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About Robo_Cola

  • Rank
    CHILL Member

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  1. Robo_Cola

    What was the 1st website you ever visited?

    Hard to say, I believe it was either the Batman TAS website here => https://web.archive.org/web/20100918051130/http://batmantas.com/ Or some Beavis and Butthead fansite that had a bunch of gifs and soundclips from the show... can't remember the name of it. Both these websites blew my mind at the time
  2. Robo_Cola

    Automap - How often do you use it

    Used to be never, but when I'm playing a new map it's constantly these days. I've found it helps dissecting maps much easier so I don't get lost as much when I do use it.
  3. Robo_Cola

    Share Your Sprites!

    That's amazing. As in, it would be a crime if id didn't update LoR with your sprites. The purple lights and beta rocket launcher nozzle in particular are genius, both give their respective guns a stronger sense of identity.
  4. I always pause to stop and look around this room while replaying Episode II. Not sure if it qualifies for a "liminal space", but it's so oddly uncanny yet calming. Perhaps because it was initially inspired by the bridge from Star Trek (just guessing), the nostalgia creeps in too.
  5. Robo_Cola

    Did Sigil 2 make you a better player

    Yeah Sigil 2 was definitely rough on a first playthrough, pistol-starting E6M6 in particular comes to mind because I had to restart that level probably over 50 times. As a side note, If I had to introduce a player to Doom with the goal of "get good fast," I'd go with Scythe definitely. The difficulty curve is well planned in that one
  6. Robo_Cola

    Memento Mori 1 - Title Picture

    I agree, I was trying to approximate what OP wanted as close as I could. This one is the one I had more in mind. Toned down the brightness slightly and moved the title where M_DOOM lays to give it an illumination effect upon pressing a key. MMTITLEPIC 2.zip
  7. Robo_Cola

    Memento Mori 1 - Title Picture

    And this is the source image if you wanted to do your own thing with it
  8. Robo_Cola

    Memento Mori 1 - Title Picture

    Here, I tried my hand at recreating it. MMTITLEPIC.zip
  9. I never truly appreciated @Korp's work on this project until looking at the newly unveiled TROOH frames from the vault. Looking at them side-by-side and in game, I actually can't tell which ones I like more. TROOH6 is nearly spot-on to the official sprite. Splendid job Korp
  10. Robo_Cola

    Games You Have The Most Hours In?

    Been playing Doom/Doom II rather consistently for the last 20+ years in some form or another. Rough estimating 3,000 - 7,000 hours overall and it's by far the game(s) I have played the most. 2nd place is harder for me to gauge, Steam says Doom eternal at 236 hours is my #1. I'd imagine Brood War and Halo 3 rank up highly though I don't play them on Steam
  11. Robo_Cola

    Share Your Sprites!

    Very nice! I was looking to try the same actually, how has the process been for you overall? Also, how did you colorize the image?
  12. Robo_Cola

    Share Your Sprites!

    I've read somewhere Adrian Carmack was going for a The Exorcist-style "possessed" look with the former humans, so the green hair was at least partly inspired by the vomiting scene from said film.
  13. Robo_Cola

    good DOOM 2 WADS you'd replay more than once

    For (mostly) easygoing playthroughs: Memento Mori I/II Icarus: Alien Vanguard No Rest For the Living Perdition's Gate Doom 2 Reloaded Anomaly Report Czechbox D64 4 D2 Demonfear Doom 404 Anomaly Report 100 Lines Community Project (series) TNT Revilution 25 years on Earth Dystopia 3 For more of a challenge, but very replayable: Speed of Doom Community Chest 4 Going Down Hell Revealed Scythe I/II (yes, the last few levels are all the challenge) These are the go-tos off the tip of my head
  14. Robo_Cola

    Nugget Doom 3.2.0 (updated July 29th, '24)

    (Using Windows 10) Ok I just got the ASAN build to crash on Map 01 ...Buuuuut like an idiot, I forgot to use the batch file, so my efforts were wasted as I don't see a log file anywhere on my computer. Regardless, it does seem to still be crashing. Interestingly, I initially started up E1M1 but got an error saying my VirtualMIDISynth#1 default device out wasn't working. Sometimes my Focusrite driver doesn't always pick up on startup without reconnecting the hardware once. So I played through E1M1 no crash, went to the desktop and reconnected my Focusrite so it was now working, and played through Map 01 and got the crash to desktop from the exit switch. I may have also SR50'd towards the exit switch.