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el zee

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Everything posted by el zee

  1. The full version of the Return of the Triad TC, has been released. :D Get it at ROTT Headquarters. Screenies Updated Version [1.6] Changes: Fixed save bug! Minor level tweaks Added dialogue after the boss level. Get it here Make your own maps for the TC, see here for details: elzee.co.nz
  2. el zee

    Doom The Way id Did: v1.1 Released!

    I really enjoyed playing this, it felt like playing original doom in an parallel universe, where stuff is familiar but it's actually not. Also the boss levels were neat with new twists, e3m8 was the best spider boss fight I've had. Good work guys.
  3. el zee


    I don't know why it's not working, try messing with the dosbox config file, or post at the dosbox forums. Also before dosbox was around I used to use a dos bootdisk to run DCK. I don't know if that will work these days with todays large hard disk sizes etc..
  4. el zee


    DCK 3.62 works fine for me in dosbox 0.74, in VESA 800x600. What versions of dck/dosbox are you running?
  5. Turns out it was a custom blood particle, removed it and now it works fine.
  6. Yep, I just finished it you can see it at elzee.co.nz I hope to see some cool maps :D
  7. Finally managed to fix the save bug, plus there are lots of small map bugs fixed. See the first post or http://elzee.co.nz for download.
  8. I just tried zdoom-r3274(3275), it still doesn't work, however Zdoom won't quit, it gives you a console error instead.
  9. Here's an updated version (1.4), it can be run standalone. The save bug is still there, I'm thinking it might be a Zdoom Bug. UPDATED VERSION 1.4
  10. yeah, I have a doombuilder config almost ready, but that godmode bug is turning out to be a pain in the ass. I might have to do it a completely different way...
  11. It's a problem with the god mode, I'm still trying to figure out a way to fix it. as soon as you pickup godmode, or get 100 life points - and try to save that save will be broken.
  12. LOL, i'll try and fix as many of these as I can, quite a few things you mention I have fixed already. Some are zdoom specific things that I can't get around. There's a doombuilder Config and .wad for making your own levels coming soon, I just wanna work out all the bugs first. You're the first person to mention the bosses, did you think they were too easy/hard?
  13. I've done quite a few bugfixes, I'll release an update soon... There's one major bug, and that is savegames, it appears to be to do with the godmode powerup.
  14. Yeah, I had this problem too, some savegames work fine others you get an error - I can't figure it out. :/ Also, it should work with GZdoom, although, I haven't tested it thoroughly.
  15. el zee

    Rise of the Triad Community

    Yeah we have a list of sourceports: (I assume you mean windows) http://rotthq.com/rottpository/source-ports/windows/ WinRott(gl) is the most popular port, although I prefer vanilla ROTT on dosbox.
  16. Here is a demo of the ROTT TC I've been working on. 2 SP/co-op maps and 5 DM maps. There's bound to be a few bugs, so please let me know if you find any. I have included some bat files to make setting up multiplayer a bit easy. UPDATE: There's a new version 1.1 - which has bugfixes and a new frontend launcher, and also I've added a transpostion of the first level of 'the HUNT begins' just -warp to map30 to see it. Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?msomtysenz7iiiw or here: http://elzee.cz.cc/elzee/RottTcDemoV1.1.zip Screenies:
  17. yeah still working on it, just slower than usual. I'll do another update soon.
  18. el zee


    This looks amazing, you've obviously done a lot of work here, I can't wait to play it!
  19. You need a recent g/zdoom SVN you can download it here: http://svn.drdteam.org/
  20. I've done a few updates and bugfixes see the first post for the download link.
  21. Thanks guys, you can all look forward to the full version being awesome. keep the bugs coming if you find any. :D
  22. That is odd, it might be the .exe's they're just batch files though, and AVG seems to think they're fine.
  23. They sure do, a little hint pops up when you walk in the room. Everytime you take one out guys telport in...
  24. Hopefully some people can try out Deathmatch with this mod, 5hfifty and me had heaps of fun playing it, I hope it goes down well. Regarding the Scale, it seemed ok to me? if you switch characters they all have different heights, so if you pick one of the girls maybe the enemies will look bigger, heh.