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Everything posted by Forli

  1. I'm not sure, I think this wad uses some features that were added in version 2.6 of prBoom. With an older version some of the maps have incorrect names and music, and the spawns' melee attack won't connect for some reason.
  2. Forli

    Redundancy demos [-complevel 9]

    Map 2 of Sunder and map 24 of Bloodstain.
  3. I'm not entirely sure if I should join but I think I'll join. Sign me up, please.
  4. So here's what I've been up to these past few months. This is my first "real" attempt at making something good, I've been experimenting with different settings and gameplay styles so there is no unifying theme for the wad but I still tried to make it feel like all the maps are part of the same adventure. This wad was made to be boom compatible and was tested with zdoom and prboom+. The Iwad to be used is doom2 and the maps are on slots 01 to 09. The maps are designed for pistol starts (but still work well continuous), difficulty settings are implemented, I tried to put the maps in increasing order of difficulty so don't expect the last one to be as simple as the first =P. Download: I'm still trying to get better at mapping and I'm really bad at judging my own stuff, so any feedback and criticism will be really appreciated. Screenshots:
  5. Forli

    Doom Pictures Thread 2021

    I finally got over my laziness and started mapping again. I've only just started with this map, but I'm a bit out of practice and I'm not sure if this looks good so I'm going to share some screenshots.
  6. Would it not make more sense for the Vore to replace the Arachnotron? Since they are both spiderlike, and the Arachnotron's attacks kinda force the player to take cover as the Vore's does.
  7. I used WhackEd4 to edit dehacked files and that lets you change the sounds of things. Or you can write in the dehacked file directly "Alert sound = x" for example.
  8. Can I request my own map set? Uv and pistol starts I guess. But that's not necessary.
  9. Forli

    Hardest fight

    When a map only has one sector, the monsters won't wake up from seeing the player and won't attack either, that's something I learned from testing custom monsters, but I'm not sure of why it happens. My only guess is that there's probably some function that checks if a monster can see the player by comparing the heights of sectors or something like that, and since it cannot compare two sectors when there's only one it never gets called. That's only a guess, I really have no idea, I couldn't find anything when I googled it.
  10. I didn't expect anyone to record demos for these maps since they are so long, so thank you!
  11. Forli

    Do you guys make checkpoints?

    I see saving as a substitute for difficulty settings since most people make maps for UV first I don't select the other difficulties as I don't want to feel like I'm missing something, so instead, the harder the map is the more often I save. So no, I don't think that saving midlevel should count as cheating any more than playing on HNTR, you are just choosing how hard the game should be. And on really long maps there's not really an option, having to start from the beginning after 30 minutes would just be insufferable.
  12. Forli

    Plutonia 2

    I'm just writing this review to let everyone know that you are supposed to run this choosing the original plutonia as the iwad and not doom2, or else (on zdoom at least) the plutonia textures will be shown as black and the midtextures will not be drawn at all, causing confusion since the blocking lines are still there. I made that mistake the fist time I played this wad.
  13. Here I made a first room, trying to figure out ways to use these textures.
  14. I'm not saying that we actually need a final boss, but if we do, is there any reason why it can't just be Shub-Niggurath? I mean, it's not like what we're doing is a sequel to quake and Shub-Niggurath has already been defeated, and you can't find a more "quake-like" boss than that.
  15. Please let us use the custom monsters, they really help with the quake vibe and they are already in the resource anyway. Also, I like custom monsters...
  16. Well I was thinking that it would be better to place the maps in order of difficulty after they were all made so I didn't say a number. I guess it's a good idea to reserve the map slots so that not everyone tries to make maps that would be better for the start or the end, but you might still want to change some slots around later if the order ends up not making sense.
  17. I went over the thread and found 2 people not listed on the op.
  18. I'm not sure if you missed my previous post so I'll say it again, can I claim one of the runic themed maps? Also, you may have missed some others.
  19. Of course you can use it, I made it using the trash can prop from realm667 so I'm not sure how the credits should go.
  20. A set of 4 boom maps themed after each of the 4 seasons. -Tested with zdoom and prboom+, IWAD is doom2 -The maps are designed for pistol starts (but you can play continuous if you want) -Difficulty settings are implemented -The maps are a bit long and can be a bit tricky at times so make sure to save often -Also, there are a few custom monsters, make of that what you will... Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/d19d890370bztk5/Seasons.zip/file Screenshots: Please let me know what you think (some stuff may be changed for the final version), hope you enjoy it.
  21. This seems interesting and I've not been part of a community project for some time, can I have of the runic maps?
  22. Keep in mind that in most wads (especially modern ones) the majority of encounters are meant to challenge the player in ways not related to how quickly they can react to a trap,it is a common practice to place challenging fights after getting a key or other important item precisely to make sure that the player is ready for an encounter that is likely to kill them. I'll be honest, people complaining that "the ambushes in this map are too predictable" when they were never meant to be surprising or ambushes in the first place has become my number one annoyance when it comes to criticism of doom maps.
  23. Maybe you could look at the eagle and pigeon speedmapping sessions. Also, shameless self promotion:
  24. Forli

    Doom Pictures Thread 2020

    @Alper002 Do you mean that I should do a color remap of the texture? I'm not sure how colormaps work but I don't think they are used for something like this :S.