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About CaptainManiac

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  1. Hi, I haven't posted here anything for a long time and I see there are tons of map projects who are worth playing. Well i don't know what to give you because most of the projects of mine ended up a big waste of time.

  2. CaptainManiac

    Making add-ons for existing mods.

    No, if you make a class that inherits from the player classes it inherits all the stats the ancestor class had. https://zdoom.org/wiki/Using_inheritance this will help you a lot
  3. CaptainManiac

    Prison Break-Out

    nice map indeed but i thought it will be more than one map
  4. CaptainManiac

    Making add-ons for existing mods.

    i think you should make separate actors and inherit from the main ones then it will be good and also make them replace the main actors. for example: Actor YourMSXAddonActorName: MainMSXActorName replaces MainMSXActorName { YourStuff ValueOfYourStuff ... etc }
  5. CaptainManiac

    Doom Slayer Chronicles

    what Time ZOne:CHicago or New York?
  6. CaptainManiac

    Doom Slayer Chronicles

    Hey,today is September the 1st,where is the fucking goddamn download link
  7. CaptainManiac

    Happy birthday Fonze

    Although it is kinda too late for birthday wishes,Happy Birthday,Fonze,be healthy,happy and make mods like hell
  8. CaptainManiac

    RELAX (Chillax 2) Updates thread

    Ahh shite I am so late and irresponsible
  9. CaptainManiac


    Well,sorry for I am replying just now,man,i didn't listen to Disturbed by this time.I also try this map and,it is really hardass
  10. Where is the download link?
  11. CaptainManiac

    This map makes the game crash with mathematical impossibility

    I think it was the curved lines,I trashed that and started a new map but saved a couple of things from this map
  12. CaptainManiac

    This map makes the game crash with mathematical impossibility

    ok,did it work?
  13. CaptainManiac

    Doom: Eternal Announced at E3
