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Everything posted by wrkq

  1. "And tonight it's caco party, like it's 1995..."
  2. wrkq

    GZDoom 4.5.0 Crashes when I start a map.

    Try to start the game with -nomusic parameter. So like gzdoom -nomusic -iwad /some/where/doom2.wad If it works OK, then it's most probably the known problem with fluidsynth. Some linux distributions (for sure just about everything ubuntu derived) are currently bundling a bugged version of fluidsynth that makes gzdoom crash. After you start with nomusic you can change the midi library to something else (timidity, wildmidi, OPL/OPN/ADL...), then restart game normally. (Esc -> Options -> Full/advanced options -> Sound options -> "MIDI Device")
  3. Well, yes, they're zip-compressed while WADs are not. If it's full of stuff like doom-format graphics, the compression is pretty significant. But a pk3 full of already internally compressed files such as ogg, mp3, png or jpg will not zip any much better. Your pk3 is 52 534 KB, the uncompressed oggs are 52 710 KB, the WAD has 204 bytes of overhead in header and index so clocks at 52 711 KB. :) But I've just been sharing a trick, I didn't mean you should repackage it, was a general "you, dear reader who wants to do this", not "you, tam", sorry for the confusion :)
  4. Pro Amateur tip: Repackage the .pk3 as a .wad, simply keeping the D_E1Mx lump names as in the .pk3. Load it into Crispy after the main wad. Enjoy. Much easier than setting up the "music pack" feature, especially as that one has a few quirks that makes it hard or impossible to have different songs on maps which shared songs (via duplicated lumps) in vanilla. Despite Chocolate having the libraries for music decoding, it fails to play D_INTRO then crashes with memory allocation failure loading the demo - so it's probably deliberarely trying to blindly process the wad lump as MUS or such for the perfect vanilla-ness. So you'd need to do configure a musicpack there.
  5. Full disclosure: I'm a boring pleb playing on HMP. However, from that perspective, I would say that ZK quite successfully delivered that "pressure" feeling. The concept is, more or less, "you can reach the exit very quick, but if you want to 100% it, it's not gonna be a breeze". Sure it's not the flavor of pressure you get having to juggle your last two BFG shots and box of rockets against a horde of archviles in a modern slaughter map. But just like that, its a bit more about running and staying alive than steamrolling through all monsters. It actually works very well with my (very 1995) style of non-pro playing, tbh. And it felt kind of rewarding when I found the plasma in the end (with a few extra cells on the way) and could finally dispatch the cacos that I've been mostly trying to avoid and run from until then. But of course, to everyone their own taste. Chaingun is definitely the better choice because you won't have to rebalance the map for shells. And that location... might not be too bad of an option. It takes a little while and some dodging to get there. Dunno if that's a good or bad idea, but it might be interesting to have this room locked with one of the red-sign bulkhead doors until the alarm is turned off - that way the (short and easy) mandatory progression to alarm control center must still be done with pistol only instead of having some players do a mad dash upstairs to catch the CG before doing anything else.
  6. Chrome in its infinite genius decided to block downloads whenever the page with the link is https:// (like Doomworld is) but the link destination is unencrypted http:// . If "open in new tab" works, that's surprising but definitely the easiest fix then. If that'll stop working eventually, something in lines of right click -> copy link -> new tab -> paste should work.
  7. Just put some mancubus turrets in there! That's a dead simple solution!
  8. So to be honest, I still kind of don't like the "stairs next to baron pit don't let you get on top of it, you're supposed to use them to jump forward onto the triangle platform" part. It's just a bit unintuitive and confusing again - might make people think they need to do something else to unlock a lift on top of the stairs. I really think it'd make much more sense to have stairs lead onto top of the baron pit. But if it is a quick way into visplane hell, as you mentioned, well, gotta live without that. :( So personally speaking, I found that first secret area easily/intuitively. I even seen the bait/hint on the road to the super-secret area but failed to get there on first two tries and assumed it should be reached from somewhere else. Also you forgot to mention that before reaching this "first secret" you need to follow a sequence of multiple secrets in other places to progressively unlock the way. <3 this kind of sequencing, no sarc. :) In that first secret area you have that decorative floor hatch thingy which does nothing currently. Maybe have that raise into a red-keyed switch (thanks to walkover line or some nearby other switch), and then have that red switch in turn bring up a bridge towards the secret-secret? Could also set it up so approaching the red key to reveals the baron and plasma (but keep it unreachable) to make this approach a bit harder. Directly or as the new action on the triangle platform. Player flows would be roughly like: a) Find first secret, spot the harder road to second secret, use it, go to second secret, release the baron and raise the stairs, use baron to clear the area and get plasma earlier. When you'll come back to hatch with red key, you'll see the bridge raise and be like "huh... I got there earlier without help? Woah, go me!". (Maybe the red switch could also open some small alcove with a medium grade goodie so they won't feel it was pointless to come back.) b) Find first secret, miss the road to second secret, notice red key switch. Come back with red key, raise the bridge to second secret, raise the stairs from there. You won't even know that'd also release the baron, as the platform is already up. Not frustrating because of other fun stuff the second secret provides. c) Just find red key. Preferably get attacked by baron at this time (something happened!). Also, bait in form of the plasma gun gets in view. Now what happens if the player did not even find the first secret(tm) yet though? That's still the hard question... Maybe the switch could be relocated a little and made more visible from below somehow (blinking light or such)? Maybe after you pick up the red key the little decorative* area with a tree between the switch balcony and the baron pit could alter itself somehow to call attention to itself and point eyes towards the switch? (* or is that a VPO-protective area? Then probably we don't want the player in there... but then again if there's no VPO from the switch area this should also be safe?)
  9. Oh come on, you're making me blush tomato red here... :p Glad you're getting some concrete positives out of my stream-of-unconsciousness meandering commentary. :) According to the curse of any customer-facing projects, "URE2020-v7-2021.15.37-FINAL5-withThursdayFeedback-REALLYFINAL-2"
  10. Well, Shatter is really just an Arkanoid/Breakout game with nice visuals and boss fights. Released on PS3(I think) and later Steam. But the soundtrack is pretty darn nice. I bought it off bandcamp... wow, almost ten years ago now. :p Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2qVxkZOvsX4EVYJo8BHKSbUfuorAmV4f (You may want to skip Amethyst Caverns, it's... kinda an outlier compared to the rest. But you may like it too, who knows.)
  11. You're thinking a little unnecessarily modern here. :) /idgames is a public anonymous FTP after all. You can use WinSCP or any other not-trash FTP client to connect to gamers.org or (preferably) one of the mirrors, select all the folders and add to download queue. Just be nice and set the queue to not run in parallel, one file at a time. For the other sites - to be completely honest, might be best to contact their operators, presumably they do have ties to the greater Doom community, and discuss the options. Maybe they'd offer some sensible access method.
  12. wrkq

