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el zee

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Everything posted by el zee

  1. el zee

    Star Trek -like home computer

    This is so cool, nice work!
  2. el zee

    The ROTT TC

    I've been working on a Rise of the Triad TC for Zdoom for awhile now (with 5hfifty), it's coming along nicely. Anyway I've made a page about so here it is. You can see a few screenshots and there's a link to my youtube page with vids.
  3. el zee

    The ROTT TC

    I just finished this map the other day: and a new video of a deathmatch level I just completed: Nearly there, the release shouldn't be to far off :P
  4. el zee

    The ROTT TC

    You can extract them with XWE, just select the skies and then choose 'save as' from the entries menu. It saves them as BMPs.
  5. el zee

    The ROTT TC

    Here's another update of some levels I'm currently working on: and a crazy video by 5hfifty:
  6. el zee

    Next Project

    looks awesome, I'll be waiting for this to come out.
  7. el zee

    The ROTT TC

    and a deathmatch video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfWmN0D7zPE
  8. el zee

    The ROTT TC

    Just a small update: 5hifity's Deathmatch map el zee's map - Map07
  9. el zee

    The ROTT TC

    First of all thanks a lot for the comments. I fixed the broken youtube link: see it here Well I started this just to see if it could be done, kinda like the wolfenstein 3d tc, and because I wanted to make some cool maps. I happen to like singleplayer maps?! especially non-linear ones, so I have made them fun to play with traps and the like. Maybe I went a bit overboard on the detail in some parts - maybe. heh There is multiplayer (you can view the vid on my youtube page), it's a blast - the extreme weapons make it so much fun.
  10. el zee

    The ROTT TC

    my bad... should be fixed if you refresh.
  11. el zee

    Worst Games of 2000 until 2010

    How about this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limbo_of_the_Lost I've never played it, but the blatant theft of other people's work makes it look awful.
  12. http://www.wadsinprogress.info/?a=listwads&wad=619 It's a Zdoom mod currently underway.
  13. Click me! It took me quite a while to get that to work, all I did was make a shitload of decorate gibs and fire them all out in random directions (height and angle) at the xdeath state.
  14. el zee

    Feature Request

    Do you think you could get XWE to read the sprites from amulets and armor? They seem to be stored in a file within PICS.RES called OBJS.RES If I export OBJS.RES could you make XWE able to read the sprites?
  15. el zee

    Movie Quotes (Pointless Knowledge)

    #16 is from 'frenzy'
  16. el zee

    New beta - help by testing it

    hey, do you think you could find some way of making the sprites in Amulets & armor visible/editable? It would be greatly appreciated
  17. el zee

    1.15 Out

    This is to do with amulets and armor, In the PICS.RES file the objects(sprites) are stored in a file called OBJ.RES and I can't seem to view/find them, is there anything you can do about that?
  18. el zee

    Amulets & Armor?

    Yeah that demo's quite cool - some wierd stuff in it. the other two are called aademo2a.exe and aademo2c.exe I think, you could try a google search.
  19. el zee

    Amulets & Armor?

    Here's a demo link if anyone else wants to try the game http://www.giffer.com/public/dos/pgam2/Files/AMULETSA.ZIP
  20. el zee

    Amulets & Armor?

    You can actually edit the maps in A&A with a doom editor. I've done it and found there are a couple of enemies that aren't even in the game like a wolf and a huge dragon. You gotta be careful because if you make a mistake with an item number or incorrect texture name the game will stuff up. As for the graphics I've tried heaps to exctract them from the .RES files using al sorts of tools and hex editors but I haven't succeded. Too bad because it's such a cool game. EDIT: I made a basic info page elzee.tk click the amulets and armor link.
  21. el zee

    Doomers by Location

    Yes there is a doomer in NZ Earth [**]New Zealand [***]Wellington
  22. el zee

    Any way across the Dos/Xp Barrirer?

    Sadly DCK doesn't wanna work on dosbox (well the latest one anyway). The only way I've found to be able to use it is to get a DOS boot disk and use that.
  23. el zee

    Custom Title/Avatar Giveaway

    "killer without a cause" http://www.geocities.com/leon_zawada/looking.gif thanks
  24. how about a deviator like on dune 2000 - you shoot a missile at a enemy and he joins your side for about 30 seconds