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el zee

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Everything posted by el zee

  1. Deus ex is probably the most unique and realistic game i've ever played
  2. el zee

    CFT Maze map

    heh hooraj for peeple hoo neva lernd to spel at skool
  3. It has - in underhalls (map 02) there are no bars to the left when you enter the first door. In 1.666 they were there, in 1.9 they weren't for some unknown reason.
  4. el zee

    CFT Maze map

    what the fuck does CFT stand for???
  5. el zee


    leon is impossible without discussing the sexuality of natalie portman
  6. el zee

    Fun with Google

  7. el zee

    Open areas

    Have you noticed how the doom guy looks like he's wearing a space helmet - and how would he survive in doom on phobos and demios they have outside areas.
  8. el zee

    Coolest/Funniest Doom Moments

    impenc.wad that pretty much sums it up.
  9. el zee

    Fictional character most similar to you...

    urkel 'got any cheeeeeese?' heh
  10. el zee

    Another DOOM3 engine title?

    Looks like AVP2
  11. el zee

    Quake the movie: Anyone seen it?

    Its not even a movie its a couple of shots from quake 1, 2, and 3 and it tells how much the game has advanced.
  12. Hey man I use dck quite alot what i do to get it running is use a boot disk and run it from dos there is no way you can get it to run under windows becuse of some file windows uses.
  13. el zee

    Can someone make me a fish avatar?

    here's one - I made it http://www.geocities.com/leon_zawada/satanfish.htm
  14. el zee

    My new / first map

    hey man thats pretty cool!
  15. el zee


    it depends what your editing if its vanilla doom then you will teleport to the last teleport exit placed dunno about zdoom though
  16. el zee

    degreelessness: chapter one

    What no impsex?? lol
  17. el zee

    Ruination - How I feel

    Holy shit ur pic sent this big shiver up my spine thats soo coooooool
  18. cool maybe you could market it and sell for $10 a pack! heh
  19. el zee

    got worms?

    How come this thread hasn't gone to hell?
  20. el zee

    After DooM 3...?

    maybe there will be 2 sites ie "www.doom3world.com" and plain old "www.doomworld.com"
  21. el zee

    Need help with map...

    beezee88 sed beezee88 heheh... All these errors bring back bad memories of when I started out... me too I kept wondering what to do my, uncle fixed it 4 me heh EDIT f*** should have used that quote thingy.
  22. el zee

    How do i make custom Doom games.

    I reckon the easiest editor for a newbie is DCK by ben morris? It was the first 1 I used - was only 9yrs old! i made a room full of zombieguys and like 20 BFGs - hehehe
  23. el zee

    So Easy It's Simple

    i just made a batch file - you download a wad\wads into a certain folder and then run the .bat file i made it ask wad file name>(you add the name here eg cool.wad) and it runs it. pretty simple stuff