has the stronger advertising push. And as of right now, I believe Naughty Dog has our beloved iD beat.

    With that being said, I'll be purchasing both games at launch:P

  7. I like the idea of full body armor - slash - enhanced power suit. Explains how DOOM marine is able to rip 'n tear these demons with exceptional ease.

    With that being said, it'd be pretty cool if they added a DLC skin more akin to the original protagonist. For free, obvi.

  8. Chezza said:

    Enough information has been given, we are just the big fans that are hungry for more for even irrational reasons.

    I believe the rehashed articles is just to keep Doom in the public's head. Sort of like a "Don't forget us, if you missed some information here is a new article with more confirmations." They want people to stay excited with little bits of new information here and there which can be dragged out until release without revealing too much. The best features have been revealed but the best of the game has been left hush hush.

    Hmm... I agree with you in some respects. But there are better ways of keeping the general public interested; like posting new information:P

    Yes, all my thoughts on DOOM are irrational at this point. I want to play the game already:(

  9. Jet1337 said:

    I don't understand how it's a spoiler to tell about a returning enemy. If it really bothers you that much you should just stay the fuck off the internet.

    Couldn't agree more. At the very least, IF I wanted to stay spoiler-free, I'd avoid any websites/forums dedicated to the game.

    Let's face it: SPOILERS are gonna happen.

  10. MrDeAD1313 said:

    Who told you there won't be another alpha?
    I believe id software thinks different :D


    @ MrDeAD1313 - I'm hoping for another ALPHA, too, but as Zemini said, it's possible we'll only see the BETA before release. Despite what iD/Bethesda claims, nothing is quite etched in stone; and they may sooner decide to ditch the ALPHA in favor of focusing on the full game release which, admittedly, is not TOO far away. At least not compared to two years ago:P

  11. AirRaid said:

    Wow calm down. This is what happens. You get a media blitz with a whole bunch of articles and then a quiet period.

    Yes they expect that to last you a couple of months. It's news about a damn videogame, not food and water that you need to live.

    Sorry, didn't meant to yell?

    In any case, media blitz or not, I personally don't think they've showcased enough.

    But this raises another concern...

    Perhaps Bethesda chose not to invest too much time, money, effort in to promoting this game because they believe the audience for FPSs (of this caliber) is not as strong as it used to be??? The way I see it, yes, DOOM has a strong fan base; but is it as strong as it once was?

    Games such as Call of Duty, Killzone, and those outside of the FPS genre, such as Gears of War, all relied on similar formulas: A corridor-style shooter with more emphasis on seeking cover than ballz-to-the-wall gunplay. Despite their lack of originality, they sold quite well, and have all spanned successful franchises.

    Shooters like DOOM - in my opinion - were slowly pushed aside...

    And now iD/Bethesda is trying to resurrect that old style of gameplay (by which I mean run 'n gun as opposed to duck 'n cover) that hasn't been utilized in quite some time. Financially, they could be taking a huge risk. And the fact they've had to restart production/development on this game after one failed attempt leaves very little for a full advertising campaign. Again just my opinion...

    Not to mention this is their second reboot attempt...

  12. Hi,

    Like the subject header says, is anyone else tired of waiting for Bethesda to post actual NEW news regarding this beloved franchise?

    I know not everyone wants to be spoiled with pics and videos; but for those of us who do - myself included - I absorb every piece of information I can get my hands on. And considering how much damage control iD has had to do recently, with all the leaks, they could've saved themselves a lot of time by just officially releasing something/anything. Instead, we receive rehashed and recycled articles about items in the game we already know about, and have known about for some time. They do the exact same thing with pics, too :(

    And they expect this info to be able to hold us off for another 2 1/2 months?

  13. I would also like to see the Pain Elemental return; but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. He WAS missing from DOOM 3.

    Also, wasn't the Arachnatron indirectly confirmed through the leaked ALPHA code?
