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About Job

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  1. Even though my family and I, even my sister, played Atari 2600 back in the day, I recall my most vivid experiences with video games at a different time. When I watched my older brothers playing games like Nam 75, Military Madness, Smash TV, Contra: Alien Wars, Streets of Rage, Castlevania IV, Street Fighter and a lot of other games on their 64" projection screen tv, I'd say those were some of my best memories. Anyway, what's your first/best/most vivid video game experience?

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    2. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      One of my friends from preschool had an atari. Then my cousin got an SNES and I'd go to his house just to play Super Mario World. I sort of skipped the NES except for whenever my mom would go to the mall and have me with here, there would be this place where you could leave kids and they had a whole wall of NESes.

    3. cyber-menace


      My very first moment with a game had to be when I played Mario Bros., Duck Hunt came later... I liked the game and soon became hopelessly addicted to gaming fun.

      My favourite memory is probably when I finally beat a Mega Man NES game without any Game Genie assistance.

      My most vivid memory is, and still can be seen today, the first time I loaded up my copy of Zelda 2 after I had it for awhile... something VERY odd happened. All the sprites were messed up. Just about everything (Even Link) were just blobs of either crooked textures or random coloured characters. It was messed up, but I didn't care, I still played it (I never got through that blasted Great Palace...) I ALWAYS used a Game Genie with that game so saving wasn't an option... GameFAQs didn't exist back then so obviously I never beat it, but if I wanted to, I'd have to do something ... illegal I guess the word would be...

    4. Bucket


      Well, I've been playing games now for about 19 years-- started when I was five. The Atari 2600 was my first memory, playing stuff like Superman and War(I loved playing with bouncing bullets). Then we got a C64 and I basically owned that thing. It got moved into my room, and I'd stay in there pretty much all the time with my IK+, Turbo Outrun, The Abyss, and a bunch of other cracked games that my dad would bring home(he had friends in some ham radio group, so they were all nerds).

      On top of that, I used to do a little programming myself. The programs were written in Basic, and they never did much. I think the most complex game I made(without stealing code from some mag) was a program called "Math Test"-- guess what that did? Anyway, it wasn't the idea so much as the fact that I could do something cool just by typing it in. Looking back, I wish I had stuck with it and learned more programming... maybe gotten into graphics more, or picked up a different language. Then maybe I'd actually be able to form my artistic ideas into something programmable. Or, at least, I could look at a screen full of code and not be completely lost as to what it does.

      But I'd have to say my most vivid memory is about ten years ago, when I used to go over my friend's house and play games. He was the first real friend I had, and the fact that he had basically every system had nothing to do with it(I swear). Sega Genesis and Turbo Grafx-CD are DEFINITELY some good systems that need to be revived. Perhaps the most vivid memory of that time is when we'd take turns making each other pass out(where you lean over and hyperventilate, then stand up and kinda strangle yourself). Yeah, that was probably my precursor to marijuana use.

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