    Vanilla Music Limits and Oddities

    Odd, the limit was always said to be 64 KB. Take note of all the format limitations described in here https://doomwiki.org/wiki/MUS. Maybe the conversion process can sometimes result in smaller MUS file from bigger MIDI due to the BPM conversions and discarding of some data. Also take a look at this post and this thread by @Bucket.
  13. Please note that Filezilla went to trash over the years. For some time - not sure if still anymore - it was trying to trick you to agree to install spyware bundled in the installer. Use WinSCP instead. It's also more intuitive in my experience (with the only "catch" being the need to remember to choose the FTP connection type as SFTP is default.)
  14. Hey. So I'm pretty sure it's a bit of a dead horse, but at the same time I didn't quite found a previous topic aside of this decade old rant. I just wonder if there's any consensus / opinions regarding the weirdnesses of this map. A few of them seem like deliberate attempts at obscurity and making the whole thing feel out of this world. A few others do actually feel like rushed mapping mistakes though. Or possibly "emergency fix in last minute, screw the logic"... 1. The "always open" door to yellow key room (sector 65). This is kind of the most bizarre part to me. The yellow key sector has remotely openable door sectors on both sides. Fully equipped with DOORTRAKs on the sides and stuff. One of them - connected to the throne-room - is fireblu on that end (so totally hidden as a door) and SP_HOT1 on yellow key end. This is opened by one of the red-eyed-skull nonswitches by the ceiling. The other however - connected to the guts-textured corridor - is much weirder. It's stuck in the open position (8 below ceiling). It's textured BIGDOOR5 as lower on both sides (while we'll never see the lower tex), and also as upper on the stairs side. But missing upper texture completely when looking at it from the yellow key side so we have a small HOM, and would have much larger one with this door closed. Most importantly, it is linked to be opened by the /other/ red-eyed-skull switch by the throne room ceiling, together with the hellknight and archvile trap! It does feel like the idea was to keep both doors locked and let player choose. You can either open only the fireblu door to grab the key, or open them both (but also release the HK/AV trap) to use a shortcut via the flesh/guts corridor. As is, you can go through the fake wall and the guts corridor to grab the yellow key... but then you still need to go all the way around to cross the linedef on the stairs from spider room to the throne room to unlock the elevator back to the starting area and the red key. (That elevator popping up is by itself is also quite unintuitive tbh, with no hint for its existence previously. But if the player remembers seeing the yellow door behind the start, they'd probably check back there, eventually.) 2. The fake wall (linedef 152). It hides the cave-ish area with spectres, which then leads to the infamous Shoot The Skin Texture room. All of the spectres and pinkies in the area will wake up the moment you make noise in the corridor from starting room or in the big rocky room, but are marked for ambush so the pinkies will rush out towards you only once you get roughly in front of them in this corner of the rocky room. This might be a deliberate hint - if you're looking in the right direction, you'll see 1-2 pinkies emerge from the wall (rest is already in front of it). But there's a good chance you'll end up there when trying to dodge the archvile, and won't be paying attention to where the pinkies came from. It might also be just assumed eventually you'll cross it by accident and then notice at least due to getting attacked by the spectres. On the other hand, the two areas behind fake walls inside the guts-textured corridor are both marked as secret sectors, despite being much more obvious (you will be shot from behind them), while the pinky/spectre sector is not. So maybe this was just a texturing accident? On the third hand... 3. The elevator in the throne room (sector 54). So, it is marked secret. That's a bit weird, to put it gently. And kinda suggests secret flags are just as drunk as other features of this map are. As-is, yes, it's technically not 100% mandatory progression. You can grab the yellow key via the flesh tunnel, walk into the throne room unlocking the elevator to start area, wander around confused about the dead end, and return to the rocky room via the yellow-locked doors in spider room because you had the key already. No need to activate either of the red eyed skull triggers. It would make more sense if the yellow key would be in plain view in the throne room (FIREBLU door not being a door). Then you'd have the option to "discover the secret" of the throne-lowered pillar and open the BIGDOOR5 for a shortcut, or go back the long way via the spider room. 4. The "shoot the skin textures" madness (linedefs 564, 573, 576). Honestly, if we'd assume the rocket launcher and the flesh tunnel are meant to be secrets (but not tagged as such), this would kind of work for those two. But I have absolutely zero justification for hiding the secret room behind the third of these. I've seen the "shoot imp cage to unlock elevator" thing from MAP19 brought as "see, it's something the player should learn by now" in the old thread linked above. Nope. That's just as unintuitive and illogical. I actually still remember noclipping to the door in MAP19 circa 1995 because on every attempt I killed the imps with some projectile weapon which didn't trigger the hitscan trigger. Only after I got on the internet and back into Dooming in mid 00s I even learned there's an elevator there. (/tangent) Teal;Deer Something's just fishy here. It's like there was some major bug somewhere in this map, and they just hacked in some ugly workarounds to make it completable on the night before sending the gold master to the floppy duplicating company.
  15. wrkq

