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About mgorri

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    New Member
  1. mgorri

    Winter's Fury

    Thanks for the response! It's nice hearing from you. About the canon aspect, I totally agree that other content could (and should) be created upon WF plot. But for me, even admiring a lot id work, it would be a much more interesting approach to continue the story with what happened to Baphomet after Doom II in Doom 3 or Doom 64, rather than what was created for those games. Of course they can create and innovate at their will, but somehow for me there is a lack of plot continuity after Doom II. Let's see what comes with Doom 4. Thanks for the tip about the hidden data logs, I didn't know about them. Definitely worth finding them in a new playthrough, will do that. Can you please point out how to find them? On time, I did some research and found an interesting thread in zdoom forum about S.U.P.E.R Natural, and it looks great! Looking forward to playing it, so take your time to produce a great work. BTW, have you considered using other engines for new projects, such as Unreal or Unity? Just curious, maybe they could make some things easier.
  2. mgorri

    Winter's Fury

    Starscream, dude you're awesome! I wanted so bad to play Winter's Fury after seeing a gameplay on twitch.tv. I tried to run it using Brutal Doom v20, but the performance was not good. Playing in Vanilla (without Brutal) or using Brutal v19 though, it runs nicely! All the ambience, sound and music, the story and the cutscenes, the color palette (grey+cyan) in the environment and specially in the monsters (with their attacks too - the result is so beautiful), it's all just superb! Unlike most of the user created content I've seen so far, you really managed to create a unique and immersive doom experience (in my opinion, WF story should be considered canon - exploring what happens with Baphomet after Doom II is amazing). It's also very nice to see your support in the forum, and still replying up to this day. As a long time Doom fan (since the early days) I really want to thank you for the awesome job, and please keep it up, bringing us your new project! BTW, is there any way to follow your stats to get any news on the new project, or at least try to help with it if possible? Can't wait to play it! All the best!