    is it possible to set powerup time?

    Hey guys. I don't do decorate but best I can see it you need 2 items. One item is a PowerupGiver in which you customize the powerup type and duration to taste. Other item is the CustomInventory that you already have and can run a sequence of stuff upon pickup. It will have to do A_GiveInventory("My30SecBerserk") or however you named the custom PowerupGiver instead of PowerStrength which is the "standard" permanent berserk.
  16. wrkq

    Things about Doom you just found out

    See, there's something weird going on in there. The "sergeant room" as you call it can be reached in two ways. One is running via the window in the starting corridor and onto the "balcony" of the room. The other is getting all the way to the blue key, and walking through the window there. You can't get to the blue key early as the window is too far above the floor of the "sergeant room" to climb into it in vanilla. Both of those entrance routes seem to be officially approved, as they both have a trigger line to open the trap wall, revealing the sergeants, and 2 stimpacks. Hilariously the stimpacks have the ambush flag ticked. They're sure gonna jump at you when you least expect. Now, there are four triggers that work on Sector Tag #7, which is shared by the wall between sergeant room and starting corridor, and by the elevator from starting corridor to plasma room. - the button in the plasma room to let you exit - both of the two green torches in the blue key room - the wall between sergeant room and starting corridor from the sergeant room's side. The torches and the "let me out" button all use the "fast lift" action. The wall differs, it uses the "regular slow lift" action. So it feels a bit like the original hard-secret concept was: - you must get to the blue key room, press use on the torch - then run through the window to sergeant room, through the wall that opened, and into plasma lift - while on a short timer, and having to avoid the drop-trap into the dark corridor And at some point - by mistake or to make the secret easier - someone added the use-action on the sergeants' wall. That wall action is already there in the "d2temp" levels that I've learned about recently thanks to my MAP28 thread, so it wasn't a last-minute change, but who knows? Maybe it was one of the id guys editing this in secret to get early plasma in deathmatch?
  17. wrkq

    Things about Doom you just found out

    So a talk with @P41R47 in the Doom Zero topic led us to finding out that MBF decided to do a bit of both for the extra spice. P_TeleportMove now has an extra boolean parameter from A_SpawnFly and other callers to decide whether to always telefrag or not. But P_TeleportMove signals this situation down to PIT_StompThing via a global variable instead of changing the P_BlockThingsIterator calling convention. Code reference here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/109216-doom-zero-launch-and-celebrating-25-years-of-doom-ii/?do=findComment&amp;comment=2238290 End result: the comp_telefrag flag, displayed in menu only as "Any monster can telefrag on MAP30", also secretly means "Boss spawn cube can telefrag only on MAP30". If set to off, boss cube can telefrag on any map. FUN!
  18. Mmmyep, I never know where to look for Boom code online, but crosschecking with Woof it appears to be an MBF thing considering demoversion 203 and all the //killough comments. A_SpawnFly calls P_TeleportMove with a new boolean parameter at the end: // telefrag anything in this spot P_TeleportMove(newmobj, newmobj->x, newmobj->y, true); // killough 8/9/98 P_TeleportMove uses that parameter to set up a staticglobal variable (beautiful decision): // killough 8/9/98 boolean P_TeleportMove(mobj_t *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, boolean boss) { int xl, xh, yl, yh, bx, by; subsector_t *newsubsec; // killough 8/9/98: make telefragging more consistent, preserve compatibility telefrag = thing->player || (comp[comp_telefrag] || demo_version < 203 ? gamemap==30 : boss); PIT_StompThing telefrags if the gvar is set: static boolean telefrag; // killough 8/9/98: whether to telefrag at exit static boolean PIT_StompThing (mobj_t *thing) { (...) // monsters don't stomp things except on boss level if (!telefrag) // killough 8/9/98: make consistent across all levels return false; P_DamageMobj (thing, tmthing, tmthing, 10000); // Stomp! return true; }
  19. Not in vanilla and I think not in Boom either, only in some advanced ports! The whole point of the hack allowing telefragging by monsters in map30 was to "not have to think about" the situation where the cube landing point is occupied. Cube's own code has no feature to directly check and kill player/whatever else is standing inside the target. So I guess if you put spawner in MAPnon30 and stand at destination you may end up with monster stuck inside of you. And possibly clawed to death a moment after. Here's an old post I made on the subject, if you forgive me using a famous quote and want source code references for proof. :)
  20. It's pretty close to vanilla with some limits raised (not removed) and a bunch of features orthogonal to game mechanics (e.g. controller friendly weapon switch menu). The DoomWiki as usual has a a very nice article on the topic: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_Classic_Unity_port
  21. ... wha? But... Oh, you mean back from hell evil to standard cat evil? ^^; Yeeeep, it always happens Relaaaaaax. :) Pretty much xD Ahem. Don't forget the important part. or later. Let your gears cool down and don't over-rev for a while. :) Can confirm! Does... does that Cyberdemon has a protruding square chin added? And yeah, that's just about the right mood for a 1996 titlepic. :p Take it slow, take it easy, have fun with it. :)
  22. wrkq

    Trevor0402's SC-55 soundfont

    One thing I read in the Vogons thread is that apparently the internal SC-55 envelope format also does not require the whole envelope graph to start and end at 0-crossing, it can be at arbitrary signal level.
  23. What in the inferno? It's out? BEFORE THE DEADLINE?! Did you... ... oh, you did strike a deal. That took some patience to stay quiet on the forum and reserve 666th post for this :p Congrats on the release, relax, enjoy your new years champagne and don't let any criticism from players get too you very hard. Maybe there'll be enough of things pointed out to release a v1.1+music sometime around February, maybe not; remember that chasing perfection never ends. :) That said, hope you won't have us wait another 25 years before releasing another map because daymn. :) EDIT: TITLEPIC + HELP1 pic are great and informational - but gotta say, darn nice work with the episode map!
  24. wrkq

    Trevor0402's SC-55 soundfont

    Sorry if I went too verbose, it's kind of a problem of mine. The answer is "well yes but actually no.jpg". The MIDI file chooses an instrument to use. So in the end, the sound occurs because of what MIDI file wants. But the looping method, envelope, etc etc is all an "implementation detail" of what SC-55 does to its samples to create the sound of the requested MIDI instrument. There's some effects/variations the MIDI file can request to be applied, as defined by General MIDI standard. Again, "implementation detail" of what SC-55 does internally to create the sound of those effects. The sound of SC-55 is: - the samples - plus the recipes on how to modify the samples for each instrument (the "block 1" of mattw's posts on Vogons) - plus the actual hardware behavior in following those instrument-synthesis recipes and in applying MIDI effects. Another synth would do it differently. Side note, that's the primary difference between MIDI and a classic tracker format - tracker module music includes the samples, their tuning, envelopes, looping etc along the MIDI-ish note patterns to play. Of course just like SF2 has hard limits on what types of sample twists can be described, each tracker format has its own list of supported features.